man, inc. is considering a new project and has provided the detals of the project. The troller has asked you to compute various capital budgeting methods to he's aid in the ision to pursue the investment. Use the information included in the Excel Simulation and Excel functions described below to complete the task. - Cell Reference; Allows you to refer to data from another cell in the worksheet. From the Excel Simulation below, if in a blank cell, "=C4* was entered, the formula would output the result from cell C4, or 225,000,000 in this example: - Basic Math functions: Allows you to use the basic math symbols to perform mathematical functions. You can use the following keys: + (plus sign to add), - iminus sign to subtract). "(asterisk sign to multiply), and 7 (forward slash to divide). From the Excel Simulation below, If in a blank cell "=13+D14" was entered, the formula would add the values from those cells and output the result, or 1150.000 in this example. If using the other math symbols the result would outout an appropriate answer for its function. - SUM function: Allows you to refer to multiple cells and adds all the values. You can add individual cell references or ranges to utiite this function. From the Excel Simulation below, if in a blank cell "s SUM(D7,08,09)" was entered, the formula would output the result of adding those three separate cells, or 5,500,000 in this example. Similarly, if in a blank cell "=SUM(D7:D9)" was entered, the formula would output the some result of adding those cells, except they are expessed as a range in the formula, and the result would be 5,500,000 in this example. - RATE function: Allows you to return the interest rate per period. The syntax of the RATE function: Aliows you to retum "-RATE(nper,pmepvifvlitypel/guess)" and results in the percentage interest rate value for the related inputs. The nper argument is the total number of payment periods. The pmt argument is the pryment made esch period that does not change over the ife of the investment and this argument must be included if the [(V]) argument is not included. The pv argument is the present value, or the total amount that series of future payments is worth now. The (fv) argument is the future value, or the cash basis to attain after the last payment is made and this argument malue, or the cash basis to-attoit aner the included if the pmt argument is omitted. The [fype) argument is a logical malue of 0 or 1, which indicates when the payments are due where 1 is the payment at the beginning of the period and 0 . is the payment at the end of the period. Both the [fv] and /type] values are optional arguments to hove the formuls work, which is why they are surtounded by brackets in the syntax, however, these values would not be they are sumed with brackets in the actual function. The [guess] argument is also optional and is your quess for what the rate will be, howevec, if omitted the system assumes a guess of 10 percent. Eor the purposes of this Excel Simulation elease include both guess of io percent Eorthe inmitiand if larguments, but leave put the Ityeeland iguesslargum function Also, the pyargumentshould be entcictisas gatwe-ave - PV Functiona Allows you to perform the mathematsal presentvatue calcutation of value. The syntax of the PV function is "ipV(ratepipescmilfowypeje and tesuits in the total amount that a series of future payments is worth nowhso whownas the pergument present value. The rate argument is the interest rale perperimed is payment made each is the total number of payment periods. The pmt argumenks the poyment nade thents argument must be period that does not change over the Hfe of the investmenterd the future value, or included if the [fv]argument is not included. The [N) ergumem ths argument must be the cash basis to attain after the last payment is made and tha wrgumentmast be value of 0 or included if the pmt argument is omitted