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LEAD.300.C1 Management and Leadership Wk 6: Discussion Forum Organization Design/Engagement PLS HELP ME TO ANSWER ;( This forum has two parts.. As you learn about

LEAD.300.C1 Management and Leadership

Wk 6: Discussion Forum Organization Design/Engagement


This forum has two parts.. As you learn about Wildfire, think about the context they are in? How is the marketplace developing? What are the key competitive factors for success? Consider the early days when Wildfire was just a few dozen people. How would you describe them? What is important about that?

Then, in your first post, briefly respond to the questions above. Next, consider the three organizational archetypes presented: functional, matrix/hybrid, and divisional. Also consider the multi-dimensional model discussed in the reading. Share the pros and cons of each for Wildfire. Based on the readings, what do you think Wildfire's leadership must consider to redesign the organization? Bonus: Take the "What motivates you?" mini-assessment.How well have your managers tapped into what motivates you. How might you use this tool? Any other thoughts on the motivation theories presented?



EXAMPLE: (Hi MATE! I can't agree with you more! I feel like what motivates me is ensuring I keep my values and goals aligned with what I want to achieve career-wise. I think that when we have this, and our employer careers enough to help mentor us are what also keeps me motivated. When you accomplish your goals within your employer and achieve those promotions, how can you still be motivated? Do you move on and look for another job, or stay and find a different ladder to work on and continue to excel as a motivation?


When Wildfire had only a handful of employees, the market was rapidly expanding. With such a tiny and inexperienced team, Wildfire needed to set itself apart from the competition and ensure that its consumers understood that the brand stood for something distinctive. To distinguish itself from the rest of the competition, Wildfire had to offer a superior product or service, provide superior customer service, and communicate its message distinctively and memorably. This was the key to the early success of Wildfire.

Wildfire needed to consider several competitive success factors to distinguish itself in the market. These included providing a superior product or service, providing superior customer service, and effectively communicating the company's message. Additionally, Wildfire had to effectively manage not only its consumers but also its employees and resources, ensuring that everyone worked in unison to achieve the company's objectives.

The organization was ambitious, resourceful, and innovative. The company was motivated by a desire to provide its customers with superior products or services to those of its rivals and to provide them with an unforgettable customer experience. Wildfire was able to surpass the competition despite having a small team and limited resources due to its creativity, resourcefulness, and determination. The most significant aspect of Wildfire's early dynamics was that its team was able to accomplish success without a large organization's resources or structure. This was a significant point of differentiation for Wildfire; the company was able to provide exceptional products and services despite lacking the same size and organizational structure as its competitors. This demonstrated that a small group of individuals driven by the same passion and ambition could have a significant impact on the market.Let's examine the three organizational archetypes (functional, matrix/hybrid, and divisional) as well as the multi-dimensional model in the context of Wildfire, considering their pros and cons:

Functional Archetype: Pros: The functional archetype groups employees by specialized functions (e.g., marketing, finance, operations), allowing for deep expertise and efficiency within each function. It promotes a clear career path within each function and enables functional teams to develop specialized skills.

Cons: Functional archetypes can sometimes create silos and hinder cross-functional collaboration. Communication and coordination between functions may become challenging, potentially leading to slower decision-making and limited innovation. This structure may be less adaptable to changing market conditions.

Matrix/Hybrid Archetype: Pros: The matrix/hybrid archetype combines functional and project-based teams, facilitating better cross-functional collaboration and resource sharing. It allows for flexibility and adaptability as teams can be formed and dissolved based on project needs. It encourages a broader skill set development among employees.

Cons: Matrix structures can lead to complexity and ambiguity in reporting lines, potentially causing conflicts and power struggles. Balancing the needs of both functional and project teams can be challenging, requiring effective communication and negotiation. Decision-making processes may take longer due to the need for consensus.

Divisional Archetype: Pros: The divisional archetype organizes the company into semi-autonomous divisions based on products, regions, or customer segments. It enables divisions to have dedicated resources, decision-making authority, and accountability. It promotes customer focus, innovation, and responsiveness to local market conditions. Cons: Divisional structures may lead to duplication of functions and resources across divisions, potentially reducing efficiency. Coordinating and aligning activities between divisions can be complex, requiring effective communication and centralized strategic direction. It may also create challenges in maintaining consistent organizational culture and standards across divisions.

Model in Multiple Dimensions: Based on their particular requirements, the multi-dimensional model suggests that organizations can combine elements from various archetypes. This model emphasizes adaptability, making it possible for businesses to dynamically alter their structure as they expand and change.

The "What motivates you?" mini-assessment provides managers with a tool for understanding what drives their team and how to get the most out of it. Managers may adjust their approach to better meet the demands of their team by learning what inspires their personnel. Motivation theories, such as Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, may also assist managers in understanding what their staff needs to succeed. This knowledge empowers managers to ensure that their teams have the support and resources they need to achieve their objectives.

MY PROF QUESTION TO MY ANSWER: Wildfire surpassed competitors early on. Then what happened?

