Mini Case: what is your optimal order quantity? The attached image is the full question.
I11 HIE-Cue: You I'IYE reeently quuited I hnehite [or W You I'IYI' reviewed the operliotu ol' the hudneu euetlly. lion mot-helium monlgelnent. om Ieootuttingto rot-nee. You hlye notieed thl the store mperdoee not have I proper inventory poliey. You mm to optitriae the Irmmt ol'oo-'ee than you Ihould ooder II one time.1'heprieeol'eoee'u.5per Itonditeomesinli-Ithep.Theprieeperh-o5it 4.5'25 - SII2.5I]I.The .ttooe um tooo Itol'eot'I-'eeeyery yel'. thl it. W25 - I21} boyfl'heeo'eetutoredinlbeekrooen.whet'eodte|'supplieeutelhostorod.Youhot-e loundttltthestongeeoutol'eoeeperyel'juedonnerqe itwentoryitilliperlt- peryeIr. Or. it it IJPES - Elli perhlgper you. Theeootol'elpitll Foeth'u hutineu it Imperyel'. 'nteotderinleootol'eo-'ee'uiperotder. From lime. you have leaned thl you should ndthe peel-rent wine on\" the payment: you hue nudeto {I} older. {2]- ptu'ohlse. Indian-[3} storett'leeoee.'l'eotu:e. you need not include the lhtlteingeoet heeotue it it inehtded in the present yelue edeulotiono. You eon nd the optinul eohttion by minimizing the FY of the toil eout. 'I'm nalize tint 31m are worthig {I1 I eieuhu pnblem. 'I'eu set en! te tier-web]: I new flmetien, P, 1uI'hileh is the present 1Inf-hie 111' Ill payments for enharing, pmehaing, I111 staring eel'l'ee- Ymusmnerglenmnbefeniaspheedhllyelr,u1eiudqrendan \"fable. Sheeymlregningm use I21} by el'eeeeperyequlnuwill enhr \"Mn hlgsleuethne,lt1eeustef5llljperhug_ 'I'mi phee 311m rst enhrr right rum- The enhringeest is $35- The pmlning eel is {SI Ililhhg} " HEW" bigs1= 5| 3. 5m". Siuee you buy llfn lugs It eue time, the average 'urlu'rmtur'g,r is 6W" hugs- The surge em: is pmpertierul tn the avenge irwemnry. 'I'mi will sure the rst enier far if" ye: mdseuymwillgetsmlaerdn-Eeedlthlthestengeemtperbgperyuris BLEiTherel'ereJhesmrgeemtel'the rierder'u {$3l25queu1' {Emu lugs} '{lfrr yur}= Iihl I'Vel'the Iirsterthr= 35 + I3Mn+ IBTSM' 'I'euplmemlererderi't lfrryuLTheeestel'themenndemeristheslnelsle rst eue eseqst tJnt this eest eeems after I!" w. Te nd its presmt ville, use the dimeunt meel'li-Elndltimeel'lr yelLThis gives 35 + I] Ellie-r :31st \"5h IWeI'theseemderd = 'I'm willphee meta erderslhs' 2f.\" 1yen-s. Likew'e, its presmtvdue is I""||I"evl'thlethirdertier=35 + '3 wig: ll'ir\" {haptingthetmmyeudismmnttheyrmm iul'mite sis'ies,withu=35 + new" + l'fl and multiplitive Immu- = \"US\". Hiheuntiely, it is ier tn ndsestnnel'miunitegeemetrieseries. Usingeqiutieu{l_5},3uuget 35 IS SM! ln\" The present 1IIIhIIe el' inniteerders is = W Te mhrimize the eest, you eat di'emilte it 1with respect In it and set the deriive equd In IE1}- This is at 35+ l3 5Mn+ IRE! d l- HHS\" =0 'I'eu an use Hip-[e te sake the allure equlitu by using these instruetiees,