Lauren Buffett is a consultant for several college endowment funds. She has accumulated performance figures from a number of university endowments, as well as information about the typical stocks/bonds/cash mixtures common in the endowment universe. A firm believer in the broad policy approach, she makes recommendations about allocations across asset classes rather than which managers to choose or which stocks to pick. City College is a community college with a $100 million endowment. Since its establishment, it has had a fixed investment policy of 65% stocks (spread 30/20/15 amongst large, medium and small cap stock portfolio, labeled LRGSTK, MEDSTK and SMLSTK, respectively), 20% Corporate Bonds (CBOND), and 15% Government Bonds (GBOND) over the years 1995 2012. The monthly returns on these asset classes are listed in the Excel spreadsheet titled PROJECT.xlsx. The spreadsheet also includes returns on three additional asset classes: Real Estate (REITs), International Stocks (EAFE), and Precious Metals (PM). In addition, it provides the monthly returns on the value-weighted market portfolio (VWRET), the S&P 500 Index (SPRET), and the one-month U.S. Treasury bills (TBILL). Due to declining student enrollment, City College has been relying more and more heavily on its endowment to meet budget's need in the past several years. Sue Herrera, the chairperson of the endowment committee for the board of trustees of City College, decided to review the endowment's historical performance. She found out about Ms. Buffett from a friend who serves on the board of a well-known public university. The public university had hired Buffett in 2010 to review its investment policy and found her advice very helpful. Herrera decided to seek for Buffett's advice on whether City College should consider a change in its long-standing investment policy. In particular, Herrera was concerned about the economic outlook for small colleges like City College. She anticipated stronger needs to rely on the endowment fund in the coming years. She also felt that a return of 1% per month represented a "floor" below which the portfolio return should not drop. She wanted Lauren Buffett to suggest an efficient asset allocation to achieve this goal. Based on her conversation with Herrera, Buffett has drawn up a list of issues that need to be addressed. She has decided to hire your group for this task. You are invited to address the following questions. In your analysis, assume that short sales are allowed (except when explicitly ruled out) and borrowing at the risk-free rate is possible. 7. Herrera is also interested in knowing if the college should diversify its portfolio holdings to include real estate (represented by Equity REITs), international stocks (proxied by the EAFE index representing a portfolio of stocks from Europe, Asia, and the Far East), and precious metals (PM) in its portfolio. Make a case for or against the inclusion of these alternative assets in the college's overall portfolio. Justify your decision by depicting the portfolio frontier with the eight risky assets (i.e., the five risky assets that make up the current portfolio plus real estate, international stocks, and precious metals). Calculate the efficient portfolio allocations required to achieve the "floor" return of 1.00% per month (mandated by the college) with this expanded universe of assets. What is the standard deviation of such a portfolio? Year 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 Month SMLSTK MEDSTK 1 0.01190 -0.00130 2 0.03260 0.05020 3 0.02350 0.02430 4 0.02590 0.01940 5 0.02070 0.01750 6 0.06490 0.04870 7 0.06200 0.06280 0.03260 0.01530 9 0.02180 0.01990 10 -0.05330 -0.02640 11 0.02750 0.04770 12 0.02280 0.01600 1 0.00580 0.00010 2 0.03200 0.03300 3 0.02430 0.02620 4 0.07560 0.04340 5 0.06500 0.02390 6 -0.04120 -0.03050 7 -0.10060 -0.07750 8 0.04820 0.06160 9 0.03460 0.04470 10 -0.01810 -0.01260 11 0.02640 0.04480 12 0.01830 0.00660 1 0.04300 0.02510 2 -0.02810 -0.01610 3 -0.05310 -0.04880 4 -0.02650 0.01540 5 0.10970 0.10180 6 0.05720 0.04440 7 0.04060 0.00210 8 0.04140 0.01420 9 0.09170 0.00940 10 -0.03770 -0.04330 11 -0.01830 -0.00190 12 0.00940 0.02140 1 -0.00600 -0.01160 2 0.06690 0.08280 3 0.04900 0.04810 4 0.01860 0.00950 5 -0.04840 -0.05200 6 -0.00550 0.01050 7 -0.06760 -0.07020 8 -0.21530 -0.19490 9 0.04750 0.06350 LRGSTK CBOND GBOND REIT PM EAFE VWRET SPRET 0.02830 0.01491 0.02618 -0.02184 -0.23443 -0.05360 0.02040 0.02428 0.03910 0.02806 0.03468 0.02470 0.05742 0.00085 0.03962 0.03607 0.02710 0.00902 0.01176 -0.00401 0.04525 0.02534 0.02704 0.02733 0.02710 0.01875 0.01718 -0.00026 -0.04782 0.03624 0.02505 0.02796 0.03970 0.03354 0.07664 0.04250 -0.02727 0.03021 0.03401 0.03531 0.02450 0.00758 0.01150 0.01591 0.15625 0.01929 0.03117 0.02128 0.03610 0.00347 -0.01721 0.01724 0.07944 0.04996 0.04078 0.03178 0.00750 0.01187 0.02267 0.01200 -0.00433 -0.01375 0.00931 -0.00032 0.04340 0.01176 0.02168 0.01715 -0.00870 0.01101 0,03636 0.04010 -0.00420 0.01479 0.02469 -0.02142 -0.16228 -0.02322 -0.01132 -0.00498 0.04430 0.01347 0.02462 0.00014 0.02094 -0.00074 0.04271 0.04105 0.01480 0.01848 -0.03336 0.05460 0.17253 0.02692 0.01519 0.01744 0.03390 0.00707 0.00161 0.01646 0.22165 0.02830 0.02814 0.03262 0.01370 -0.01711 -0.04650 0.01170 -0.02954 0.01764 0.01631 0.00893 0.00790 -0.00719 -0.01823 -0.00545 -0.05652 0.02219 0.01093 0.00792 0.01520 -0.00648 -0.02221 0.00507 0.00461 0.04206 0.02551 0.01343 0.02480 0.00081 0.00134 0.02584 0.02752 0.00911 0.02680 0.02285 0.00280 0.01153 0.02025 001303 -0.08078 0.00000 -0.00830 0.00226 -0.04720 0.00297 -0.00320 0.00755 -0.01087 -0.05327 -0.05382 -0.04575 0.02480 0.00185 -0.00892 0.03937 -0.00549 0.03041 0.03246 0.01881 0.05770 0.02217 0.02787 0.01741 -0.08840 0.02539 0.05302 0.05417 0.02100 0.02182 0.04298 0.02968 -0.01818 -0.00335 0.01374 0.02613 0.07500 0.02455 0.03773 004556 -0.06790 0.05635 0,06557 0.07338 -0.01830 -0.00829 -0.02287 0.10393 0.17114 0.00513 -0.01139 -0.02151 0.06110 -0.00018 -0.00492 0.01117 0.10000 0.03791 0.05347 0.06132 0.00510 0.00904 0.00231 -0.00204 0.14286 0.00000 -0.00112 0.00593 -0.04430 -0.01569 -0.02488 -0.00213 -0.13889 -0.01000 -0.04487 -0.04261 0.05640 0.01352 0.02252 -0.02752 -0.08065 0.01272 0.04237 0.05841 0.06350 0.01339 0.01201 0.02940 0.01754 0.05779 0.07162 0.05858 0.04290 0.01635 0.01978 0.04860 0.06174 0.04572 0.04410 0.04345 0.08220 0.03472 0.06563 0.03089 0.03226 0.04500 0.07051 0.07812 -0.05000 -0.01114 -0.02519 -0.00239 0.01042 -0.04874 -0.03629 -0.05745 0.05350 0.01817 0.02000 0.08727 -0.02002 0.00007 0.05850 0.05315 -0.00110 0.00993 0.03400 -0.02703 -0.22105 -0.00000 -0.03444 -0.03448 0.04430 0.00590 0.00951 0.02102 -0.22973 -0.02069 0.03040 0.04450 0.02000 0.01090 0.01728 0.02361 0.20087 0.01044 0.01782 0.01573 0.00990 0.01398 0.01863 -0.00529 0.00000 0.00124 0.00450 0.01015 0.07320 -0.00090 -0.00680 -0.01702 -0.07018 0.07526 0.07330 0.07045 0.05170 0.00465 0.00487 0.01794 0.00000 0.05622 0.05130 0.04995 0.01260 0.00565 0.00586 -0.03257 0.05600 0.01684 0.01090 0.00908 -0.01850 0.00867 0.01951 -0.00701 -0.19643 -0.01923 -0.02575 -0.01883 0.04320 0.00362 0.02344 -0.00677 -0.15556 -0.00436 0.03194 0.03944 -0.01140 0.00167 -0.00059 -0.06492 0.00526 -0.01574 -0.02337 -0.01162 -0.14690 -0.00628 0.04229 -0.09437 -0.23037 -0.17079 -0.15784 -0.14580 0.06600 0.01781 0.04002 0.06661 0.39456 -0.00693 0.06383 0.06240 TBILL 0.00481 0.00478 0.00471 0.00473 0.00456 0.00452 0.00450 0.00440 0.00440 0.00447 0.00428 0.00417 0.00403 0.00413 0.00413 0.00418 0.00424 0.00429 0.00421 0.00424 0.00416 0.00419 0.00409 0.00419 0.00418 0.00428 0.00430 0.00421 0,00411 0.00421 0.00428 0.00413 0.00414 0.00428 0.00430 0.00420 0.00424 0.00419 0.00413 0.00417 0.00415 0.00413 0.00408 0.00384 0.00330 ||| 12 1 3 4 11 12 1 106 10 1999 1999 19 1 10 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 1000 2000 2010 2000 Abo JD01 360 206 200 001 200 AD 106 001 200 AD 2001 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 00200 0.07740 03 0.04190 -0.07110 -0.01790 0.006 0.01960 0.07030 10000 -0.03540 -0.0CH10 D. 