Jane is a student at Henry ford College who aleo runs a smat business theough Facebook Marketplace. Jane has decided to seli impoiter designec handleags beough her buriness on the Facebook Marketplace slte. The adr on her site make a lock as though the handbags are authentic designer bags After Jane posted the bags on her site, she immediately recelved multiple oflers for her bags. Jane was happy wath the response unti ahe recerved notification from facebock. Uakntplace that her site would be removed due ta travi. Please help Jane figure out what wert wrong and how to regain access back onto the Facebook Marketplace by using the Problem-Solving Temolate below. Eoch weck wour answers should be presented in the Problem-Solving Template format as follow: 1. Define the probiem 2. Explain the cause lor causesj of the problem. 3. Explain the effects the problem has had on the company. 4. Provide a solution for saludions) to the problem. Orading wall be defermined based on the qualty and depth of the student's answer. Please keep in mind that qualfy antwers requie at least 500 words to answer the questions. The 500 - mord minimum does not include restating the question, and is a roquirement to recetve a passing grade. Jane is a student at Henry ford College who aleo runs a smat business theough Facebook Marketplace. Jane has decided to seli impoiter designec handleags beough her buriness on the Facebook Marketplace slte. The adr on her site make a lock as though the handbags are authentic designer bags After Jane posted the bags on her site, she immediately recelved multiple oflers for her bags. Jane was happy wath the response unti ahe recerved notification from facebock. Uakntplace that her site would be removed due ta travi. Please help Jane figure out what wert wrong and how to regain access back onto the Facebook Marketplace by using the Problem-Solving Temolate below. Eoch weck wour answers should be presented in the Problem-Solving Template format as follow: 1. Define the probiem 2. Explain the cause lor causesj of the problem. 3. Explain the effects the problem has had on the company. 4. Provide a solution for saludions) to the problem. Orading wall be defermined based on the qualty and depth of the student's answer. Please keep in mind that qualfy antwers requie at least 500 words to answer the questions. The 500 - mord minimum does not include restating the question, and is a roquirement to recetve a passing grade