Listed below are ten independent transactions. For each one, show the impact (increase a, Decrease (D) or No Effect (NE)] on the line item indicated for each of the following financial statements Statement of Activities -Government-Wide (governmental activities) A. (line item) "Change in Net Position" B. Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balancers governmental funds (line item) "Net Change in Fund Balances" C. Statement of Revenues, Expenses, and Changes in Fund Net Position- Proprietary Funds (line item) "Change in Net Position" 1. Depreciation expense 2. Acquire capital assets 3. Issue long-term bonds payable 4. Pay interest on these bonds 5. Grant from state government 6. Original budgetary entry ! Set up encumbrance for purchase order 8. Closing entries (operating accounts)_ 9. Accrue property tax revenue (general 7. fund) 10. Transfer from general fund to internal service fund CASE II For each f the following examples, answer each question: a. Is it conditional or uncondi tional? b. ahould the contribution be recognized curzently, in the c. Is the contribution "with donor restrictions" OR d. What amount is recognized in the financials? future, or not atal? "wi thout restrictions " donor 1. C ompany x gave NFP $400,000 to study fat content in certain types of foods. The results of the study will be used to educate the publio, not , to benefit x. (d) (O wim donor 2. Donor sent a $5,000 contribution to NFP, which had solic ntributions for a particular purpose C) 3. Donor gave 100 shares of ABC, Inc. ther alma mater, The of this stock was $20,000 on the date of the gift d) (a Cb) 4. Donor gave $1,000,000 to NFP to be invested in perpetuity, with the income used for current expenses (b Donor gave some old, self-made movies about her Community to Museum. They are to be used to educate local residents about . ommunity history a) 6. Donor, a musician, promises to donate to his alma mater all proceeds in excess of $55,000 from his next concert. He stipulates that the money is to be used for sholarships. : Donor, a CPA, spends a half day each weok paying bills, doing Financials, and doing any tax returns for NFP. No one in office of NFP knows any accounting (bo) (Cb) lb) Donor promises to give $10,000 over five years to NEP 8 (a lc) 9. Donor said she plans, to contribute $10,000 to NFP SOme time next year. (a 10. Donor notifies NFP that he is leaving it $500,000 in his will. (d Listed below are ten independent transactions. For each one, show the impact (increase a, Decrease (D) or No Effect (NE)] on the line item indicated for each of the following financial statements Statement of Activities -Government-Wide (governmental activities) A. (line item) "Change in Net Position" B. Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balancers governmental funds (line item) "Net Change in Fund Balances" C. Statement of Revenues, Expenses, and Changes in Fund Net Position- Proprietary Funds (line item) "Change in Net Position" 1. Depreciation expense 2. Acquire capital assets 3. Issue long-term bonds payable 4. Pay interest on these bonds 5. Grant from state government 6. Original budgetary entry ! Set up encumbrance for purchase order 8. Closing entries (operating accounts)_ 9. Accrue property tax revenue (general 7. fund) 10. Transfer from general fund to internal service fund CASE II For each f the following examples, answer each question: a. Is it conditional or uncondi tional? b. ahould the contribution be recognized curzently, in the c. Is the contribution "with donor restrictions" OR d. What amount is recognized in the financials? future, or not atal? "wi thout restrictions " donor 1. C ompany x gave NFP $400,000 to study fat content in certain types of foods. The results of the study will be used to educate the publio, not , to benefit x. (d) (O wim donor 2. Donor sent a $5,000 contribution to NFP, which had solic ntributions for a particular purpose C) 3. Donor gave 100 shares of ABC, Inc. ther alma mater, The of this stock was $20,000 on the date of the gift d) (a Cb) 4. Donor gave $1,000,000 to NFP to be invested in perpetuity, with the income used for current expenses (b Donor gave some old, self-made movies about her Community to Museum. They are to be used to educate local residents about . ommunity history a) 6. Donor, a musician, promises to donate to his alma mater all proceeds in excess of $55,000 from his next concert. He stipulates that the money is to be used for sholarships. : Donor, a CPA, spends a half day each weok paying bills, doing Financials, and doing any tax returns for NFP. No one in office of NFP knows any accounting (bo) (Cb) lb) Donor promises to give $10,000 over five years to NEP 8 (a lc) 9. Donor said she plans, to contribute $10,000 to NFP SOme time next year. (a 10. Donor notifies NFP that he is leaving it $500,000 in his will. (d