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-0.01194 0.05496 0.00713 0.05077 0.01728 0.01221 -0.01638 -0.01679 0.01208 0.01799 -0.03429 0.00229 0.00936 0.01401 0.03860 0.03246 -0.02529 0.01890 -0.01912 -0.02011 0.02995 -0.00014 0.03597 -0.01122 0.00695 -0.01774 0.03519 -0.00095 0.02547 0.00045 0.01107 0.01219 -0.03092 0.00136 0.00132 0.00102 0.00099 0.00098 0.00098 0.00094 0.00094 0.00089 0.00077 0.00075 0.00079 0.00078 0.00077 0.00078 0.00075 0.00073 0.00078 0.00078 0.00078 0.00085 0.00106 0.00111 0.00123 0.00138 0.00147 0.00173 0.00183 0.00194 0.00212 0.00228 0.00232 0.00237 0.00248 0.00268 0.00287 0.00285 0.00309 0.00323 0.00324 0.00353 0.00369 0.00376 0.00383 0.00393 0.00399 5 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2010 2010 2010 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 -0.00520 -0.03790 0.03070 0.00870 0.05800 0.02480 0.01170 0.01450 -0.00550 0.00860 0.01680 0.03070 -0.00580 -0.06720 0.00760 0.01260 0.01630 -0.08300 -0.00580 -0.07460 -0.03510 -0.00530 0.02160 0.04150 -0.08570 0.04400 0.03910 -0.08010 -0.20910 -0.13000 0.04910 -0.10750 -0.12250 0.09600 0.16430 0.04300 0.03600 0.10400 0.04370 0.07180 -0.08230 0.02370 0.08840 -0.03090 0.05030 0.08290 -0.00300 -0.03960 0.02100 0.01310 0.04510 0.03730 0.00400 0.02880 0.00280 0.01550 0.03560 0.04780 -0.01220 -0.04900 0.00090 0.02450 0.02580 -0.05920 -0.01000 -0.05830 -0.02330 -0.01340 0.06270 0.05240 -0.07150 0.00120 0.03250 -0.10300 -0.20750 -0.10220 0.04590 -0.08230 -0.10170 0.10000 0.14910 0.02830 0.00830 0.09460 0.03750 0.06270 -0.05500 0.04250 0.06790 -0.03300 0.04790 0.07890 0.00170 0.00360 0.02380 0.02490 0.03340 0.01920 0.01360 0.01700 -0.01950 0.01130 0.04340 0.03500 -0.01650 -0.02870 0.01540 0.03850 0.01970 -0.03960 -0.00510 -0.06020 -0.02910 -0.00560 0.04600 0.01510 -0.08360 -0.01160 0.01160 -0.09040 -0.16380 -0.07170 0.01210 -0.07800 -0.09880 0.08580 0.09100 0.05530 0.00190 0.07400 0.03210 0.03700 -0.01660 0.05930 0.01990 -0.03420 0.03140 0.05860 0.00003 0.01280 0.01731 0.01024 0.00910 0.01467 -0.00558 0.00113 0.01923 -0.00234 0.00775 -0.00806 -0.00586 0.00091 0.00908 0.00904 0.00885 0.01222 -0.00210 0.01027 0.00005 -0.00543 0.00812 -0.00538 -0.00688 -0.00821 0.00932 -0.06220 -0.09146 -0.00440 0.05518 0.01253 -0.01466 0.00958 0.04356 0.03932 0.03043 0.04471 0.01811 0.02839 0.00941 0.01405 0.00316 0.01929 0.00125 0.01482 0.00348 0.02158 0.02633 0.01557 0.00611 0.02153 -0.02524 -0.01024 0.03633 -0.00851 0.00596 -0.02845 -0.01204 0.02386 0.02105 0.00846 0.01349 0.04646 -0.00499 0.04021 -0.00027 -0.00385 -0.01652 -0.01450 0.01104 -0.00999 0.00945 -0.01406 -0.04469 0.09619 0.08473 -0.06426 -0.00207 0.05148 -0.02970 -0.01028 0.01641 0.01791 0.02582 0.02326 -0.00834 0.02155 -0.05694 0.03294 0.00139 -0.01165 0.05203 0.03373 0.03785 0.01848 0.06264 0.04649 -0.01563 0.08421 -0.02239 -0.02387 -0.00020 0.00052 -0.09069 -0.07802 0.06571 0.04406 0.01121 -0.09070 -0.05028 -0.01026 -0.03558 0.06231 0.05859 0.00771 -0.10876 0.03471 0.02209 -0.00193 -0.31668 -0.23055 0.16392 -0.17308 -0.20824 0.04062 0.31020 0.02157 -0.03732 0.10473 0.13390 0.06395 -0.04504 0.06911 0.07150 -0.05211 0.05339 0.10184 0.00584 0.01937 0.02217 -0.10781 0.06042 0.09889 -0.04231 -0.01058 0.00503 -0.04005 0.00456 -0.00454 -0.02282 0.03602 -0.07405 0.22949 0.14536 -0.09728 0.02736 0.21444 0.07718 -0.09242 -0.08753 0.05831 0.01777 -0.10244 -0.11479 -0.09744 -0.33117 0.15898 0.23250 -0.00646 -0.00743 0.08614 -0.06466 0.29677 -0.11656 0.04103 -0.00927 0.12481 -0.01526 0.14789 -0.04918 -0.09379 0.05425 0.02167 0.00673 0.01543 0.02786 0.01676 0.02666 0.02455 0.01872 0.02004 -0.01130 0.01093 0.04226 0.01697 -0.00464 -0.02096 0.00571 0.04021 0.02365 -0.01777 -0.01373 -0.06893 0.00159 0.01531 0.03068 0.01615 -0.08441 -0.01410 -0.01210 -0.08742 -0.16168 -0.06987 0.04873 -0.09953 -0.09672 0.08222 0.09629 0.08380 0.00297 0.09785 0.03106 0.04781 -0.01875 0.05032 0.02447 -0.04224 0.01304 0.06152 -0.00041 -0.00190 0.02506 0.01942 0.03713 0.02371 0.01083 0.01943 -0.01396 0.01295 0.03982 0.03893 -0.01476 -0.03176 0.01166 0.04086 0,02584 -0.04922 -0.00442 -0.06215 -0.02185 -0.01042 0.05111 0.02384 -0.07843 -0.01333 0.01056 -0.09801 -0.18460 -0.08461 0.02215 -0.07733 -0.10018 0.08669 0.10936 0.06779 -0.00310 0.08172 0.03146 0.04524 -0.02800 0.05710 0.02842 -0.03710 0.03478 0.06361 0.00009 0.00509 0.02127 0.02457 0.03151 0.01647 