knowiledes of Excel The problem sunuaber followe: TUCEFR nosTS Lake Mead. Joc Tucker was excited that Ke was aklo so get his bunines emablobled beture the spring and carly summer. Tucker Boats has adopted a Seppermber 30 as fiscal ycar estid, yas in time to stock new merchandise. On September 1. Joe and his attomey wefe imvolved with ksuing the stock of wis closthy-hely corporation. On this same date, be hirad a tecent graduate of a local trase sebool. Hen Webster, to be responsible for boat repairs. In the next few days of Seprember, he remack sales office, boat garage, and lot space. The sote is open Mooday through Saturday and lo there all six days. Henry works 8 hours per day, Mosday throogh Friday. Both Heary and are employees of the corporation. The next page shows Tucker Boal's chatt of accounts. Following are descriptions of occurring during Scptember. After Octobet begins, you are to close the accounts. Vote; Since this is a new busines, there are to beginning balances in your accounts knowiledes of Excel The problem sunuaber followe: TUCEFR nosTS Lake Mead. Joc Tucker was excited that Ke was aklo so get his bunines emablobled beture the spring and carly summer. Tucker Boats has adopted a Seppermber 30 as fiscal ycar estid, yas in time to stock new merchandise. On September 1. Joe and his attomey wefe imvolved with ksuing the stock of wis closthy-hely corporation. On this same date, be hirad a tecent graduate of a local trase sebool. Hen Webster, to be responsible for boat repairs. In the next few days of Seprember, he remack sales office, boat garage, and lot space. The sote is open Mooday through Saturday and lo there all six days. Henry works 8 hours per day, Mosday throogh Friday. Both Heary and are employees of the corporation. The next page shows Tucker Boal's chatt of accounts. Following are descriptions of occurring during Scptember. After Octobet begins, you are to close the accounts. Vote; Since this is a new busines, there are to beginning balances in your accounts