Method (b) What type of plot would you recommend mm the distribution of the workforce over industries in each year? (c) Management is particuiarly interested in knowing which industries have experienced the most growth in the number of employees. What graph do you recommend Lisbon: changes in the size of the workforce in the different industries? Mechanics ((1) Prepare the chart that you chose in part (0). Explain the order you chose to show the categories. (e) How does the chart highlight industries that have smaller employment in 2000 than in 2010? (1) Do you think you should show all 10 categories, or should some rows be combined or set aside? Message (g) What message does your chart convey about the changing nature of employment? (h) By focusing on the growth and using a single chart, what's hidden? Chapter 3 #59 4M ANALYTICS: Growth Industries The U.S. Department of Commerce tracks the number of workers empioyed in various industries in the United States. It summarizes these data in the Statistical Abstract ofie United States. This regularly appearing volume contains a rich coliection of tables and charts that describe the country. The data shown in the following tabie appear in Tabie 620 in the 2012 edition, available online at httpa'fwwwcensusgov. This table summarizes a categorical variable from each of two data tables. These categorical variables identify the type of industry that employs the worker. Each row in the underlying data tables represents an employee, either in 2000 or 2010. Industry 2000 2010 Agriculture 2,464 2,206 Construction 9,9 3 1 9, 077 Manufacturing 19,644 14,08 1 Transportation 7,3 80 7,134 Education 1 1,255 13,155 Heaith 14,933 1 8,907 Hospitality 11,186 12,530 Retail trade 15,763 15,934 Finance 9374 9350 Professional services 13,649 15,253 Each value shown in this frequency table is a rounded count given in thousands. For example, about 2,464,000 were employed in agriculture and related industries in 2000. Motivation (a) A rm that sells business insurance that covers the health of empioyees is interested in how it should allocate its sales force over the different industries. Why would this rm be interested in a table such as this