0.01262 0.01406 -0.02185 0.00998 0.04329 0.03255 -0.01782 -0.03198 0.01286 0.03579 0.01482 -0.04404 -0.00863 -0.06116 -0.03476 -0.00596 0.04755 0.01067 -0.08596 -0.00986 0.01219 -0.09079 -0.16943 -0.07485 0.00782 -0.08566 -0.10993 0.08541 0.09393 0.05308 0.00020 0.07414 0.03356 0.03572 -0.01976 0.05736 0.01777 -0.03697 0.02851 0.05880 0.00413 0.00413 0.00401 0.00410 0.00412 0.00404 0.00415 0.00419 0.00412 0.00406 0.00394 0.00384 0.00402 0.00350 0.00324 0.00325 0.00273 0.00250 0.00229 0.00177 0.00105 0.00108 0.00144 0.00156 0.00136 0.00143 0.00094 0.00056 0.00016 0.00003 0.00011 0.00025 0.00018 0.00013 0.00015 0.00015 0.00015 0.00014 0.00010 0.00006 0.00004 0.00004 0.00005 0.00009 0.00013 0.00013 10 11 12 1 2 3 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 7 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 11 12 0.09800 0.16430 0.04300 0.03600 0.10400 0.04370 0.07180 -0.08230 0.02370 0.08840 -0.03090 0.05030 0.08290 0.07450 -0.08110 -0.08270 0.06330 -0.08380 0.12170 0.04780 0.03860 0.09020 -0.00600 0.05420 0.02900 0.01560 -0.02880 -0.02440 -0.03240 -0.10320 -0.11190 0.14280 -0.00980 0.00470 0.08110 0.02410 0.03020 -0.01940 -0.06940 0.05930 -0.02010 0.03010 0.04800 -0.03100 0.00630 0.03610 0.10000 0.14910 0.02830 0.00830 0.09460 0.03750 0.06270 -0.05500 0.04250 0.06790 -0.03300 0.04790 0.07890 0.04840 -0.07500 -0.07200 0.07000 -0.05930 0.12030 0.03300 0.03330 0.07530 0.01830 0.04900 0.02740 0.03120 -0.01230 -0.01590 -0.04090 -0.08220 -0.10990 0.14970 0.00000 -0.00060 0.06320 0.04190 0.01870 -0.00840 -0.07030 0.03010 -0.00850 0.03820 0.02520 -0.01250 0.01890 0.02590 008580 0.09100 0.05530 0.00190 0.07400 0.03210 0.03700 -0.01660 0.05930 0.01990 -0.03420 0.03140 0.05860 0.01180 -0.07900 -0.05120 0.06960 -0.04380 0.09070 0.03890 0.00120 0.06490 0.02300 0.03300 0.00050 0.03000 -0.01190 -0.01680 -0.02030 -0.05460 -0.06910 0.10720 -0.00230 0.00830 0.04750 0.04530 0.03230 -0.00700 -0.06000 0.03900 0.01170 0.02380 0.02670 -0.01720 0.00600 0.00890 000958 0.04356 0.03932 0.03043 0.04471 0.01811 0.02839 0.00941 0.01405 0.00316 0.01929 0.00125 0.01482 0.01444 -0.01612 0.01702 0.02136 0.01566 0.01121 0.01112 -0.00872 -0.00188 0.01102 0.00769 0.00106 0.01646 0.01070 -0.00936 0.01725 -0.01489 -0.00242 0.02145 -0.01932 0.01993 0.02282 0.01162 -0.00115 0.01127 -0.00346 0.00819 0.02000 0.00689 0.00852 0.00878 0.00207 0.00279 0.05148 -0.02970 -0.01028 0.01641 0.01791 0.02582 0.02326 -0.00834 0.02155 -0.05594 0.03294 0.00139 -0.01165 0.02688 0.03794 0.04811 0.00607 0.06829 -0.01322 -0.02518 -0.01717 -0.03765 -0.01100 0.00588 0.00039 0.02350 0.03228 -0.01897 0.04064 0.08055 0.09067 -0.03073 0.01488 0.03036 0.00315 -0.01923 -0.03366 0.04555 0.07714 -0.01279 0.03359 -0.01093 -0.01845 -0.00365 0.01366 -0.01983 0.04062 0.31020 0.02157 -0.03732 0.10473 0.13390 0.06395 -0.04504 0.06911 0.07150 -0.05211 0.05339 0.10184 0.06942 -0.05545 -0.05017 0.09522 -0.01388 0.04467 0.04701 -0.01958 0.04657 0.04125 0.04583 -0.01281 0.05114 0.00999 -0.03071 0.01052 -0.05596 -0.10973 0.14277 -0.03759 0.04795 0.06358 -0.00911 0.04841 0.02673 -0.04411 0.05966 0.02170 0.00120 -0.01233 -0.00251 -0.00272 0.03648 0708614 -0.06466 0.29677 -0.11656 0.04103 -0.00927 0.12481 -0.01526 0.14789 -0.04918 -0.09379 0.05425 0.02167 0.11995 -0.04260 0.02472 -0.05247 0.08975 0.10105 0.03024 0.06231 0.02588 -0.11888 0.07817 0.01504 0.02646 -0.07835 -0.07271 0.05066 0.04937 -0.13020 0.05472 0.01908 -0.12637 0.11023 -0.00857 -0.10951 -0.04612 -0.09924 0.01789 0.01018 0.09883 0.13457 -0.01260 -0.09234 -0.02417 0708222 0.09629 0.08380 0.00297 0.09785 0.03106 0.04781 -0.01875 0.05032 0.02447 -0.04224 0.01304 0.06152 -0.00232 -0.10157 -0.02390 0.08405 -0.04457 0.10096 0.04295 -0.02337 0.07192 0.00695 0.03133 -0.00412 0.06360 -0.00778 -0.01323 -0.02185 -0.07513 -0.09385 0.11629 -0.01519 -0.01460 0.05530 0.05294 0.02895 -0.00790 -0.08408 0.04237 0.01563 0.03181 0.02486 0.00146 0.03052 0.02809 OT08869 0.10936 0.06779 -0.00310 0.08172 0.03146 0.04524 -0.02800 0.05710 0.02842 -0.03710 0.03478 0.06361 0.02001 -0.07914 -0.05072 0.07029 -0.04282 0.09152 0.03853 0.00517 0.06715 0.01916 0.03816 0.00337 0.02869 -0.01493 -0.01840 -0.02247 -0.05747 -0.08487 0.11398 -0.00623 0.00370 0.0540B 0.04119 0.02399 -0.00680 -0.06553 0.03816 0.01027 0.02627 0.02654 -0.01410 0.00619 0.01253 0.08547 0.09393 0.05308 0.00020 0.07414 0.03356 0.03572 -0.01976 0.05736 0.01777 -0.03697 0.02851 0.05880 0.01476 -0.08198 -0.0538.8 0.06878 -0.04745 0.08755 0.03686 -0.00229 0.06530 0.02265 0.03196 -0.00105 0.02850 -0.01350 -0.01826 -0.02147 -0.05679 -0.07176 0.10772 -0.00506 0.00853 0.04358 0.04059 0.03133 -0.00750 -0.06265 0.03956 0.01260 0.01976 0.02424 -0.01979 0.00285 0.00707 0.00013 0.00015 0.00015 0.00015 0.00014 0.00010 0.00006 0.00004 0.00004 0.00005 0.00009 0.00013 0.00013 0.00013 0.00010 0.00013 0.00013 0.00013 0.00011 0.00012 0.00012 0.00013 0.00011 0.00008 0.00005 0.00003 0.00003 0.00003 0.00002 0.00001 0.00002 0.00001 0.00001 0.00003 0.00008 0.00007 0.00007 0.00008 0.00008 0.00008 0.00008 0.00009 0.00008 0.00008 0.00006 0.00006 Lauren Buffett is a consultant for several college endowment funds. She has accumulated performance figures from a number of university endowments, as well as information about the typical stocks/bonds/cash mixtures common in the endowment universe. A firm believer in the broad policy approach, she makes recommendations about allocations across asset classes rather than which managers to choose or which stocks to pick. City College is a community college with a $100 million endowment. Since its establishment, it has had a fixed investment policy of 65% stocks (spread 30/20/15 amongst large, medium and small cap stock portfolio, labeled LRGSTK, MEDSTK and SMLSTK, respectively), 20% Corporate Bonds (CBOND), and 15% Government Bonds (GBOND) over the years 1995 2012. The monthly returns on these asset classes are listed in the Excel spreadsheet titled PROJECT.xlsx. The spreadsheet also includes returns on three additional asset classes: Real Estate (REITs), International Stocks (EAFE), and Precious Metals (PM). In addition, it provides the monthly returns on the value-weighted market portfolio (VWRET), the S&P 500 Index (SPRET), and the one-month U.S. Treasury bills (TBILL). Due to declining student enrollment, City College has been relying more and more heavily on its endowment to meet budget's need in the past several years. Sue Herrera, the chairperson of the endowment committee for the board of trustees of City College, decided to review the endowment's historical performance. She found out about Ms. Buffett from a friend who serves on the board of a well-known public university. The public university had hired Buffett in 2010 to review its investment policy and found her advice very helpful. Herrera decided to seek for Buffett's advice on whether City College should consider a change in its long-standing investment policy. In particular, Herrera was concerned about the economic outlook for small colleges like City College. She anticipated stronger needs to rely on the endowment fund in the coming years. She also felt that a return of 1% per month represented a "floor" below which the portfolio return should not drop. She wanted Lauren Buffett to suggest an efficient asset allocation to achieve this goal. Based on her conversation with Herrera, Buffett has drawn up a list of issues that need to be addressed. She has decided to hire your group for this task. You are invited to address the following questions. In your analysis, assume that short sales are allowed (except when explicitly ruled out) and borrowing at the risk-free rate is possible. 7. Herrera is also interested in knowing if the college should diversify its portfolio holdings to include real estate (represented by Equity REITs), international stocks (proxied by the EAFE index representing a portfolio of stocks from Europe, Asia, and the Far East), and precious metals (PM) in its portfolio. Make a case for or against the inclusion of these alternative assets in the college's overall portfolio. Justify your decision by depicting the portfolio frontier with the eight risky assets (i.e., the five risky assets that make up the current portfolio plus real estate, international stocks, and precious metals). Calculate the