James has a job with a new coffee shop. It is about 2 hoursr drive from their unit. but neither of them has a car and it takes nearly 3 hours to get to the cafe on public transport. James sometimes has the early morning shift so he stays at the home of his boss on the day before his morning shift to be sure he arrives early for work. His boss needs James more often now so James has been staying at his boss's home for 3 days in the week, and going home to Gillian, and their son Joe, on Fridays for the weekend. Gillian had to leave her part time work because she kept needing to take days off for sick leave and her employer was not able to keep her part-time position. 1ri'v'hen James is staying at his boss's ho me. he calls Gillian on 1|.r'iber or Whatsrkpp. they often send each other texts and photos. especially of their child. On Facebook Gillian puts up photos nearly every day, but James rarely uses Facebook and did not say he was in a relationship on his Facebook status. He has an old photo of him with Gillian, but nothing about their son Joe, on Facebook. James's boss pays him cash, and James uses that to pay their expenses, such as rent. electricity and other bills. Gillian recently learnt she is pregnant again and their second child is due in late October 21321. Gillian had a ght with one of her friends who was one of the people who submitted a statement about their relationship with the original application. The friend send a letter to Immigration saying that Gillian and James had split up and that James was paying Gillian to get the visa. The friend also said she knew James had a relationship with another woman and a wife overseas. The ART sent a sE'rEQPi letter setting out this allegation to James, without stating who made 'die allegation. Gillian thinks it was her former friend, with whom she had the ght, and prepares a statement responding to the allegations. Gillian and James tell you that none of this was true. James did have a former partner when he was in the UK. but that relationship was de facto and broke up in January 2016. The RAT letter states that you have until 14 lvlay 2021 to res pond to the letter as James" authorised representative. In her statement {supplied} Gillian explains that James often gives her cash from his salary to help buy groceries and other things for their son when he comes on Fridays. James does a statement [supplied] to explain his work and travel and also manages to print all the text and other messages between them for you. TASK: Prepare a EDEHJword submission to the MT that responds to the sEEQ. letter. The response is due on lei lulay 2'321 and should be submitted through Turnitin on the LAWSEIJE Assessment webpage. You must answer or rebut the 5359A allegation, identify the evidence that supports your submissions, and list it- The submission should include art explanation of the key dates in their relationship and provide a list of attachments listing whatever evidence you think is relevant for the partner visa genuine relationship criteria. You have been supplied with two statements. No evidence {including the two statements you have been supplied} needs to be submitted as part of your assessment; only a submission and a list of attachments needs to be submitted. Make sure you create a le number for the MT case and set out the names and dates of birth of the review applicant and the sponsor. it is important to write a formal letter. Do not copy and paste the legislation into your letter, you only have EDDIE words. ~'r"ou need to explain what is relevant in the law to this case and footnote the sectionfs}, regulationfs}, or any relevant case law in your letter