Lab 5: SQL Query on Multiple Tables Assignment Using the VLABS environment, log into SQL SERVER and use the tables IST210-ONLINE schema with the prefix of MSC, and perform the following queries 1. Display employee number, first name, last name and the job description for all the employees. You will join MSC_employee and MSC_job tables 2. Write and execute a SELECT statement that will return the customer's name, city salesman's number assigned to customer, and the assigned salesman's last name for customers located in the state of Pennsylvania. 3. Display data from the MSC_Product detail table by performing a Three Table Join with the MSC Product detail, MSC Product_master and MSC Vendor tables. The SELECT statement will display product number, product description, vendor name and quantity in stock... and only for product details that have quantity in stock less than 500. In addition the result needs to be sorted by ascending value of quantity in stock. 4. Write a select statement that will display customer number, customer name and the number of orders belong to the customer. You will need to join two tables, use a COUNT aggregate and a GROUP BY clause in your SELECT statement. Override labels with a more descriptive but brief label 5. Create and execute a SELECT statement that would provide data for a vendor directory Display should include vendor number, vendor name, street, city, state, zip code Concatenate the address elements to look like 1234 Main Street State College, PA 16802 Override the column labels with meaningful descriptions YOUR LAB ASSIGNMENT Be sure to review the Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) that you prepared in Lab #1. Please capture the SQL commands and the execution of the SQL commands in a Microsoft Word document by using the copy and paste feature of windows. Submit the Word document to the assignment space. Be sure to include the "row(s) affected" messages Submit the Word document to the Canvas space for this class for Lab #5 The following file contains the SQL statements used during a previous demonstration. NOTE THIS IS NOT THE LAB but rather examples of SQL statements that you may find helpful in completing this lab