efficient portfolio allocations required to achieve the "floor" return of 1.00% per month (mandated by the college) with this expanded universe of assets. What is the standard deviation of such a portfolio? Year 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 Month SMLSTK MEDSTK 1 0.01190 -0.00130 2 0.03260 0.05020 3 0.02350 0.02430 4 0.02590 0.01940 5 0.02070 0.01750 6 0.06490 0.04870 7 0.06200 0.06280 0.03260 0.01530 9 0.02180 0.01990 10 -0.05330 -0.02640 11 0.02750 0.04770 12 0.02280 0.01600 1 0.00580 0.00010 2 0.03200 0.03300 3 0.02430 0.02620 4 0.07560 0.04340 5 0.06500 0.02390 6 -0.04120 -0.03050 7 -0.10060 -0.07750 8 0.04820 0.06160 9 0.03460 0.04470 10 -0.01810 -0.01260 11 0.02640 0.04480 12 0.01830 0.00660 1 0.04300 0.02510 2 -0.02810 -0.01610 3 -0.05310 -0.04880 4 -0.02650 0.01540 5 0.10970 0.10180 6 0.05720 0.04440 7 0.04060 0.00210 8 0.04140 0.01420 9 0.09170 0.00940 10 -0.03770 -0.04330 11 -0.01830 -0.00190 12 0.00940 0.02140 1 -0.00600 -0.01160 2 0.06690 0.08280 3 0.04900 0.04810 4 0.01860 0.00950 5 -0.04840 -0.05200 6 -0.00550 0.01050 7 -0.06760 -0.07020 8 -0.21530 -0.19490 9 0.04750 0.06350 LRGSTK CBOND GBOND REIT PM EAFE VWRET SPRET 0.02830 0.01491 0.02618 -0.02184 -0.23443 -0.05360 0.02040 0.02428 0.03910 0.02806 0.03468 0.02470 0.05742 0.00085 0.03962 0.03607 0.02710 0.00902 0.01176 -0.00401 0.04525 0.02534 0.02704 0.02733 0.02710 0.01875 0.01718 -0.00026 -0.04782 0.03624 0.02505 0.02796 0.03970 0.03354 0.07664 0.04250 -0.02727 0.03021 0.03401 0.03531 0.02450 0.00758 0.01150 0.01591 0.15625 0.01929 0.03117 0.02128 0.03610 0.00347 -0.01721 0.01724 0.07944 0.04996 0.04078 0.03178 0.00750 0.01187 0.02267 0.01200 -0.00433 -0.01375 0.00931 -0.00032 0.04340 0.01176 0.02168 0.01715 -0.00870 0.01101 0,03636 0.04010 -0.00420 0.01479 0.02469 -0.02142 -0.16228 -0.02322 -0.01132 -0.00498 0.04430 0.01347 0.02462 0.00014 0.02094 -0.00074 0.04271 0.04105 0.01480 0.01848 -0.03336 0.05460 0.17253 0.02692 0.01519 0.01744 0.03390 0.00707 0.00161 0.01646 0.22165 0.02830 0.02814 0.03262 0.01370 -0.01711 -0.04650 0.01170 -0.02954 0.01764 0.01631 0.00893 0.00790 -0.00719 -0.01823 -0.00545 -0.05652 0.02219 0.01093 0.00792 0.01520 -0.00648 -0.02221 0.00507 0.00461 0.04206 0.02551 0.01343 0.02480 0.00081 0.00134 0.02584 0.02752 0.00911 0.02680 0.02285 0.00280 0.01153 0.02025 001303 -0.08078 0.00000 -0.00830 0.00226 -0.04720 0.00297 -0.00320 0.00755 -0.01087 -0.05327 -0.05382 -0.04575 0.02480 0.00185 -0.00892 0.03937 -0.00549 0.03041 0.03246 0.01881 0.05770 0.02217 0.02787 0.01741 -0.08840 0.02539 0.05302 0.05417 0.02100 0.02182 0.04298 0.02968 -0.01818 -0.00335 0.01374 0.02613 0.07500 0.02455 0.03773 004556 -0.06790 0.05635 0,06557 0.07338 -0.01830 -0.00829 -0.02287 0.10393 0.17114 0.00513 -0.01139 -0.02151 0.06110 -0.00018 -0.00492 0.01117 0.10000 0.03791 0.05347 0.06132 0.00510 0.00904 0.00231 -0.00204 0.14286 0.00000 -0.00112 0.00593 -0.04430 -0.01569 -0.02488 -0.00213 -0.13889 -0.01000 -0.04487 -0.04261 0.05640 0.01352 0.02252 -0.02752 -0.08065 0.01272 0.04237 0.05841 0.06350 0.01339 0.01201 0.02940 0.01754 0.05779 0.07162 0.05858 0.04290 0.01635 0.01978 0.04860 0.06174 0.04572 0.04410 0.04345 0.08220 0.03472 0.06563 0.03089 0.03226 0.04500 0.07051 0.07812 -0.05000 -0.01114 -0.02519 -0.00239 0.01042 -0.04874 -0.03629 -0.05745 0.05350 0.01817 0.02000 0.08727 -0.02002 0.00007 0.05850 0.05315 -0.00110 0.00993 0.03400 -0.02703 -0.22105 -0.00000 -0.03444 -0.03448 0.04430 0.00590 0.00951 0.02102 -0.22973 -0.02069 0.03040 0.04450 0.02000 0.01090 0.01728 0.02361 0.20087 0.01044 0.01782 0.01573 0.00990 0.01398 0.01863 -0.00529 0.00000 0.00124 0.00450 0.01015 0.07320 -0.00090 -0.00680 -0.01702 -0.07018 0.07526 0.07330 0.07045 0.05170 0.00465 0.00487 0.01794 0.00000 0.05622 0.05130 0.04995 0.01260 0.00565 0.00586 -0.03257 0.05600 0.01684 0.01090 0.00908 -0.01850 0.00867 0.01951 -0.00701 -0.19643 -0.01923 -0.02575 -0.01883 0.04320 0.00362 0.02344 -0.00677 -0.15556 -0.00436 0.03194 0.03944 -0.01140 0.00167 -0.00059 -0.06492 0.00526 -0.01574 -0.02337 -0.01162 -0.14690 -0.00628 0.04229 -0.09437 -0.23037 -0.17079 -0.15784 -0.14580 0.06600 0.01781 0.04002 0.06661 0.39456 -0.00693 