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Name: Marquis Davis NTR 222: The Diet Design Project Please, read everything! This project is based on the diabetic exchange system. You will go through

Name: Marquis Davis NTR 222: The Diet Design Project Please, read everything! This project is based on the diabetic exchange system. You will go through a series of steps to decide how many calories you need each day. You will then determine what percentages of your calories you will get from carbohydrate, fat and protein. Next, you will design a one-day menu using the exchange system to achieve your calorie distribution goal. We do not accept emailed assignments. If you do not know how to turn in assignments properly on Canvas, please contact the teaching assistants, and they will be happy to help you. The project is due on Friday, March 11, 2016 by 11:59:00 pm. We strongly suggest that you turn the project in early. If you wait until Friday evening to submit it and have questions or problems, we may not be available to help you. If you are unable to submit it by the due date, we will accept late projects, however, there will be a 10 point deduction per day that it is late. If you submit it 1 second after 11:59:00 pm, 10 points will be deducted, so please be on time! Again, we do not accept emailed projects. You must turn the project in properly on the Canvas website. Instructions. The first step you will need to take is inserting your name in the header. Show all of your work. Include calculations as well as rounding. You will round to the tenths place unless otherwise specified. Do not change any formatting and/or colors within the text. The colors are there for a reason! Let's Begin! Page 1 of 18 Name: Question #1) Marquis Davis QUESTION #1 Part I Question #2) What are your calorie needs? Your daily calorie needs are a combination of three factors: Part 1) Basal Metabolic Rate Part 2) Physical Activity Part 3) Specific Dynamic Action of Food (a fancy way to say the number of calories you use up to digest & metabolize your food). Question #3) Question #4) Question #5) Calculate each factor and show your work. Before we begin, provide you weight and height: Question #6) Question #7) Question #8) Weight: __174_lbs. Height: __5__ft.___4__ inches Question #9) Question #1 Part 1) Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR): BMR is the energy expended by your body to perform the necessary functions of life. BMR is determined by weight and gender. Take your weight in pounds and divide by 2.2 to calculate your weight in kilograms (kg). Page 2 of 18 Question #10) Question #11) Question #12) Question #13) Question #14) Question #15) Question #16) Question #17) Question #18) Question #11) (1a) Question #2) #7) #12) Question #1) Question #6) Question Question Question #3) Question #8) in Weight in Conversion Weight Questionfactor #4) lbs Question Question #9) #13) kg Question #5) Question #10) Question #14) Question #16) = Question #18) 174_ 2.2 79.09 kg Question #19) (1b) Next find out how many calories you burn per hour by multiplying by either (a) or (b): a. Women - 0.9 kcal x kg body weight = calories burned per hour b. Men - 1.0 kcal x kg body weight = calories burned per hour Question #20) #25) Question #21) Question #19) Question Body Weight (kg) Select Question #21) Question #22)Question #20) Question #26) #22) Question #23) 0.9 or 1.0 Question (insert 1a answer) Question #23) Question #24)Question #32) Question #35) Question #24)#36) Question #25) Question #33) Question X Question #26) _0.9 79.09kg Question #27) Question #28) Question #29) Question #31) Calories Question #27) burned Question/hr #28) Question #29)#38) Question Question #30) #39) Question = 71.2__ Question #40) (1c) Then multiply your calories burned per hour by 24 to equal your daily BMR. Question #30) Question #41) Question #31) Calories burned/hr Question #32) Question #33)Question #42) Question #34) (insert 1b answer) Question #35)Question #54) Question #36)Question #55) _71.2__ Question #37) Question #38) Question #39) Question #40) Part II Question #47) Question #52) Daily BMR Question #53) Question #43) Question #48) (kcal/day) Question #44) Question #49) Question Question Question #45) #57) Question #50) #60) Question Question Question #46) #58) Question #51) #61) 24 hrs X 24 hrs = 1708.8__ Question #62) kcal/day Question #63) QUESTION #1 Question #41) Physical Activity (PA): The calories you burn up in physical activity are estimated as a percentage of your BMR. Use the following table and definitions to determine your PA. Question #42) Average Activity Level Energy Cost (%BMR) Question #43) Question #44) Moderate Heavy Sedentary Very Light 20% 30% 40% 50% Question #45) Question #46) Sedentary: You may walk to the kitchen for a Twinkie or to walk to get the mail, but that's about it. Question #47) Very Light: You walk to classes or walk your dog, but you don't really work out or go for regular long walks. Question #48) Moderate: You walk or do some other type of aerobic exercise regularly approximately 3 times a week and you