My group has to compare US vs Bangladesh so in my part i have to explain managing team and value system. I need answer of this parts only (managing team and value system)- Managing Team: extrinsic vs intrinsic Motivation & rewards (look up) Search by other work values - Value system Versus Anglo saxon egalitarianism Bangladesh (religious values)
Assessment 3 Assessment Type: Group Report and Presentation. 3000 words (110%) Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to provide an opportunity to use your skills and knowledge to research cultural differences between the two selected countries and write a report to compare and contrastl those countries. Research can include your reading list and the wider literature for information on cultural dimensions, leadership styles, communication, decision making, managing teams and value systems of these national backgrounds. This assessment relates to learning outcome a, b. c, d and e. Value: Written Report 20%; Oral Presentation 10% - Total 30% Due Date: Report Week 10 all groups 1 1 :30 pm Friday of Week 10; Presentation Weeks 10 EL 11 - groups will be advised of their specic week Submission: Written Report - one copy per group Word .doc or .docx to be uploaded to Tumitin and Moodle Presentation Slides - one copy per group to be printed and submitted to your instructor at the beginning of the class on the week of your presentation. Topic: Comparing and contrasting the culture of two different countries. Task details: Your task is based upon comparing and contrasting the culture of two different countries. Possible countries to compare are: Bangladesh vs United States Germany vs Cambodia Denmark vs Italy Argentina vs South Korea Qatar vs Nigeria . Algeria vs Spain This assignment is intended to provide an authentic teamwork experience. This task gives you the opportunity to work collaboratively and to develop team-based skills. You will work in teams of 4 students to complete the assignment. 0 Using your skills and knowledge to research cultural differences between countries 0 Assessing business challenges and problems in a global environment by applying relevant cross- cultural theories and frameworks o Explaining the role of culture in verbai and non-verbai cross-cuiturai communication, decision making, managing teams and vaiue systems. a Discussing leadership and management issues in cross-cultural organizations