#include int n ; void input (); int factorial(); int fib(); void output(int result); _____ fact.c
#include #include "lab02.h" int fact(){ int result =1 , i ; for(i=2 ; i
#include #include "lab02.h" int fib (){ int f1 = 0 , f2 = 1 , result =0 , i ; if(n == 1) result =1 ; else for(i=0 ; i
#include #include "lab02.h" void output(int result){ printf("the result is :%d ", result); } ___
input.c #include #include "lab02.h" void input (){ printf("enter an integer: "); scanf("%d", &n); } ___
#include #include "lab02.h" int main (){ input(); fact(); fib(); return 0; }
I have this code and I need what's below in the photo
(In C programming language) please help thanks
8- Modify the "main.c" to call the function: double pow(double x, double y): computes the output function with the result as an argument. Also, it returns the value of the result Name the modified source file value of x raised to the power of y. Then calls "main3.c". Use the following interposition techniques: a) None: Use the standard pow function . Name the file "mypowl.c" and generate the executable object file "lab02e" b) Compile-time: Name the file "mypow2.c" and generate the executable object file "lab02f" c) Link-time: Name the file "mypow3.c" and generate the executable object file " d) Run-time: Name the file "my ab02g". pow4.c" and generate the executable object file "lab02h" l the source files, commands used and their results with the execution of each file in your report