Memben of the boavd of directon of Secunty Syvems have received the following operating inceme dota for the year juat ended. [Click the ionn to view the operiting income data] Members of the boond are suprised that the industral sylems product ine is losing money They commission Company eccountarts estrmate that divcerenuing the industral rystems ine war decrease foed cost of goods sold by $79,000 and decrease fised morktiog and administrative expentes by $10,000. Resd the trowernenth. a shudy to determine whether the company should discoritnue the line. rectors of Security Systems have received the following operating income data for Company accountants of goods sold by $79,00 the operating income data.) Requirements 1. Prepare an incremental analysis to show whether Security Systems should discontinue the industrial systems product line. 2. Prepare contribution margin income statements to show Security Systems' total operating income under the two alternatives: (a) with the industrial systems line and (b) without the line. Compare the difference between the two alternatives' income numbers to your answer to Requirement 1 . What have you learned from this comparison? Data table Memben of the boavd of directon of Secunty Syvems have received the following operating inceme dota for the year juat ended. [Click the ionn to view the operiting income data] Members of the boond are suprised that the industral sylems product ine is losing money They commission Company eccountarts estrmate that divcerenuing the industral rystems ine war decrease foed cost of goods sold by $79,000 and decrease fised morktiog and administrative expentes by $10,000. Resd the trowernenth. a shudy to determine whether the company should discoritnue the line. rectors of Security Systems have received the following operating income data for Company accountants of goods sold by $79,00 the operating income data.) Requirements 1. Prepare an incremental analysis to show whether Security Systems should discontinue the industrial systems product line. 2. Prepare contribution margin income statements to show Security Systems' total operating income under the two alternatives: (a) with the industrial systems line and (b) without the line. Compare the difference between the two alternatives' income numbers to your answer to Requirement 1 . What have you learned from this comparison? Data table