My Response:

Classsmates post #1

**** First part****

How is the marketplace developing? What are the key competitive factors for success?

Market development isa business growth strategy that introduces existing products to new markets.With the marketplace developing as they go through cycles, it's essential to understand the structures that can fit your organization; every company must find the factors for success that are custom to their system, as the key is to let the strategic context and reality guide these changes.

Consider the early days when Wildfire was just a few dozen people. How would you describe them? What is significant about that?

I would describe Wildfire in its early days as a uniquely innovative company with its mission and vision in line with where it flourished for its mobile gaming. This is important when starting the business because it sets the foundation and purpose of why you are creating this company, it also sets you up for success for long term innovation.

**** Part Two***

Organizational archetypes, pros, and cons

Functional Pro:

  • With Wildfire becoming a big company through its innovation, they need balance to have the freedom to creaAtTTe aAAnd specialize in certain areas.
  • New roles are developed, and while group members can learn from one another, career paths are created.
  • Resources are used efficiently.


  • With new roles and groups formed, the disadvantage emerged of poor intergroup coordination.
  • Wildfire hindered decision-making by its general managers as opposed to functional specialists. The organization required employees to seek approval from management and other authority figures before making decisions. Which made time-sensitive projects hindered the team's overall progress.

Matrix/hybrid Pro:

  • With the continuing expansion and different product markets developing, Wildfire combines project and functional management structure that brings available management structure to increase efficiency and respond more efficiently to market demand.
  • Employees can develop new skill sets and communication skills set due to utilizing more than one manager.
  • Cons:
  • Confusion among managers who are involved with projects that are outlined by the matrix. The power dynamic between the functional and project managers may not be clearly defined within the matrix, and confusion about specific managerial roles may arise.
  • Team members may be overloaded since their project workload is often in addition to their regular functional duties. Employees will suffer burnout, overlook or fail to complete tasks, or have their quality of work suffer due to time constraints.

Divisional Pro:

  • Wildfire is now functioning at a higher capacity creating more accountability and transparency because the company has its management groups to lead them. It's easier to hold individuals accountable for their actions.
  • Improving the company culture using a divisional organization may improve the culture by allowing for unique perspectives at different levels.


  • Divisional structure, there are higher operating costs. Unlike a functional organization, Wildfire will likely need a centralized corporate division to oversee the rest of the company, which can lead to higher overhead costs.
  • The encouragement of a silo mentality is also developed by their strategic focus and agenda, which can cause resistance to change, areluctance to collaborate, or a silo mentality.



****Part One**** How is the marketplace developing? What are the key competitive factors for success? We need to consider several important variables that could affect the Wildfire industry in order to fully comprehend the market environment. Product innovation, quality, pricing, customer service, operational effectiveness, and brand reputation are a few examples of these competitive aspects. Focusing on these numerous areas would allow Wildfire to stand out from the competition.

Consider the early days when Wildfire was just a few dozen people. How would you describe them? What is important about that? To comprehend the market environment, we must examine numerous crucial elements that may impact the Wildfire sector. A few examples of these competitive criteria are product innovation, quality, pricing, customer service, operational effectiveness, and brand reputation. By focusing on these numerous areas, Wildfire might put itself in a better position than its rivals. ****Part Two****

Organizational archetypes, pros, and cons 1. Functional Archetype: Pros: Organized processes within each department, clear specialization and competence, and effective resource management are all examples of functional departments. Cons: Limited cross-functional cooperation, potential for departmental silos and communication gaps, and delayed decision-making because of hierarchy.

2. Divisional Archetype: Pros: Better alignment with market segments or geographic regions, decentralized decision-making, more divisional autonomy, and adaptability to various client needs. Cons: Potential resource and function overlap across divisions, problems with divisional coordination, and decreased economies of scale because of decentralization.

3. Matrix Archetype: Pros: Potential divisional resource and function overlap, issues with divisional coordination, and reduced economies of scale because of decentralization are all possible consequences of decentralization. Cons: Increased coordination and communication costs, complex reporting connections with the potential for power struggles, and the possibility of slower decision-making due to numerous stakeholders.

4. Network Archetype: Pros: Flexibility in adjusting to market conditions, access to a variety of knowledge and capabilities, and the ability to harness external expertise and resources through partnerships and alliances. Cons: Dependence on outside partners can lead to uncertainty, difficulties keeping network members aligned and coordinated, and potential conflict of interest.

5. Agile Archetype: Pros: Quicker decision-making and innovation cycles, empowered and self-organizing teams, and flexibility and adaptation to shifting market conditions. Cons: It may be difficult to scale agile practices to larger businesses, there may be a lack of general coordination and strategic direction, and there may be increasing position ambiguity.

Based on the readings, what do you think Wildfire's leadership must consider redesigning the organization? The organization needs to be redesigned, and Wildfire's leadership should strongly emphasize strong emphasis on strategic alignment by ensuring that the organization's objectives match the long-term goals of the business. A thorough market analysis will offer insightful information about client wants and competition dynamics, guiding the redesign process.


