Mus TheollowingarestatementsafpmtorloesofoompwiesinueIohigl-oup [willow ended 30 September 2015. Ichi Ni Sun 3000 $000 $000 Sales spot. 2.636 864 Cost of sales (2313] M 0599.) Gm Pmt 593 528 1M Operating expenses (21:) {16-5) (43} Dividend income _1.Q ._- Pruitt: Mon to; 501 370 126 Tax Jugs) _[99.1 J39} Prot: for the 1mm _32 .2511 JE Additional information: t. Idllaoquiredboxoti'sordimryshamnnlowoheromsuhentheretamed ordinal Nimswmm :. On I Februaryeolsldaiauquimdmdwaordimmmdmgniunt hueooemtheoperatirgandmmhmdoddomofm 3. MwrespwwdamofooquiliontbeirvdueioftbenetmeIaeqmed the unnamomnwmpdonmthafairulueofthepmdmmplantofm exoeedodium-ryingamountby 860.000.1heplanthadaremaiuinsuaefullifeof four years on 1 October 20.13. Nihad not accounted for this amount. 4. During the you to 30 September 9015 the following inner-company transaction took plane: tel-Li told goods to Ni for $120.00o. one third of the goods ran-min in inventory at the nancial year-end. Saneotdgoodatolchion tSeptember 2014f\" $25,000.3Dofthesegoodnemomm inventoryattheyear-eud. Ni, Whose main line of operation is the sale of computers. sold goods to [chi on 1 October 2014 for $229,000. Ichi is using the computers as non-current met: and \"pm-dating them over their useful life of four years. Awmpaniusethcirgoodaetamm-upofasxonm. 5. Protsamueevenlythmushouttheyear. 6. Hipaidadhridendufhsopooontaulyzotsodideudshmbemmpooedby anyoftethreemmpaniea. 7. The retained prots of the three companies at 30 September 2014 were: 5000 Mai 7,960 Hi moo Son 656 B. Nmroontruinginmereatismmured atltapwpm'tiomteshareofmtm. 9. Tbegaodudhuwpeaotthowquiaionofihsimpajmdhyomohudtof memmsinueooquialon. Required: Prepare for Inhi Ltd for the year ended 30 September 2015 (a) a consolidated statement of prot or lose, and (16 mark!) (h) a consolidated statement of retained profits. {4 marks) Ignace any tax haplialione