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#NAME? Checking Figures Column Revenue Budget Quarter Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4 Total Month Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb

#NAME? Checking Figures Column
Revenue Budget
Quarter Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4 Total
Month Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun
Revenue $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $138,600 $138,600 $138,600 $415,800
Quarter Total $0 $0 $0 $415,800 $415,800
YR Figures Mth Figures
COGS Budget Income Statement Budget for next year
Quarter Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4 Total Revenue $252,000 Increase by 65% $415,800 $138,600
Month Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Cost of Goods Sold
Pruning $25,214 $25,214 Pruning $24,720 Increase by 2% $25,214 $25,214 Aug Only
Fertiliser $26,932 $26,932 $53,864 Fertiliser $52,550 Increase by 2.5% $53,864 $26,932 1/2 Oct & Nov
Cartage $2,772 $2,772 $2,772
Pickers $6,930 $6,930 $6,930 $20,790 Pickers $15,350 $92,620 5% of revenue $20,790 $6,930
Total $0 $25,214 $0 $29,704 $29,704 $2,772 $0 $0 $0 $6,930 $6,930 $6,930 $108,184 $99,868 Gross Profit $159,380 $99,868
Quarter Total $25,214 $62,180 $0 $20,790 $108,184 Operating Expenses
Selling Expenses
Cartage $4,420 2% of revenue $8,316 $2,772
Purchases Budget Salesman Salary $20,000 $24,420 No change $20,000 $10,000 Feb & Mar
Quarter Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4 Total Administration Expenses
Month Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Orchard Manager Salary $60,000 Increase by 5% $63,000.00 $5,250
Closing Stock $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Orchard Staff Salaries $80,000 Increase by 2% $81,600.00 $6,800
COGS $99,000 $29,704 $2,772 $0 $0 $0 $6,930 $6,930 $6,930 Utilities $10,380 Increase by 4% $10,795.20 $900
Opening Stock $8,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Rates $5,210 Increase by 2% $5,314 $443
Purchases $26,932 $29,704 $2,772 $0 $0 $0 $6,930 $6,930 $6,930 Repairs/Maintenance $14,870 Decrease by 15% $12,640 $1,053
Quarter Purchases Deprecation Equipment $20,000 $190,460 20% diminishing value $16,000 $1,333
Financial Expenses
Bank Fees $990 $990 Increase by 10% $1,089 $91
Accounts Receivable Collection Schedule Net Profit -$56,490
Quarter Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4 Total TOTALS $834,290 $226,318
Month Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Balance Sheet
Revenue $138,600 $138,600 $138,600 $415,800 Current Assets
GST $13,860 $13,860 $13,860 $41,580 Cash $4,810
Collections $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $138,600 $138,600 $277,200 Accounts Receivable $84,000
Quarter Collections $0 $0 $0 $277,200 $277,200 Fertiliser $5,000 $93,810
Non-Current Assets
Land $2,400,000
Operating Expenses Budget Buildings $460,000
Quarter Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4 Total Equipment $250,000
Month Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Accumulated Depreciation Equipment -$170,000 $80,000 $2,940,000
Selling Expenses Total Assets $3,033,810
Cartage $2,772 $2,772 $2,772 $8,316 Current Liabilities
Salesmans Salary $10,000 $10,000 $20,000 GST Payable $1,630 $1,630
Total Selling $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $10,000 $10,000 $2,772 $2,772 $2,772 $28,316 Net Assets $3,032,180
Admin Expenses
Orchard Manager $5,250 $5,250 $5,250 $5,250 $5,250 $5,250 $5,250 $5,250 $5,250 $5,250 $5,250 $5,250 $63,000 Capital
Orchard Workers $6,800 $6,800 $6,800 $6,800 $6,800 $6,800 $6,800 $6,800 $6,800 $6,800 $6,800 $6,800 $81,600 Opening Capital 3088670
Utilities $900 $900 $900 $900 $900 $900 $900 $900 $900 $900 $900 $900 $10,795 -56490 3032180
Rates $443 $443 $443 $443 $443 $443 $443 $443 $443 $443 $443 $443 $5,314
Repairs/Maintenance $1,053 $1,053 $1,053 $1,053 $1,053 $1,053 $1,053 $1,053 $1,053 $1,053 $1,053 $1,053 $12,640
Insurance BANK LOAN 10000 600
Depreciation $1,333 $1,333 $1,333 $1,333 $1,333 $1,333 $1,333 $1,333 $1,333 $1,333 $1,333 $1,333 $16,000
Total Admin $15,779 $15,779 $15,779 $15,779 $15,779 $15,779 $15,779 $15,779 $15,779 $15,779 $15,779 $15,779 $189,349 $189,349
Financial Expenses
Bank Fees $91 $91 $91 $91 $91 $91 $91 $91 $91 $91 $91 $91 $1,089
