maintenance margin was 25% a. Criculase the intial value of the transacion, the debit bolance, and the oquity posbon on Sara' transaction! margin cait (1) 517557 , (2) $208,37, and (3) $121.64 (1) 517477,(2)$19043, and (3)3200154 a. The inisal valuo of the trarisacion is 1 (Roouns so the nearest cerk.) The debit balance is 1 (Rouns io the nevest carn? The equaty postion ts (Round to the nearest cent.) b. (1) if the share prich fals to 5175.57, the actual margen persentupe wil be o. (Foond to two decimal places.) The account in this base [Select from the drop-down meru) (2) If the shaco price nises to \$206 37, the actua marin porcertage will bo 6. (Rourd to two obcirnui piaces.) The account in this cisse (Soloct from the dropdown inena) (2) If the share pnce nses to 5208.37, the actual mavgen percantage wal be (4. (flound to two decinal places) The account in this case (Seicit hom the dop-down manu) The occount in the cuse (Belect pom the urgodown merse) (Round to the nearest ond.) (thound to the nodied cent. (2) If the sale price at the end of the 7 . nonth folding period is $19543, then Sarab ankalized rave of fetum is (3) If the saie price at the ond of the 7 -rionth halking peciod is 3206.54. then svarr anreailond rate of teturn is (Rpound to two decimal colaces. Enter a fegalve hebim as a regaive namber) maintenance margin was 25% a. Criculase the intial value of the transacion, the debit bolance, and the oquity posbon on Sara' transaction! margin cait (1) 517557 , (2) $208,37, and (3) $121.64 (1) 517477,(2)$19043, and (3)3200154 a. The inisal valuo of the trarisacion is 1 (Roouns so the nearest cerk.) The debit balance is 1 (Rouns io the nevest carn? The equaty postion ts (Round to the nearest cent.) b. (1) if the share prich fals to 5175.57, the actual margen persentupe wil be o. (Foond to two decimal places.) The account in this base [Select from the drop-down meru) (2) If the shaco price nises to \$206 37, the actua marin porcertage will bo 6. (Rourd to two obcirnui piaces.) The account in this cisse (Soloct from the dropdown inena) (2) If the share pnce nses to 5208.37, the actual mavgen percantage wal be (4. (flound to two decinal places) The account in this case (Seicit hom the dop-down manu) The occount in the cuse (Belect pom the urgodown merse) (Round to the nearest ond.) (thound to the nodied cent. (2) If the sale price at the end of the 7 . nonth folding period is $19543, then Sarab ankalized rave of fetum is (3) If the saie price at the ond of the 7 -rionth halking peciod is 3206.54. then svarr anreailond rate of teturn is (Rpound to two decimal colaces. Enter a fegalve hebim as a regaive namber)