0.06383 0.06240 TBILL 0.00481 0.00478 0.00471 0.00473 0.00456 0.00452 0.00450 0.00440 0.00440 0.00447 0.00428 0.00417 0.00403 0.00413 0.00413 0.00418 0.00424 0.00429 0.00421 0.00424 0.00416 0.00419 0.00409 0.00419 0.00418 0.00428 0.00430 0.00421 0,00411 0.00421 0.00428 0.00413 0.00414 0.00428 0.00430 0.00420 0.00424 0.00419 0.00413 0.00417 0.00415 0.00413 0.00408 0.00384 0.00330 ||| 12 1 3 4 11 12 1 106 10 1999 1999 19 1 10 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 1000 2000 2010 2000 Abo JD01 360 206 200 001 200 AD 106 001 200 AD 2001 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 00200 0.07740 03 0.04190 -0.07110 -0.01790 0.006 0.01960 0.07030 10000 -0.03540 -0.0CH10 D. 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-0.07800 -0.09880 0.08580 0.09100 0.05530 0.00190 0.07400 0.03210 0.03700 -0.01660 0.05930 0.01990 -0.03420 0.03140 0.05860 0.00003 0.01280 0.01731 0.01024 0.00910 0.01467 -0.00558 0.00113 0.01923 -0.00234 0.00775 -0.00806 -0.00586 0.00091 0.00908 0.00904 0.00885 0.01222 -0.00210 0.01027 0.00005 -0.00543 0.00812 -0.00538 -0.00688 -0.00821 0.00932 -0.06220 -0.09146 -0.00440 0.05518 0.01253 -0.01466 0.00958 0.04356 0.03932 0.03043 0.04471 0.01811 0.02839 0.00941 0.01405 0.00316 0.01929 0.00125 0.01482 0.00348 0.02158 0.02633 0.01557 0.00611 0.02153 -0.02524 -0.01024 0.03633 -0.00851 0.00596 -0.02845 -0.01204 0.02386 0.02105 0.00846 0.01349 0.04646 -0.00499 0.04021 -0.00027 -0.00385 -0.01652 -0.01450 0.01104 -0.00999 0.00945 -0.01406 -0.04469 0.09619 0.08473 -0.06426 -0.00207 0.05148 -0.02970 -0.01028 0.01641 0.01791 0.02582 0.02326 -0.00834 0.02155 -0.05694 0.03294 0.00139 -0.01165 0.05203 0.03373 0.03785 0.01848 0.06264 0.04649 -0.01563 0.08421 -0.02239 -0.02387 -0.00020 0.00052 -0.09069 -0.07802 0.06571 0.04406 0.01121 -0.09070 -0.05028 -0.01026 -0.03558 0.06231 0.05859 0.00771 -0.10876 0.03471 0.02209 -0.00193 -0.31668 -0.23055 0.16392 -0.17308 -0.20824 0.04062 0.31020 0.02157 -0.03732 0.10473 0.13390 0.06395 -0.04504 0.06911 0.07150 -0.05211 0.05339 0.10184 0.00584 0.01937 0.02217 -0.10781 0.06042 0.09889 -0.04231 -0.01058 0.00503 -0.04005 0.00456 -0.00454 -0.02282 0.03602 -0.07405 0.22949 0.14536 -0.09728 0.02736 0.21444 0.07718 -0.09242 -0.08753 0.05831 0.01777 -0.10244 -0.11479 -0.09744 -0.33117 0.15898 0.23250 -0.00646 -0.00743 0.08614 -0.06466 0.29677 -0.11656 0.04103 -0.00927 0.12481 -0.01526 0.14789 -0.04918 -0.09379 0.05425 0.02167 0.00673 0.01543 0.02786 0.01676 0.02666 0.02455 0.01872 0.02004 -0.01130 0.01093 0.04226 0.01697 -0.00464 -0.02096 0.00571 0.04021 0.02365 -0.01777 -0.01373 -0.06893 0.00159 0.01531 0.03068 0.01615 -0.08441 -0.01410 -0.01210 -0.08742 -0.16168 -0.06987 0.04873 -0.09953 -0.09672 0.08222 0.09629 0.08380 0.00297 0.09785 0.03106 0.04781 -0.01875 0.05032 0.02447 -0.04224 0.01304 0.06152 -0.00041 -0.00190 0.02506 0.01942 0.03713 0.02371 0.01083 0.01943 -0.01396 0.01295 0.03982 0.03893 -0.01476 -0.03176 0.01166 0.04086 0,02584 -0.04922 -0.00442 -0.06215 -0.02185 -0.01042 0.05111 0.02384 -0.07843 -0.01333 0.01056 -0.09801 -0.18460 -0.08461 0.02215 -0.07733 -0.10018 0.08669 0.10936 0.06779 -0.00310 0.08172 0.03146 0.04524 -0.02800 0.05710 0.02842 -0.03710 0.03478 0.06361 0.00009 0.00509 0.02127 0.02457 0.03151 0.01647 0.01262 0.01406 -0.02185 0.00998 0.04329 0.03255 -0.01782 -0.03198 0.01286 0.03579 0.01482 -0.04404 -0.00863 -0.06116 -0.03476 -0.00596 0.04755 0.01067 -0.08596 -0.00986 0.01219 -0.09079 -0.16943 -0.07485 0.00782 -0.08566 -0.10993 0.08541 0.09393 0.05308 0.00020 0.07414 0.03356 0.03572 -0.01976 0.05736 0.01777 -0.03697 0.02851 0.05880 0.00413 0.00413 0.00401 0.00410 0.00412 0.00404 0.00415 0.00419 0.00412 0.00406 0.00394 0.00384 0.00402 0.00350 0.00324 0.00325 0.00273 0.00250 0.00229 0.00177 0.00105 0.00108 0.00144 0.00156 0.00136 0.00143 0.00094 0.00056 0.00016 0.00003 0.00011 0.00025 0.00018 0.00013 0.00015 0.00015 0.00015 0.00014 0.00010 0.00006 0.00004 0.00004 0.00005 0.00009 0.00013 0.00013 10 11 12 1 2 3 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 7 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 11 12 0.09800 0.16430 0.04300 0.03600 0.10400 0.04370 0.07180 -0.08230 