Lowrence's Pima, lne is a company with 5 plza restaurants located in collige lowns in the southeastern United States - Oxion Columbia, SC, and Fayetteville, AR. The restaurants are known for two thing: (1) cold beer and (2) making your own plzm. With the restaurant, customers roll out their owa pita dough; put sauce, choese, and toppings on the pizza; and place the pima in a pima oven which is set on 850 degees. The restaurants have combined for revenue of 59.250,400 for the past year, with 40% of the revenue coming from alcohol sales, and the remaining 60% - trom pima sales. The cost of goods sold for the alcohol is around 20%, while for the piza it is 30%. The remaining operating expenses, (except depreciation) is at 40% of Q total revenue. Depreciation expense is $500,000 per year. E Rocently, an honors student at the college in Fayetteville decided to see if he could ft his head in the pima oven - he could Unfortunately, he suffered bums over 96% of bis bead. He sued but lost when the jury leamed that the honors student had consumed 10 ice cold beers prior to his head going into the piaza oven. While Lawrence's Piza did not have to pay out any damages to the burned honors student, they did get visited by numerous sate and foderal governmental agencies. The governaneat decided that the company needed to do one of two things to keep this from happening in the future: ( barier on cach pima oven to keep people's heads out them. Option A will not only result in loss alcobol sales, but also a decrease in plma sales of 25%. Option B will cont 52,500,000 per restaurant to install and may not be depreclated. The company has a tax rate of 25\%, a wACC of 10\%, and is expected to continue indefinitely into the foture. Which option should the company choose and why