CLASSMATES POST #3 **Part One: Initial Post**

How is the marketplace developing? What are the key competitive factors for success? In order to understand Wildfire's market landscape, we must look at several key factors that could influence their industry. These competitive factors could include things like product innovation, quality, pricing, customer service, operational efficiency, and brand reputation. By concentrating on these various aspects, Wildfire could position themselves ahead of their competition. Consider the early days when Wildfire was just a few dozen people. How would you describe them? What is important about that? When Wildfire was just a few dozen people, I would classify them as a small-scale organization or a startup. In this stage, Wildfire is still trying to establish major areas of their organization such as culture and business development/models. Managers and leaders during this stage need to remain agile and most importantly, display some ambidexterity to dominate their respective markets.

**Part Two: Initial Post**

Organizational archetypes, pros and cons Functional Model Pros:

  • Specialized expertise: Functional model allows employees to develop deep expertise in their specific functional areas, leading to high-quality work and efficient execution.
  • Clear reporting lines: The hierarchical structure provides clear reporting lines, making it easier to define roles, responsibilities, and accountability.
  • Cost-effective: Functional model promotes resource optimization by pooling similar functions together, enabling economies of scale.
  • Career development: Employees can specialize and advance their careers within their functional areas, leading to focused skill development.


  • Lack of cross-functional collaboration: Silos can form within functional departments, limiting communication and collaboration across different parts of the organization.
  • Slow decision-making: Decision-making can be slow and bureaucratic due to the need for approvals and coordination across different functional areas.
  • Limited focus on customer needs: Functional model's internal focus may hinder the organization's ability to respond quickly and effectively to changing customer demands.

Matrix/Hybrid Model Pros:

  • Enhanced collaboration: Matrix model promotes collaboration and cross-functional communication by bringing together employees from different functional areas to work on projects or initiatives.
  • Flexibility and adaptability: The matrix structure allows the organization to be flexible and adapt to changing business needs or market conditions.
  • Efficient resource allocation: By sharing resources across projects or teams, the matrix model enables efficient utilization of specialized skills and expertise.
  • Balanced decision-making: The matrix model encourages input from multiple perspectives, leading to more balanced and well-informed decision-making.


  • Dual reporting lines: Employees in the matrix structure often have to report to both functional managers and project/team managers, which can create role ambiguity and conflicts.
  • Complexity and coordination challenges: Managing multiple reporting lines and coordinating across different projects or teams can be complex and time-consuming.
  • Potential for power struggles: Conflicts may arise between functional managers and project/team managers, leading to power struggles and organizational politics.
  • Increased communication needs: The matrix model requires robust communication and coordination mechanisms to ensure effective collaboration, which can be resource-intensive.

Divisional Model Pros:

  • Customer-focused: Divisional model organizes the company based on products, markets, or geographical regions, allowing each division to focus on specific customer needs and preferences.
  • Quick decision-making: Divisions have autonomy, enabling faster decision-making and responsiveness to market changes.
  • Entrepreneurial spirit: Each division operates like a separate entity, fostering a sense of entrepreneurship and accountability within the division.
  • Better resource allocation: Divisional model allows for dedicated allocation of resources to specific divisions, enabling efficient resource allocation based on divisional priorities.


  • Duplication of functions: Each division may have its own support functions, leading to duplication of efforts and increased costs.
  • Limited knowledge sharing: Divisional model can impede knowledge sharing and collaboration across divisions, as they operate more independently.
  • Potential for internal competition: Divisions may compete for resources, creating internal rivalries and conflicts.
  • Inconsistent standards: Each division may have its own operating procedures and standards, which can lead to inconsistencies across the organization.

Multi-dimensional Model Pros:

  • Flexibility and adaptability: Multi-dimensional model allows for multiple dimensions of organizing, such as function, product, geography, or customer, providing flexibility to adapt to different business needs.
  • Balanced focus: By considering multiple dimensions, the organization can maintain a balance between functional expertise and customer or market focus.
  • Improved collaboration: Multi-dimensional model encourages collaboration and knowledge sharing across different dimensions, leading to a broader perspective and innovative solutions.


  • Cost factor: Setting up different divisions in organizations can be costly, especially for smaller organizations.
  • Communication: Sharing information, and collaboration, can become a concern amongst a variety of divisions.

Based on the readings, what do you think Wildfire's leadership must consider to redesign the organization? In order to redesign their organization, Wildfire must consider all of the advantages and disadvantage of the different types of organizational structures/archetypes. In addition, there are various aspects of their respective markets that they should take into consideration while aligning their overall business model. Bonus what motivates you? Motivations can evolve over time, so it's essential to regularly reassess and adapt as you grow in your career. Being aware of what motivates you can help you make more informed choices, find job satisfaction, and seek opportunities that align with your values and goals. According to the job survey, my top three motivators are having an opportunity to makEEe aAA difference/impact, my work is challenging, and I have good chances for promotion.


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