Mike has oblaned the foliowing bret informahion for the gendi 2015 theough 201 : d. Baved on b and c deperimene the coeficons d varadon of rotums for the secue ity. Rate of return, standard deviation, coetricient of variabon Persona Finance Protien Mae is searching for a stock to include in his current stock portblo. He is inteethed n if Tech inc-, he has been folows is to indide only securties with a coefficiont of vartation of seturns below 090 Mike has oblaned the kalowng ance elamation for the pernod 2015 theough 2018 H. Tech stock, beng growh oriented, dit not pay any didents darng these 4 years. a. Calculate the rale of refurn for esch year, 2015 through 20 sif lor Hi-Tech stock b. Assume that each yegr's retunn is equaliy probable and calculase eve average return over this tome period. d. Based on b and c setemine the coefficient of varation of ietures for fe secunty Mike has oblaned the foliowing bret informahion for the gendi 2015 theough 201 : d. Baved on b and c deperimene the coeficons d varadon of rotums for the secue ity. Rate of return, standard deviation, coetricient of variabon Persona Finance Protien Mae is searching for a stock to include in his current stock portblo. He is inteethed n if Tech inc-, he has been folows is to indide only securties with a coefficiont of vartation of seturns below 090 Mike has oblaned the kalowng ance elamation for the pernod 2015 theough 2018 H. Tech stock, beng growh oriented, dit not pay any didents darng these 4 years. a. Calculate the rale of refurn for esch year, 2015 through 20 sif lor Hi-Tech stock b. Assume that each yegr's retunn is equaliy probable and calculase eve average return over this tome period. d. Based on b and c setemine the coefficient of varation of ietures for fe secunty