2 MARIE Rock Paper Scissors, best two of three This task will have you preparing a MARIE program which together. We will break it down into small steps for you allows two players to play rock paper scissors reqaire you to write code and test cases. The code mnust cotain comments, and you subenit tained it as mas iles togetber with the rest of your assigument. The test cases slhouid MARIE assetably files should also be working. In-class interviews: Yon will be required to demonstrate your code to your tutor deadline. Failure to demonstrate will lead to zero marks being this assigument. awarded to the entire programming part of 2.1 Getting a player's choice (2 marks) Start by preparing a MARI with integens). You shoulkd use 1 to represent rock, 2 to represetsciswosand 3 to B program which requests from the user a choice of rock, scissors or paper (represents paper c roo 2.2 Print string (5 marks) prepare a MARIE program which will your previous work to be a routine that accepting the choice. It should store the res program which will print a string (starting at a given location and zero terminated). Extend accepts the player sumber (1 or 2) and prints whose turn it is before somewhere appropriate ait 2.3 Comparisons (12 marks) Prepare MARIE routines called RockScissors (represent the choice of the two players) and checks if the mmbers correspond to the name of the routing (eg. PaperRock which each take two numbers as inpat determine if one player chose seissors and the other player chose paper). Ensure each of these routines pass back 0 where they do not match and 1 where they do but player I would win from this and -1 wbere they match but player 2 would win from this. Input Win counting (10 marks) 2.4 Prepare a MARIE routine called player Win which accepts a player number and a count of previous wins and uses your string printing code to display that tbe given player number has won (a round). This routine should also pass back the new sumber of wins for that player (one more than before). For example