JAK Corp. recentiy hired Jeffiry. His immediate mandate was to analyze the company. He has to submit a report on the campany's operational enciency and evimate potentiel investment in working captal. He has the income statement from tost year and the following irformacicen from the company's financial reports as wel as come industry sverages. - Last year, 3a4 Corp. reported a book value of $400 million in current assets, of which 20% is cash, 22% is shart-term invettments, and the rest is accounts receivable and inventory. - The conpany reported s3e0.0 milion of current labilites including accounts porable and accruals. tnterestingly, the company had no notes payabie daims last yeac There were no changes in the accounts poyables during the reporting period. - The conpany, however, hvested heavify in plant and equipment to support is operatiens, it reported a book value of s640 milion in bog-term assets last yast: Sored on the informution given to lettier, he nemies a repert on lanusy 1 with some important caiculations for manggenent to use, both for The compary has 8312.0 ritton in operasing susets and 3340.0 milion in opersting tabikier. 3Ar coep tas s365.6 mition of net epersing capitat dett ans twid ne finmeal atsets. JAK Corp. recentiy hired Jeffiry. His immediate mandate was to analyze the company. He has to submit a report on the campany's operational enciency and evimate potentiel investment in working captal. He has the income statement from tost year and the following irformacicen from the company's financial reports as wel as come industry sverages. - Last year, 3a4 Corp. reported a book value of $400 million in current assets, of which 20% is cash, 22% is shart-term invettments, and the rest is accounts receivable and inventory. - The conpany reported s3e0.0 milion of current labilites including accounts porable and accruals. tnterestingly, the company had no notes payabie daims last yeac There were no changes in the accounts poyables during the reporting period. - The conpany, however, hvested heavify in plant and equipment to support is operatiens, it reported a book value of s640 milion in bog-term assets last yast: Sored on the informution given to lettier, he nemies a repert on lanusy 1 with some important caiculations for manggenent to use, both for The compary has 8312.0 ritton in operasing susets and 3340.0 milion in opersting tabikier. 3Ar coep tas s365.6 mition of net epersing capitat dett ans twid ne finmeal atsets