Managerial Accounting, here are the screen shots of the questions.
\fWaller Ila-mum Dumaraihre Indnrne Ehhment and Hemndhm {dulhls In Mantis} This Year Lasi'l'ea: Sales ELDDD IIEEJZIDD Best d1 grinds sdld mum DEJEIDD Grass rrargln BLDDD BLDDD Selllng and admlnlslra'li'u'e expenses: Selllng expenses 1!].TDD 1!].EDD Admlnlsu'atlue expanses 1".DDD H.5DD Tdtal selling and admlnlsu'ali'u'e expenses 1?.TDD 1?.1DD Met dperating Indnme 13.3DD 13.EDD Interest expense BED BED Met insane Deidre lattes 1E_45D 1E.EIED Insdme taxes ILEDD 5_EED Met inddme 14m ?.BDD Dlvldends te mmmen stdsithdlders EDD EDD Met insane added In retalned earnings [ETD [EDD Beginning retained sarnlngs seem 31.344] Endlng retained aarnlngs HEEJIJD IBEETD Hequlred: Campute me fellmuing Iinandal ralies far this year: 1- Times Interest earned ratid. [Reund year answer in 1 deslmal plane]: E- I}e|:i\\t-tul:i-ei:luit'_:..I rat|d_ {Rlll'id wur answer tn E decimal places.) i E- Edulty murtlpliet [Hdu nd yum answer In E declmal places.) i lEltlnmplarall'lrlir nanelal statements ier Weller lHerpreratlen. a merehandislnp eempany. fer the year ending December 31 appear helew. The eempany dld net issue any new eemrnen sleek durlng the year. A tetal ef 520,050 shares efeemmen steel: were eutstandlng. The interest rate en the bends. which were seld at thelr faee value. was 12%- The inemne tax rate was 410% and the dlyidend per share at eemmen sleek was 50.40 mls year. The market value efthe eempanyts eemmen steels: atthe end at the year was 525. All at the etenpany's sales are en ammunt- Weller Dalmatian Cerrparsye BelaneeEheet {Halters In tetiearid-s} This 't'ear Lest 't'ea: Assets Burrent assets: Cash 5 3.302 5 4.200 Aeeeunts reeelyahle. net 15.100 9.1m lnyentery 10.550 8.500 Prepaid expenses 1.9m 2.4410 Tetal eurrent assels 31.922 24.550 Freperty and eeulprnent: Land 1200 2.200 Bulldlngs and equlpment. net 20.900 20.102! Tetal prepetty and equipment 25.50} 25.400 Tetal assets 550.522 153.050 thlltl'es and Blackhelders' Equity urrent llaell'rtles: Ammunts payable 111.20} 5 5.150 Aeerued Ilahlllties 940 1.550 Mates payable. shert term 470 470 Tetal eurrent liatIiIIIles 12.510 11.170 Lena-term Ilahillties'. Er-ends payable 1500 1501 Tetal Ilabll'ltles 20.110 15.570 Stedthelders' eqult'y'. Gemmen steel: 9T0 970 Addlllenal paid-In eapllal 5.050 5.050 Tetal paId-in eapltal H.020 5.020 Retalned earnlngs 34.302 20.250 Tetal stealthelders' equityI 40.412 34.300 Tetal Ilahll'rtles and steelthelders' eeulty 555.522 553.050 TEETH! Lt'l'l' Salee 130.000 131.000 Duet pt panda epld 00.500 50.501 SIDES rmrpin 35.500 34.50:! Selling and admlnleua'ue expanses: Selllnp expend-es 10.200 0.200 Admlnleu'ali'u'e expenses 13.700 12.111! Tptal selling and admlnletrali'u'e emenaee 23.00} 22.40} Net ppera'dng Jncame 11.00:! 12.10:! lrrtereat expense 300 000 Net incur-1e belpre tales 10.200 11.200 lncerne lea-tee 4.230 4.100 Met lnmne 0.420 0.120 Dllddende to mm etpcld'lpldere 30-0 33-0 Net Income added to retelned earnings 0.032 0.332 Begtnrdrq retained earnings 20.300 22.020. Endlng retained eamlnge 134.332 120.300 Reclulred: Campute the fellmdnp nancial data for mle year: 1- Grape margin percentage. {Raund yrcur percentage anewerm 1 declrnel pllce [l.e.. 0.1234 ehculd be entered an 12.3].1 _:| 2. Net prdl margln percentage. :Rpumd your percentage all-newer Id 1 de-clrnal pllce {l.e.. 0.1234 should he entered ea 12.31.: _:|i| 3. Return pn halal aaeeta. [Rpund ycur percenhge newer Id 1 declmal place [I.e.. 0.1234 ehpuld be entered as 12.31.: _:|i| 4. Return an equity. {Raund wur percentage anew 1e 2 decimal places tl.e.. 0.1234 ehpuld be entered ea 12.3-41.1 I33