MAKING SALES MANAGEMENT DECISIONS she needs to complete her analysis for her upcom ing meeting with her national sales manager, Greg Allied Novelty Company markets a broad mix of ross Rich. Market shares for cach district were fairly and games to retailers throughout the United States sizable (80 percent, 32 percent, 34 percent, 31 per The salesforce is organized into five regions, cach cent, and 28 percent for districts through S, comprised of five districts. A national sales esecu respectively) at the beginning of the fiscal year. tive oversees the five regional sales managers. Each Kerri had expected these to remain relatively stable regional manager is responsible for the effectivenes over the past year. The company lud anticipated a of his or her region and is compensated according sales growth of 2 percent. In addition, selling costs to the achievements of their region. were budgeted at 10 percent of forecasted sales. If Keris region did not increase sales by 2 percent and stay within the sales budget, her performance appraisal, and subsequently her compensation, Kerri Ross is the northern region sales manager for would suffer. Kerri knew her boss would carefully Allied Novely. The fiscal year just ended, and Keri scrutinize her analysis. She hoped to be able to iden- has compiled data to help her analyze her region's tify any problem areas so that she could develop cffectiveness. Although her region has had what solutions and implement them in the upcoming she believes to be a very successful year, she wants year. She was scheduled to meet with Rich in three to analyze each district closely. She hopes to use her days. Kerri compiled the following information analysis to identify and correct problems. Alorower, shown in the table below). District 1 (8000) District 3 (5000) District 5 (5000) 16,800 9,240 1,250 District 2 (5000) 19,000 11,020 1.620 134 60 20 16 190 2,800 Sales Cost of goods sold Compensation Transportation Lodging and meals Telephone Entertainment Training District counts receivable District inventory Number of salespeople Sales quota Sales last year Industry sales 100 16,400 9,840 1.230 R2 34 16 20 160 2,340 20,900 12,958 1.470 84 32 24 30 210 2,900 District 4 (5000) 27,500 16,500 2,280 140 82 28 24 250 4,840 10,500 24 28,250 27.850 91,667 42 18 24 220 2,300 5,000 20 16,600 16,400 60,000 4,000 16 16,200 15,000 52,904 7,000 18 19,500 18,500 59,376 6,400 22 20,500 20,500 61,472 Allied Novelty Company 1. Perform sales analysis and Cost analysis for all the sales districts and your provide your results with an interpretation 2. Perform a complete profitability analysis and provide your assessment of problems and good performance. 3. Perform a productivity analysis and provide your assessment of problems and good performance 4. Present the specific steps to be taken to solve the problems and improve sales effectiveness. MAKING SALES MANAGEMENT DECISIONS she needs to complete her analysis for her upcom ing meeting with her national sales manager, Greg Allied Novelty Company markets a broad mix of ross Rich. Market shares for cach district were fairly and games to retailers throughout the United States sizable (80 percent, 32 percent, 34 percent, 31 per The salesforce is organized into five regions, cach cent, and 28 percent for districts through S, comprised of five districts. A national sales esecu respectively) at the beginning of the fiscal year. tive oversees the five regional sales managers. Each Kerri had expected these to remain relatively stable regional manager is responsible for the effectivenes over the past year. The company lud anticipated a of his or her region and is compensated according sales growth of 2 percent. In addition, selling costs to the achievements of their region. were budgeted at 10 percent of forecasted sales. If Keris region did not increase sales by 2 percent and stay within the sales budget, her performance appraisal, and subsequently her compensation, Kerri Ross is the northern region sales manager for would suffer. Kerri knew her boss would carefully Allied Novely. The fiscal year just ended, and Keri scrutinize her analysis. She hoped to be able to iden- has compiled data to help her analyze her region's tify any problem areas so that she could develop cffectiveness. Although her region has had what solutions and implement them in the upcoming she believes to be a very successful year, she wants year. She was scheduled to meet with Rich in three to analyze each district closely. She hopes to use her days. Kerri compiled the following information analysis to identify and correct problems. Alorower, shown in the table below). District 1 (8000) District 3 (5000) District 5 (5000) 16,800 9,240 1,250 District 2 (5000) 19,000 11,020 1.620 134 60 20 16 190 2,800 Sales Cost of goods sold Compensation Transportation Lodging and meals Telephone Entertainment Training District counts receivable District inventory Number of salespeople Sales quota Sales last year Industry sales 100 16,400 9,840 1.230 R2 34 16 20 160 2,340 20,900 12,958 1.470 84 32 24 30 210 2,900 District 4 (5000) 27,500 16,500 2,280 140 82 28 24 250 4,840 10,500 24 28,250 27.850 91,667 42 18 24 220 2,300 5,000 20 16,600 16,400 60,000 4,000 16 16,200 15,000 52,904 7,000 18 19,500 18,500 59,376 6,400 22 20,500 20,500 61,472 Allied Novelty Company 1. Perform sales analysis and Cost analysis for all the sales districts and your provide your results with an interpretation 2. Perform a complete profitability analysis and provide your assessment of problems and good performance. 3. Perform a productivity analysis and provide your assessment of problems and good performance 4. Present the specific steps to be taken to solve the problems and improve sales effectiveness