MGECBZ (Frazer) - Questions at the End of Lecture 1 1] There have been three waves of globalization. What caused each of the first two waves? Describe in detail the characteristics of each of the first two waves of globalization, roughly when they occurred, and which countriesfregions were involved in the waves. Did the globalization have different implications for developing and developed countries in the first two waves? How? 2] What caused an end to the first wave of globalization? For how long was globalization interrupted? What policies maintained this interruption? 3) What are the characteristics of the third {latest} wave of globalization that differentiate its nature from the first two waves? Describe the differences of the third wave of globalization in detail. 4] Name three developing countries that have participated actively in the latest wave of globalization. 5] What ca uses globalization? List and describe four factorsz'forces. 6] What are the components of globalization. What activities does globalization involve? Which of these activities have been implemented in greater fashion worldwide? Which are more restricted? 7] In general, are large countries or small countries typically more open? Why? 8] Who is Canada's largest trading partner? 9] How did Canada's trade shares with its major trade partners change between 2001 and 2010? 10] Canada trades a lot with the U.S., and vice versa. Why? The U.S. trades more with Germany, the U.K. and France than it does with other European countries- Why? Name, describe, and explain describe a model of trade that explains these two facts. Explain whether or not this model, on average, explains empirical trade. 11] Explain four factors that determine the amount of trade between countries besides distance between and size of trading economies. 12] How has the composition of exports from developing countries, on average, changed between 1960 and now