May 1. Sold merchandise on ascount to Being Palace Co, S44,710. The cost of the merchandise sold was 828,000. Aug. 30, Received $10,390 trom Beijing Palace Co. and wrole of the remainder Gwed on the sale of May 1 as uncolloctible. Dec. B. Reinstated the account of Bejing Palace Co. that had been witten off on August 30 and received $34,320 cash in full payment. Required: Joumalize the above transactions in the accounts of Sodona interiors Company, a resteurant supply company that uses the allowance method of accounting for uncoliectible recelvables. Pefer to the Chart of Accounts for exact wording of account bites. Entries for uncollectible receivables, using allowance method brin of hacenatis Joumal insiructions CHART OF ACCOUNTS Sedona Interiors Company General Ledger Assets 110Cash 111 Pelfy Cash 121 Accounts Recevable-Bejing Palace Co. 129 Alowance for Douttul Acoounts 131 interest Receivable 132 Notes Recelvable 141 Merchandise (nventory 145 Otice Supplies 140 Store 3upplies 151 Prepaid Insurance REVENUE 410 Sales 610 interett Revenue EXPEN\$ES 510 Cost of Merchandise Sold 520 Ssles Salaries Expense 521 Adverising Expense 522 Depreciation Expenso-store Equipment 523 Delivery Expense 524 Repairs Eiponse Previous check My Work Entries for uncollectible receivables, using allowance method in iruetiens Cinat of Aceounth Journal Instructions Chart of Accounts 181 Land 191 Store Equipment 192 Accumulated Depreciation-Store Equipment 193 Oltice Equipment 194 Acoumulated Depreciation-Ofice Equipment LIABILTTES 210 Accounts Payable 211 Salaries Payable 213 Sales Tax Payable 214 interest Payable 215 Notes Payable EQUITY 310 Owner, Capital 311 Ownar, Drawing 312 income Summary dey seaniy experisus 530 Office Salaries Expense 531 Rent Expense 532 Depreciation Expense-Office Equipmen! 533 Insurance Expense 534 Orfice Supplios Expense 535 Store Supplies Expense 536 Credit Card Expense 537 Cash Short and Over 538 Bad Debt Expense 539 Miscellaneous Expense 710 Interest Expense Check My Work 1. Journalite the transpctons in the accounts of Sedona inteniors Compary, a restaurant supply company that isses the alowance method of accounting for uncollectible recevables. Aeler to the Chart of Acoosnts for exact worting of acoount thes