Keith number it a number (integer) that appears in a Fibonacci-like sequence that it based on its own decimal digits. For two-decimal digit number (10 through 99) a Fibonacci- like sequence is created in which the first element it the tens digit and the second element it the units digit The value of each subsequent element is the sum of the previous two elements If the number is a Keith number, then it appears in the sequence. For example, the first two-decimal digit Keith number is 14, since the corresponding Fibonacci-like sequence is 1, 4, 5, 9, 14 Write a MATLAB program that determines and displays all the Keith numbers between 10 and 99. The following MATLAB commands creates a sine-shaped signal y(t) that contains random noise: t = 0;.0.5;10; y = sin(t) -0.1 + 0.2 middot r and (1, length (t)); Write a M ATLAB program that me these commands to creates a noisy sine-shaped signal Then the program smooth the signal by using the three points moving average method In this method the value of every point i. except the first and last, is replaced by the average of the value of three adjacent points, (i-1, 1, and i + 1) Mate a plot that display the noisy and smoothed signals. Keith number it a number (integer) that appears in a Fibonacci-like sequence that it based on its own decimal digits. For two-decimal digit number (10 through 99) a Fibonacci- like sequence is created in which the first element it the tens digit and the second element it the units digit The value of each subsequent element is the sum of the previous two elements If the number is a Keith number, then it appears in the sequence. For example, the first two-decimal digit Keith number is 14, since the corresponding Fibonacci-like sequence is 1, 4, 5, 9, 14 Write a MATLAB program that determines and displays all the Keith numbers between 10 and 99. The following MATLAB commands creates a sine-shaped signal y(t) that contains random noise: t = 0;.0.5;10; y = sin(t) -0.1 + 0.2 middot r and (1, length (t)); Write a M ATLAB program that me these commands to creates a noisy sine-shaped signal Then the program smooth the signal by using the three points moving average method In this method the value of every point i. except the first and last, is replaced by the average of the value of three adjacent points, (i-1, 1, and i + 1) Mate a plot that display the noisy and smoothed signals