Mouse described the test your and other packages will contain the My will have the best methods that might bewed. The third s Your assignment to create program that will be provided w h have the following for a pow. hasceinture houseType HouseTypel number annumerated type that has only the w RENTAL. You will create the n e ed beamed as described earlier the game e n the Houses should house address Stre the house was built th e House Type ake PRIVATE VACATION and it must your House as you should provide Mountance and methods to modify each due to String method will crea tance of a ll on the same the String Atributes a values for with t ute of of M a nce A t e of HNO NEWUNE c es are on data he of The address of anothe r AT LEAST on your mothe r n "SSSS" for the The year buite s e t of 200 The ser for address MUST use the med properforate 2020, and cannot be than 16002020 age's Mystemethod properly before d Number of bedrooms may only be 10 Number of bathrooms may only be 0. 01000 s1for det 0 fordult e s and one that Make sure you provide adult com f ors receives parameters for all e s wat rode g ong method for the when you et med det forth H DURADORESSSSSS GULM2020 ousine Name: DEFAULT ADDRESS DEATABBUL house e PRIVATE, S b er of bedrooms: 1. number of typ evedrooms received and e d String of this House Ho w double Numatoms: Nor t ance with N uts de field Public String to trigli s samelin NO NEWLINE Public String Address the public int g ertut/turns the House Type w public int h in N o r of this House bit of this House house of this eber of bedrooms thumber of bathrooms stored W wid dressing the ATER calling My programmethodn e sting for addresses allowed o ty wh public void setYear Built YearBuilt the House's year built to given value if in proper range or se default year buite public void setHouseTypeMouse Type atyoelets this House's type to received type public void setNumBedrooms in Bedrooms sets this house's number of bedrooms or ses default invalid should be between 0 and 100 inclusive public void setNum Bathrooms double Bathrooms sets this house's number of bathrooms or uses defaultimal should be between 0 and 100.0 Write a second class, that has a method to read 1 single House instance and a method to write Inglesinance This classes has only 2 methods below are the method signatures and method descriptions for the methods you need to write inside of the class public class o //receives: Infile-precondition: open and ready to read data from // file format address winer i e type of house newline] number of bedrooms space umber of bathrooms newline returns: a single populated data from inFile ifall data is I returns all no data foundland for a house or // any mismatch of data or missing expected data cours public static House read romScanner Scanner //receives: outle-precondition:ouse open and ready to receive output // task received house is written to use in program readable format so that could be read back in later) public statkvold write oferit e House house Once you have written the classes described above, you will use my best class,, that will test your House and asses to see that they follow the specifications described above. In addition you will need the inpu files, housett, houseEmpty by my House Test class in testing The data files, house6.txt, houseEmpty thousemoet, house.tut should be copied into the top level project folder for men , they all can be drage and dropped to the very top level of project Assignment 3 House folder in HERE ARE ALL THE REQUIRED ADDITIONAL FILES TO TEST 3ds houseEmpty house. 400 WEST AVE. BS N. Main SREET 6100 im Pass 7900 east 23rd 100 Bain South 2014 PRIVATE 535 housel.tut 5100 North MAIN RENT MyUtil.jar package til: import java.text. SimpleDateFormat import java.util.Calendar import java.util.Gregorian Calendar import java.uti Scanner import java.util.StringTokenier public claus Myuti receives the Name, a String to properly format return a string formatted with first character of each word in all letters after first letter in word in lowercase all extra spaces removed before and after each word public static Soring properform i ng the Name) boolean aspacere I so that first letter gets capitalized.. the Name the Nametrim forint in the Name.length ) Characters Whitespace the Name chant 005 la Space at Spacere the space true Characters Whitespace the Name.charA000 temps to uppercase the chara at Space false temp 4 Character tolowerCase(the Name.charAIDOI: atspace false; Wand for return temp receives a sering data Mreturns the number of newlines in public static int numberinestring count forint data ) data.charAll) I receives a date as a GregorianCalendar instance return received as a format /d/000h public static StringateToString Gregorian Calendar datel String tempe int month and MONTE monthull add 1 due to e-based months int day date til DAY OF MONTH int year-date getCalendar YEARE temp month day" receive the Date as a sing informat I pre: theater is in format returns received ate as a correct Gregorian Calendar object public static GregorianCalendar getString the Data StringTokenizerskeider StringTokenize the Date, String temp int month e ra day. Year 2000 trim I grabs up to o utdate values mother mot month- e-band temptinem days Internet tempor year Integer partem ion et ecting date from theDute. catch Numberformat S m using default date 1/1/2000 return new Gregor returned 2009, 0, 1 default instance return new GregorianCalendarrean.month dayl: It uses month/day/year parsed out of String //receives a string to remove to returns a string with all spaces ved from thedas received. public static Stringtrio Spaces in the // TODO Auto- redmethods for(int is the length: Character wh i cha000 tempathed. count //receives: aString to check chars in // returns true if the string received has only letters or digits, false otherwise public static boolean isValid (String a String) if(aString.length() == 0) // test if empty string return false; for(int i=0; i