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Jason wants to develop a line of bath products to sell at the local market as her side hustle. Given her limited time, she wants,

Jason wants to develop a line of bath products to sell at the local market as her side hustle. Given her limited time, she wants, initially, to focus on the one product which will be most profitable. She has developed the following information:

Product Selling Price Variable Costs Hours Required
Soap on a Rope $6.75 $1.75 0.25
Bath Bombs $26 $6 1
Bath Salts $14 $5 0.5

Jasons market research suggests that the products will be popular, although she suspects that bath bombs are currently more trendy than soap on a rope. Fixed costs are estimated to be $3720 and she plans to spend 868 hours manufacturing the products. What is Jasons projected net operating income if she makes the most profitable product?

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