may even pump some iron occasionally. Question #49) Heavy: You're doing high intensity exercise (running, bench aerobics, cycling) at least 3 times a week along with recreational activities such as walking, hiking, or team sports on other days. You may also strength train. Question #50) 2a) Determine your physical activity calorie needs. Question #51) Multiply your daily BMR answer calculated above by the percentage of Basal Metabolic Rate activity level you perform. Question #52) Question #53) Question #54) Daily BMR Question #55) (Insert 1c answer) Question #67) Question #68) _1708 .8__ kcal/day Question #76) Question #60) Question #56) Question Question #61) #65) Percentage of Question Question #57) Question #62) #66) Basal Metabolic PA Question #58) Question #63) Rate activity Question #59) level X Question #70) Question #71) 40_% Question #64) = Question #73) Question #74) _683.5__ kcal/day Question #75) QUESTION #1 Part III Question #77) Specific Dynamic Action of Food (SDA): Also known as the thermogenesis of food. This is 10% of your energy requirement based on your BMR and physical activity. Question #78) 3a) First total your daily energy requirements. Question Question #79) Question #82)#85) Daily Physical Question #80) Daily Question #83) Activity BMR Question #84) Question #86) Question #81) (Inse + (Insert 2a answer) rt 1c answer) Question #92) Question #93) __17 08.8__ kcal/day Question #94) Question #101) Question #102) Question #96) Question #97) _683.5___ kcal/day 3b) Question Question #87) #91) Daily Question #88)Energy Question Requirements #89) Question #90) = Question #99) Question #100) __2392.3__ kcal/day Determine your SDA. (Multiply Total Daily Energy Requirements by 10%.) Question #110) Question Question #103) Question #106) Question #111) #115) Percentage of Specific Question #104) Daily Question #107) Question #112)Dynamic Thermogenesi Action of Energy Requirements Question #108) Question #113) s from Food Food (SDA): Question #105) (Inse Question #109) Question #114) rt 3a answer) x = Question #119) Question #116) Question #121) 10% Question #117) __23 Question #122) 92.3_ kcal/day _239.2__ kcal/day Question #123) Question #124) QUESTION #1 Part IV Question #125) Putting it all together. What are your calorie needs? Question #126) Question #127) Question #128) Total Energy Requirement (TER): Your total energy requirement is the sum of BMR, PA, and SDA. Question #129) Question#140) #144) Question Question #130)Question Question #133) #137)Question Question #146)#150) Specific Question #131) Question Question #138) Question #141) Question #134) Question #147)#151) Dynamic Daily BMR Daily Physical Question #152) Question #135) Question #142) Question #148) Question #132) Insert 1c answer Activity Action of TER Question #143)Question #149) Food Question#136) #139) Question = (SDA): + Insert 2a answer + Question #145) Insert 3b answer Question #153) Question #156) Question #159) Question #162) Question #154) __1708.8__ kcal/day Question #157) __683.5__ kcal/day Question #163) __2631.5__ kcal/day Question #160) _239.2___ kcal/day Question #164) Question #165) Question #166) Question #1 Answer: Your Total Energy Requirement is (insert answer above) kcal/day. Question #167) Question #2 Part I Question #168) Question #169) Calculate your BMI and choose your Weight Option: To convert your weight to kg, divide your weight in pounds by 2.2 (so 150 pounds = 68.2 kg). To convert your height to meters, multiply your height inches by .0254 (so someone who is 5'10\" would multiply 5ft*12 to get 60 inches, and added to the additional 10 inches which is 70 inches. 70 inches is multiplied by 0.0254 to equal 1.78 meters). Round your weight in kg to the nearest 10 th decimal place and height in meters to the nearest 100th decimal place. Question #170) Question #171) Q2 1a) H =5 ' 4 =(5*12)+4=(64inches) * (.0254)=1.63} 174 lbs Question #172) w= =79.09=79.1 kg 2.2 BMI = = 2 [ height meters ] Question #173) Question #174) BMI = ( 79.1 kg ) 79.1 kg = =29.77=29.8 2.6569 1.632 Question #175) Question #176) BMI= _29.8______ Question #177) Q2 1b) Question #178) Also, provide the category most appropriate for your calculated BMI: Underweight: <18.5 kg/m2 Normal weight: 18.5-24.9 kg/m2 Overweight: 25-29.9 kg/m2 Obesity: BMI of 30 kg/m2 or greater Question #179) Question #180) CATEGORY __Overweight____ Question #181) Question #182) BMI is a measure of weight for height. It is not perfect and does not take into account fitness or muscle mass. It is entirely your choice which weight option you choose. Your BMI may be in the obesity or overweight range but you may not want to lose weight at this time. You will not lose points because you chose to maintain your weight at this time - this is an entirely personal decision. However, if you have a low BMI, do not choose weight loss since it is dangerous to lose too much weight! Please select the option that corresponds with your weight goal: Question #183) Option 1: Weight Maintenance: Use your estimated calorie needs from Question #1. Question #184) Option 2: Weight Loss: If