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Make a stemplot of the data after rounding to the nearest $100, so that stems are thousands of dollars and leaves are hundreds of dollars. Split the stems, placing leaves 0 to 4 on the first stem and leaves 5 to 9 on the second stem of the same value. Which numbers are the leaves on the first stem associated with $3000 ? 05689 137 12355789 O611 O13 O 2 23568 89Describe the shape, center, and variability of the distribution. Which country is the high outlier? The distribution is v , with a single high outlier ( v ). There seem to be two clusters of countries. The center of the distribution is about ' spent per capita. The distribution varies from about - spent per capita to about - spent per capita. The table shows the 2013 per capita total expenditure on health in 35 countries with the highest gross domestic product in that year. Health expenditure per capita is the sum of public and private heath expenditure (in PPP, international $) divided by population. Health expenditures include the provision of health services, family-planning activities, nutrition activities, and emergency aid designated for health but exclude the provision of water and sanitation. Per capita total expenditure on health (international dollars) Country Dollars Country Dollars Country Dollars Argentina 1725 Indonesia 293 Saudi Arabia 1681 Australia 4191 Iran 1414 South Africa 1121 Austria 4885 Italy 3126 Spain 2846 Belgium 4526 Japan 3741 Sweden 4244 Brazil 1454 Korea, South 2398 Switzerland 6187 Canada 4759 Malaysia 938 Thailand 658 China 646 Mexico 1061 Turkey 1053 Colombia 843 Netherlands 5601 United Arab Emirates 2233 Denmark 4552 Nigeria 207 United Kingdom 3311 France 4334 Norway 6308 United States 9146 Germany 4812 Poland 1551 Venezuala 656 India 215 Russia 1587