Java program. here is 1 program. 4 pictures. pictures' name are (1aa, 1bb, 1cc,1dd.).1aa is first part, then 1bb is second part, then 1cc is third part, then 1dd is fourth part. please help me to solve this problem.
This is 1 program but it is big so that i uplod 4 images. please help me to solve this problem.
Question 2: Object Oriented Programming: [40 Mi Description: A hardware shop wants to automate their process of servicing based on various parameters, Implement the below class diagram below to achieve the same Class Diagram: Notes: - Do fot include any extra instance/static variables and instance/static methods in the given classes - Case-insensitive comparison is to be done if not explicitly mentioned - Do not change any value or case of the given variables - Read notes and examples for better understanding of the logic - In the derived classes, the order of passing arguments to the constructor would be-base class variables followed by derived class variables Implementation Details: PrivilegedCustomer class: privilegedidArr: - This is a static array (String(I) that contains the privilegedld (String) of the customers as its elements - The initial value of the privilegedldArr is given below: Note: - Do not change the CASE of elements in the array - This array is supplied. Hence no need to code validateCustomer0: - This method returns a boolean value based on the below logic - If the privilegedid (String) is present as one of the elements in the privilegedidArr and if the length of the eustName (String)is greater than or equal to 3 , this method retums true - Otherwise it returns false Note: Perform case-sensitive comparison Example: If the custWame is "Peter", mobNumber is 9999900000L and privilegedld is "P101", then the above method returns true identifyDiscountPercentage(): - This method calculates and returns the discountpenceatoge (integer) based on creditPoints (int) - The discountPercentoge is calculated based on the below given table: Examples If the creditPoints is 151, then the above method would return discountPercentege as 15 HardwareShop class: customizedltemArr: - This is a static array (String[]) which contains customizeditem (String)as its elements - The initial value of the customizedltem Arr is given below: Note: - Do not change the CASE of elements in the array - This array is supplied. Hence no need to code customizedltemCostArr: - This is a static array (int]l) which contains customizeditemCost (int) as its elements - The initial value of the customizedltemCostArr is given below: Note: - This array has one-to-one correspondence with the customizedltemArr - This array is supplied. Hence no need to code generateServiceld(): - This method auto-generates and sets the serviceld (String) - The serviceld must be prefixed by "S" in uppercase followed by the auto-gJnerated value starting from 101 - Subsequent serviceld must be incremented by 1 - Use static variable counter appropriately to implement the auto-generation Example: The first serviceld would be " S101, the second would be " S102 and so on - invele waliatecuanemerb nathed ol PriviligedCustaner chas Nate: furfeno case-inaensitive corpparsen - Celaw the ficaiceitidioutwe by ading 55 tar en the malceif - Int tha tedaicast wath ins ofcised frakear Note: Ne nued big whicire the atsumbten Question 2: Object Oriented Programming: [40 Mi Description: A hardware shop wants to automate their process of servicing based on various parameters, Implement the below class diagram below to achieve the same Class Diagram: Notes: - Do fot include any extra instance/static variables and instance/static methods in the given classes - Case-insensitive comparison is to be done if not explicitly mentioned - Do not change any value or case of the given variables - Read notes and examples for better understanding of the logic - In the derived classes, the order of passing arguments to the constructor would be-base class variables followed by derived class variables Implementation Details: PrivilegedCustomer class: privilegedidArr: - This is a static array (String(I) that contains the privilegedld (String) of the customers as its elements - The initial value of the privilegedldArr is given below: Note: - Do not change the CASE of elements in the array - This array is supplied. Hence no need to code validateCustomer0: - This method returns a boolean value based on the below logic - If the privilegedid (String) is present as one of the elements in the privilegedidArr and if the length of the eustName (String)is greater than or equal to 3 , this method retums true - Otherwise it returns false Note: Perform case-sensitive comparison Example: If the custWame is "Peter", mobNumber is 9999900000L and privilegedld is "P101", then the above method returns true identifyDiscountPercentage(): - This method calculates and returns the discountpenceatoge (integer) based on creditPoints (int) - The discountPercentoge is calculated based on the below given table: Examples If the creditPoints is 151, then the above method would return discountPercentege as 15 HardwareShop class: customizedltemArr: - This is a static array (String[]) which contains customizeditem (String)as its elements - The initial value of the customizedltem Arr is given below: Note: - Do not change the CASE of elements in the array - This array is supplied. Hence no need to code customizedltemCostArr: - This is a static array (int]l) which contains customizeditemCost (int) as its elements - The initial value of the customizedltemCostArr is given below: Note: - This array has one-to-one correspondence with the customizedltemArr - This array is supplied. Hence no need to code generateServiceld(): - This method auto-generates and sets the serviceld (String) - The serviceld must be prefixed by "S" in uppercase followed by the auto-gJnerated value starting from 101 - Subsequent serviceld must be incremented by 1 - Use static variable counter appropriately to implement the auto-generation Example: The first serviceld would be " S101, the second would be " S102 and so on - invele waliatecuanemerb nathed ol PriviligedCustaner chas Nate: furfeno case-inaensitive corpparsen - Celaw the ficaiceitidioutwe by ading 55 tar en the malceif - Int tha tedaicast wath ins ofcised frakear Note: Ne nued big whicire the atsumbten