Must Hangin' Night Club maintains an impres petty cash fund of $150, which is under the control of Sandra Marga At March 31, the fund holds 514 cash and petty chicks for office super $12, and delivery expenses Read the moments Requirement 1. Complete the following to explain how an imprest petty cash system works altaining the Potty Cash accounts is the nature of an mwystem. The rest system requires that This clearly entifies the the petty cash box contains and it is the system's main internal controllare bank balance designated balance reconciled balance Just Hangin' Night Club maintains an impres petty cash fundet 5150, which is under control of Sandra Morgan March 31, he und holds $14 cash and petty cash for office supplies 5126 and everyone 115 Read the requirements Requirement 1. Complete the following to explain how an imprest petty cash works Maintaining the Pelly Cash account is the nature of an impronten. The rest system requires that This sety dentes the te perty cash box contains the system's main into controlar at any point in time a month and Mwand Click to select your answer and then click Check Answer at Hungary Night Club maintain an impresory cash fund of 150, which is under the contra el Sandra Mongen. At Mach 1, he und holt 84 cash and party ches tortor potes, 5124, and yet. 518 Read the requirements Requirement 1. Complete the following to explain how an imprespety con system works Maintaining reelly Cash accounts is the nature of an imples. The presterere the This clearly identifies the the pedantes contains intite the wystar's main terra corters conhand party chickets that will the amount of the preot balance cash and petty cash tickets to the cash in in the checking account petty catches to the amount of the impresbalance peny cash tickets that so he cash in the checking account Click to set your and then click Check Answer Junt angle Night Club maintains an imprest petty cash fund of $150, which is under the cool Sandra Maron. A March 31, the und holds 114 cash and party can tok triceps. $. und daher. * Read the requirements Requirement 1. Complete the following to explain how an improperty cash wystem wait Maintaining the Pety Cash account at a is the nature of an imprest wystem. The rest wyshe requires that This clearly de the the pety Gashbox contains and it is the system's main contro amount of cash for which the custodian constie wmount of catch the bank account at month and Co to let your answer and then click Check