0.02370 0.08840 -0.03090 0.05030 0.08290 0.07450 -0.08110 -0.08270 0.06330 -0.08380 0.12170 0.04780 0.03860 0.09020 -0.00600 0.05420 0.02900 0.01560 -0.02880 -0.02440 -0.03240 -0.10320 -0.11190 0.14280 -0.00980 0.00470 0.08110 0.02410 0.03020 -0.01940 -0.06940 0.05930 -0.02010 0.03010 0.04800 -0.03100 0.00630 0.03610 0.10000 0.14910 0.02830 0.00830 0.09460 0.03750 0.06270 -0.05500 0.04250 0.06790 -0.03300 0.04790 0.07890 0.04840 -0.07500 -0.07200 0.07000 -0.05930 0.12030 0.03300 0.03330 0.07530 0.01830 0.04900 0.02740 0.03120 -0.01230 -0.01590 -0.04090 -0.08220 -0.10990 0.14970 0.00000 -0.00060 0.06320 0.04190 0.01870 -0.00840 -0.07030 0.03010 -0.00850 0.03820 0.02520 -0.01250 0.01890 0.02590 008580 0.09100 0.05530 0.00190 0.07400 0.03210 0.03700 -0.01660 0.05930 0.01990 -0.03420 0.03140 0.05860 0.01180 -0.07900 -0.05120 0.06960 -0.04380 0.09070 0.03890 0.00120 0.06490 0.02300 0.03300 0.00050 0.03000 -0.01190 -0.01680 -0.02030 -0.05460 -0.06910 0.10720 -0.00230 0.00830 0.04750 0.04530 0.03230 -0.00700 -0.06000 0.03900 0.01170 0.02380 0.02670 -0.01720 0.00600 0.00890 000958 0.04356 0.03932 0.03043 0.04471 0.01811 0.02839 0.00941 0.01405 0.00316 0.01929 0.00125 0.01482 0.01444 -0.01612 0.01702 0.02136 0.01566 0.01121 0.01112 -0.00872 -0.00188 0.01102 0.00769 0.00106 0.01646 0.01070 -0.00936 0.01725 -0.01489 -0.00242 0.02145 -0.01932 0.01993 0.02282 0.01162 -0.00115 0.01127 -0.00346 0.00819 0.02000 0.00689 0.00852 0.00878 0.00207 0.00279 0.05148 -0.02970 -0.01028 0.01641 0.01791 0.02582 0.02326 -0.00834 0.02155 -0.05594 0.03294 0.00139 -0.01165 0.02688 0.03794 0.04811 0.00607 0.06829 -0.01322 -0.02518 -0.01717 -0.03765 -0.01100 0.00588 0.00039 0.02350 0.03228 -0.01897 0.04064 0.08055 0.09067 -0.03073 0.01488 0.03036 0.00315 -0.01923 -0.03366 0.04555 0.07714 -0.01279 0.03359 -0.01093 -0.01845 -0.00365 0.01366 -0.01983 0.04062 0.31020 0.02157 -0.03732 0.10473 0.13390 0.06395 -0.04504 0.06911 0.07150 -0.05211 0.05339 0.10184 0.06942 -0.05545 -0.05017 0.09522 -0.01388 0.04467 0.04701 -0.01958 0.04657 0.04125 0.04583 -0.01281 0.05114 0.00999 -0.03071 0.01052 -0.05596 -0.10973 0.14277 -0.03759 0.04795 0.06358 -0.00911 0.04841 0.02673 -0.04411 0.05966 0.02170 0.00120 -0.01233 -0.00251 -0.00272 0.03648 0708614 -0.06466 0.29677 -0.11656 0.04103 -0.00927 0.12481 -0.01526 0.14789 -0.04918 -0.09379 0.05425 0.02167 0.11995 -0.04260 0.02472 -0.05247 0.08975 0.10105 0.03024 0.06231 0.02588 -0.11888 0.07817 0.01504 0.02646 -0.07835 -0.07271 0.05066 0.04937 -0.13020 0.05472 0.01908 -0.12637 0.11023 -0.00857 -0.10951 -0.04612 -0.09924 0.01789 0.01018 0.09883 0.13457 -0.01260 -0.09234 -0.02417 0708222 0.09629 0.08380 0.00297 0.09785 0.03106 0.04781 -0.01875 0.05032 0.02447 -0.04224 0.01304 0.06152 -0.00232 -0.10157 -0.02390 0.08405 -0.04457 0.10096 0.04295 -0.02337 0.07192 0.00695 0.03133 -0.00412 0.06360 -0.00778 -0.01323 -0.02185 -0.07513 -0.09385 0.11629 -0.01519 -0.01460 0.05530 0.05294 0.02895 -0.00790 -0.08408 0.04237 0.01563 0.03181 0.02486 0.00146 0.03052 0.02809 OT08869 0.10936 0.06779 -0.00310 0.08172 0.03146 0.04524 -0.02800 0.05710 0.02842 -0.03710 0.03478 0.06361 0.02001 -0.07914 -0.05072 0.07029 -0.04282 0.09152 0.03853 0.00517 0.06715 0.01916 0.03816 0.00337 0.02869 -0.01493 -0.01840 -0.02247 -0.05747 -0.08487 0.11398 -0.00623 0.00370 0.0540B 0.04119 0.02399 -0.00680 -0.06553 0.03816 0.01027 0.02627 0.02654 -0.01410 0.00619 0.01253 0.08547 0.09393 0.05308 0.00020 0.07414 0.03356 0.03572 -0.01976 0.05736 0.01777 -0.03697 0.02851 0.05880 0.01476 -0.08198 -0.0538.8 0.06878 -0.04745 0.08755 0.03686 -0.00229 0.06530 0.02265 0.03196 -0.00105 0.02850 -0.01350 -0.01826 -0.02147 -0.05679 -0.07176 0.10772 -0.00506 0.00853 0.04358 0.04059 0.03133 -0.00750 -0.06265 0.03956 0.01260 0.01976 0.02424 -0.01979 0.00285 0.00707 0.00013 0.00015 0.00015 0.00015 0.00014 0.00010 0.00006 0.00004 0.00004 0.00005 0.00009 0.00013 0.00013 0.00013 0.00010 0.00013 0.00013 0.00013 0.00011 0.00012 0.00012 0.00013 0.00011 0.00008 0.00005 0.00003 0.00003 0.00003 0.00002 0.00001 0.00002 0.00001 0.00001 0.00003 0.00008 0.00007 0.00007 0.00008 0.00008 0.00008 0.00008 0.00009 0.00008 0.00008 0.00006 0.00006