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MAKE A CODE IMPLEMENTATION ACCORDING TO THIS : Objective Th introduction of th provid d t xt outlin s th significanc of Wir l ss

Th introduction of th providd txt outlins th significanc of Wirlss Snsor Ntworks (WSNs) in th contxt of th Intrnt of Things (IoT). It mphasizs thxpanding rang of applications for WSNs ovr th past dcad, highlighting thir rol in dtcting vnts and masuring physical and nvironmntal quantitis of intrst.
Th main aim of th givn txt is to addrss th challngs rlatd to Tmporal Topology Control (TTC) in WSNs,spcially in scnarios charactrizd by a high lvl of snsor nod rdundancy. Th focus is on dvloping a Tmporal Topology Control Protocol (TTCP) tailord for rliabl WSN dploymnts, particularly in critical IoT applications. Th primary objctivs includ maximizing WSN liftim, minimizing packt collision, and nsuring th rliability of WSN opration,spcially in situations whr quick rsponss to potntial snsor nod failurs ar crucial.
Step 2
Th providd papr dscribs a novl Rliabl Dploymnt Topology Control Protocol (RD-TTCP) for Wirlss Snsor Ntworks (WSNs) usd in critical Intrnt of Things (IoT)
Th ky takaways are
Problm: Existing Tmporal Topology Control Protocols (TTCPs) ar not suitabl for rliabl WSN dploymnts du to:
High ovrhad
Communication and procssing rquirmnts for itrativ slp/wak schduling lad to slow rspons tims to snsor failurs.
Rdundancy: Infficint us of pr-calculatd connctd-covrs wasts ntwork rsourcs.
Proposd Solution: RD-TTCP addresses these issues by
Cntralizd control: Th sink nod manags activation and dactivation of pr-dfind minimal connctd-covrs, rducing ovrhad.
Orthogonal activation
Only on connctd-covr is activ at a tim, maximizing ntwork rliability.
Listning priods: Short listning priods allow SNs to xchang information and updat their statfficintly.
Hartbat mssags
Activatd SNs snd hartbat mssags to th sink nod for monitoring functionality.
Failur dtction
Missd hartbat mssags triggr activation of th nxt connctd-covr,nsuring rapid rspons to failurs.
Simulation results show that RD-TTCP
Low ovrhad: Incurrd ovrhad is low du to thfficint us of pr-calculatd connctd-covrs and minimal communication during listning priods.
Fast Tim To Rpair (TTR)
RD-TTCP racts quickly to snsor failurs, minimizing ntwork downtim.
RD-TTCP offrs svral bnfits for critical IoT applications
Improvd rliability
Ensurs continuous opration of th ntwork vn with snsor failurs.
Rducd nrgy consumption
Efficint managmnt of slp/wak cycls xtnds ntwork liftim.
Fastr rspons tims
Rapid dtction and rpair of failurs minimizs data loss and srvic disruptions.
Ovrall, RD-TTCP prsnts a promising solution for rliabl WSN dploymnts in critical IoT applications. Its low ovrhad and fast rspons tim mak it wll-suitd for scnarios whr ntwork uptim and data intgrity ar of paramount importanc.
RD-TTCP is a novl protocol for WSNs in critical IoT applications, offring low ovrhad and fast rspons to failurs through pr-dfind connctd-covrs and hartbat monitoring.
import time
class SensorNode:
def __init__(self, node_id):
self.node_id = node_id
self.state = "off"
self.heartbeat_index =0
def activate(self):
self.state ="on"
def deactivate(self):
self.state = "off"
def send_heartbeat(self):
return f"Heartbeat from Node {self.node_id}- Index {self.heartbeat_index}"
class SinkNode:
def __init__(self):
self.connected_cover =[]
self.heartbeat_threshold =3
def activate_cover(self, cover):
self.connected_cover = cover
def check_heartbeats(self):
for node in self.connected_cover:
heartbeat_msg = node.send_heartbeat()
# Process heartbeat message and check for failures
# ...
def main_protocol(self, network):
for interval in range(network.simulation_time):
for node in network.nodes:
# Activate nodes at the beginning of each interval
# Simulate communication and wait for ACK
# Receive ACK and send heartbeat
if random.choice([True, False]):
if __name__=="__main__":
class Network:
def __init__(self, num_

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