MGT 101: Introduction to Computing Chapter 5 Review True/False ndicate whether the statement is trwe or false. I. B2C e-commerce is a useful tool for connecting business partners in a virtual supply chain to cut times and reduce costs. 2. Each e-commerce Web site must have Web server software to perform fundamental services, including security and identification, retrieval and sending of Web pages, Web site tracking. Web site development, and Web-page development. 3. A server that handles dynamic content must be able to access information from a variety of databases. lities, o-commerce transaction processing, and Web traffic data analysis. 5. For m-commerce to work effectively, the interface between the wireless device and its user must improve to 6. Enterprise systems employ a database of key operational data that can be shared by all. 7. G2B applications are designed to improve communications among the various levels of government Multiple Choice ldentify the choice that best completes the saatement or amswers the gwestion 8. e-commerce is a subset of e-commerce where all the participants are organizations a. G2C b. B2C c. C2C d. B2B e-commerce is a subset of e-commerce that involves consumers selling directly to other consumers. a. G2B b. B2C c. C2C d. B2B 10. applications support the purchase of materials and services from private industry by government procurement offices, enable firms to bid on government contracts, and help businesses receive current government regulations related to their operations. a. G2B b. B2C c. C2C d. B2B 11. A(n) is a single Web site that offers many products and services at one Internet location. a. home page b. electronic exchange c. cybermall d. Web server 12. is the identification of specific markets to target them with advertising messages. b. c. d. Technology-enabled relationship management Electronic bill presentment Batch processing