Just need the last part solved, minimum number of total miles traveled
The Hilis County, Michigan, superintendent of education is respons ble lor assigning students to the three high scheols in hit county. He recognizes the need to bus a certain mumber of students, for several sectons, AE, of the county ace beyond walbing distance lo a school. The superintendont partilors the county into five geographic sectors as he attempts to estatlish a plan that will minimize the total number of student mies traveled by bus. He also recognizes that if a student hapeens to Wert in a ceres sector and is assigned to the high school in that sectot, there is no noed to bus him bocoute he can wak to school. The three schoole are localed in sectom B, C, and E The acoompanyino table refiect the number of high-school-age students living in each sector and the distance in miles from each sector to each school: Each figh schoul has a capacty of 1200 students You have been acked to dewelop a linear progrartaing model sa as to minimise the total number of shident miles traveled by bus. Decie on variabie xy; Fumber of studente bving in sector i traveling to school located in sector f The number of decision variables for the modbl =15 a) The obpective function, for the iP model = MhimiteZ=7XAB+5XAC+5XAK+0Xmen=4Xmid+12Xiek"4xce+6Xce+7xce+5X00+4X00+7x0E+ a) The objective function, for the LP model = MinimizeZZ+7XAB+5XAC+6XAE+0XBB+4XBC+12XBE+4XCB+0XCE+7XCE+5XDE+4XDC+7XDE+12XEE+7XEC+0XEC Subject ta XAB+XAC+XAE=800numberofstudemsinsectorAXae+XBC+XAE=600numberofstudentsinsectorBXcn+Xcc+Xce=400numberofstudentsinsectorCXOe+Xoc+XOE=1000numberofstudentsinsectorDXEB+XEC+XCE=700numberofstudentsinsectorEXAB+XBe+XCE+XCE+XEid51,200school8capacityXAC+xac+xcC+xbC+xEC1,200schoolCcapacityXAE+XAE+XCE+XOE+XEE1,200schoolEcapacityForallXy0 b) Using a computer sothware for sohving LP, the objective value at the optimal solution achioved ia: Minimum number of total miles truveled (cbjecthe value) = ( (round your response fo a whole number)