Interest $600 $600 $600 $600 $600 $600 $600 $600 $600 $600 $600 $600 $7,200
Total Financial $691 $691 $691 $691 $691 $691 $691 $691 $691 $691 $691 $691 $8,289 $8,289
Total $16,470 $16,470 $16,470 $16,470 $16,470 $16,470 $16,470 $26,470 $26,470 $19,242 $19,242 $19,242 $225,954 $225,954
Quarter Total $49,409 $49,409 $69,409 $57,725 $225,954
Cash Budget
Quarter Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4 Total
Month Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun
Cash Inflow
Accounts Receivable $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $138,600 $138,600 $277,200
Loan $883 $883 $883 $883 $883 $883 $883 $883 $883 $883 $883 $883 $10,600
Total Inflow $883 $883 $883 $883 $883 $883 $883 $883 $883 $883 $139,483 $139,483 $287,800
Cash Outflow
Pruning $25,214 $25,214
Fertiliser $26,932 $26,932 $53,864
Pickers $6,930 $6,930 $6,930 $20,790
Cartage $2,772 $2,772 $2,772 $8,316
Salesman $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $10,000 $10,000 $0 $0 $0 $20,000
Orchard Manager $5,250 $5,250 $5,250 $5,250 $5,250 $5,250 $5,250 $5,250 $5,250 $5,250 $5,250 $5,250 $63,000
Orchard Workers $6,800 $6,800 $6,800 $6,800 $6,800 $6,800 $6,800 $6,800 $6,800 $6,800 $6,800 $6,800 $81,600
Utilities - Incl GST $990 $990 $990 $990 $990 $990 $990 $990 $990 $990 $990 $990 $11,875
Rates - Incl GST $487 $487 $487 $487 $487 $487 $487 $487 $487 $487 $487 $487 $5,846
Repairs/Maintenance - Incl GST $1,159 $1,159 $1,159 $1,159 $1,159 $1,159 $1,159 $1,159 $1,159 $1,159 $1,159 $1,159 $13,903
Insurance - Incl GST $0
Bank Fees $91 $91 $91 $91 $91 $91 $91 $91 $91 $91 $91 $91 $1,089
Interest $600 $600 $600 $600 $600 $600 $600 $600 $600 $600 $600 $600 $7,200
GST Payable $1,630 -$195 -$195 -$195 -$2,888 -$2,888 -$195 -$195 -$195 -$195 $13,388 $13,388 $21,261
Repayment Loan $2,800 $2,800
Total Outflow $17,006 $40,395 $15,181 $42,113 $39,419 $12,488 $15,181 $25,181 $25,181 $24,883 $38,466 $41,266 $336,758
Net Inflow/Outflow -$16,123 -$39,512 -$14,297 -$41,229 -$38,536 -$11,604 -$14,297 -$24,297 -$24,297 -$23,999 $101,018 $98,218 -$48,958
Quarter Inflow/Outflow -$69,932 -$91,370 -$62,892 $175,236 $48,958
Opening Cash $4,810 -$11,313 -$50,825 -$65,122 -$106,351 -$144,887 -$156,492 -$170,789 -$195,087 -$219,384 -$243,383 -$142,366 -$44,148
Net Inflow/Outflow -$16,123 -$39,512 -$14,297 -$41,229 -$38,536 -$11,604 -$14,297 -$24,297 -$24,297 -$23,999 $101,018 $98,218 -$48,958
Closing Cash -$11,313 -$50,825 -$65,122 -$106,351 -$144,887 -$156,492 -$170,789 -$195,087 -$219,384 -$243,383 -$142,366 -$44,148 -$93,106
GST Budget
Quarter Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4 Total
Month Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun
GST Paid on:
Fertiliser $2,693 $2,693 $5,386
Cartage $277 $277 $277 $832
Utlities $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $90 $1,080
Repairs/Maintenance - Incl GST $105 $105 $105 $105 $105 $105 $105 $105 $105 $105 $105 $105 $1,264
Insurance $0
Total GST Paid $195 $195 $195 $2,888 $2,888 $195 $195 $195 $195 $472 $472 $472 $8,561
GST Payable -$195 -$195 -$195 -$2,888 -$2,888 -$195 -$195 -$195 -$195 $13,388 $13,388 $13,388 $33,019
Quarter GST Paid $586 $5,972 $586 $1,417 $8,561 $8,561
Income Statement Budget
Quarter Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4 Total
Month Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun
Revenue $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $138,600 $138,600 $138,600 $415,800
COGS $0 $0 $0 $99,000 $29,704 $2,772 $0 $0 $0 $6,930 $6,930 $6,930 $152,266
Gross Profit $0 $0 $0 -$99,000 -$29,704 -$2,772 $0 $0 $0 $131,670 $131,670 $131,670 $263,534
Operating Expenses $16,470 $16,470 $16,470 $16,470 $16,470 $16,470 $16,470 $26,470 $26,470 $19,242 $19,242 $19,242 $225,954
Net Profit -$16,470 -$16,470 -$16,470 -$115,470 -$46,174 -$19,242 -$16,470 -$26,470 -$26,470 $112,428 $112,428 $112,428 $37,580
Quarter Net Profit -$49,409 -$180,885 -$69,409 $337,285 $37,580
Balance Sheet Budget
Current Assets
Cash -$44,148
Accounts Receivable $207,900
Fertiliser $53,864 $217,616
Non-Current Assets
Land $2,400,000
Buildings $460,000
Equipment $250,000
Accumulated Deprn- Equip -$170,000 $2,940,000
Total Assets $3,157,616
Current Liabilities
GST Payable $13,388 $13,388
Net Assets $3,144,228
Opening Captial $3,088,670
Net Profit $37,580 $3,126,250 $17,978

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