Lisa loved buying branded handbags and had amassed a big collection of luxury bags over time. One day, she decided to sell some of her
Lisa loved buying branded handbags and had amassed a big collection of luxury bags over time. One day, she decided to sell some of her older bags online as she wanted to buy the latest Hermes Birkin handbag. She advertised on Re-bornz, an online platform for gently used luxury fashion accessories. Suzy saw the online advertisement and agreed to buy 2 of Lisas bags for $500. Arrangements were made for the ladies to meet the next day to hand over the bags and make payment respectively. Suzy then sent $50 to Lisa through Paylah (an online wallet) as a deposit.
That night, Lisa changed her mind and decided not to sell the bags because she had previously paid $10,000 for both bags. She felt that the amount of $500 was not enough since her 2 bags were more valuable. She sent Suzy $50 through Paylah to return the deposit and sent a message to inform Suzy that she would not be selling her the bags afterall.
Discuss whether the agreement to buy the bags for $500 could be enforceable by Suzy against Lisa?
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