you desire to lose weight, set your calorie goal at 500 (or more) calories less than your estimated daily total energy requirement to lose an average of one to two pounds per week. You could set it lower or higher depending on variables such as your activity level, but be sure to set it no lower than 1500 calories per day. Question #185) Option 3: Weight Gain: If you desire to gain weight, add 500 calories (or more) to your daily calorie requirement. Question #186) Question #187) Q2 1c) Option 2:Weight Loss Question #188) Question #189) Question #190) Question #191) Question #192) Question #193) Question #194) Question #195) QUESTION 2 Part II Question #196) Question #197) Q2 2a) Briefly tell us why you chose the option above: Question #198) Question #199) I choose option #2 weight loss because I have gain some pounds and I would like to get ready for the beach and I would like to be more healtheir. Question #200) Question #201) QUESTION #2 Part III Question #202) Question #203) Putting it all together. Question #204) Question #205) a WHOLE number.) My daily calorie goal is: _2630___ kcal/day (Round your goal to Question #206) Question #207) QUESTION #3 Question #208) Question #209) Determining your Calculated Exchanges: First, you must decide how you are going to distribute your calories. Follow the dietary guidelines for Americans, making adjustments in accordance with your goals. Question #210) Question #211) Calorie Distribution is based on the percentage of calories derived from three main macronutrients. Q3 Part 1) Carbohydrates (45% - 65% of your daily calorie goal) Q3 Part 2) Protein (12% - 25% of your daily calorie goal) Q3 Part 3) Fat (20% to 40% of your daily calorie goal) Question #212) Question #213) Round to WHOLE numbers Question #214) QUESTION #3 Part I Carbohydrates - CHO (choose between 45% - 65%) Question #215) Q3 1a) Calories per day from CHO: Question #216) Ca lorie Goal from Question #218) Question #220) _ Question #217) Question #219) Question #2 _55___ CHO 1447__kcal/day x = ___2630__ % CHO kcal/day Question #221) Question #222) Q3 1b) Grams per day from CHO: Question #223) In sert Answer from Question #225) Question #226) Question Question #227) #228) 3 Q3 1a) _1447___ 4 kcal/g = 62__g/day CHO Question #224) kc al/day Question #229) Question #230) QUESTION #3 Part II Protein - PRO (choose between 12% - 25%) Question #231) Q3 2a) Calories per day from PRO: Question #232) Ca lorie Goal from Question #234) Question #236) _ Question #233) Question #235) Question #2 __15__ PRO _395_kcal/day x = _2630____ % PRO kcal/day Question #237) Question #238) Q3 2b) Grams per day from PRO: Question #239) In sert Answer from Question #241) Question #242) Question Question #243) #244) 9 Q3 2a) 4 kcal/g = 9__g/day PRO _395___kcal/day Question #240) Question #245) QUESTION #3 Part III Fat - FAT (choose between 20% - 40%) Question #246) Q3 3a) Calories per day from FAT: Question #247) Ca Question #251) _ lorie Goal from Question #248) Question #249) Question #250) 789_kcal/day Question #2 x _30___ FAT% = FAT 2630kcal/day Question #252) Question #253) Q3 3b) Grams per day from FAT: Question #254) In sert Answer from Question #256) Question #257) Question Question #258) #259) _ Q3 3a) 9 kcal/g = 88_g/day FAT Question #255) 78 9 kcal/day Question #260) Question #261) QUESTION #3 Part IV Double check your work. Be sure your percentages add up to 100% and are within the guidelines described! Do your percentages add up to 100? Question #262) Question #263) __55____CHO % + ___15___PRO % + __30____ FAT % = 100% Question #264) Question #265) Question #266) Question #267) Question #268) Question #269) Question #270) Question #271) Question #272) Question #273) Question #274) Question #275) Question #276) Question #277) Question #278) Question #279) Question #280) Question #281) Question #282) Question #283) Question #284) Question #285) Question #286) Question #287) Question #288) Question #289) Question #290) Question #291) Question #292) Question #293) Question #294) Question #295) Question #296) Question #297) Question #298) QUESTION #4 Part I Question #299) Your Calculated \"Actual\" Exchanges: Determine how many exchanges you need from each group. Question #300) The only number(s) you will alter in the table below is colored in RED. You will only change the Number of Exchanges accordingly. Double Click on the table, and it will bring up an Excel-like document (wait a few seconds!). After you input your numbers, the Total of Each Exchange will update itself. Click \"Esc\" on your keyboard to exit from table. Question #301) Question #302) Numberof Gramsof Gramsof CHO PRO Exchanges Exchange Fruit (at least 2) Vegetable (at least 3) Skim(S) 1% Milk 2% Whole(W) (total milks) Starch (at least 4) Lean(L) Medium(M) Meat High(H) (total meats) Fat 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Q2, Part III ??? 0 Q4, 1b 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Q4, 1c 0 Question #310) Question #312) Question #314) g/day of CHO g/day of PRO g/day of FAT Question #311) Question #313) Question #315) from Q3, 1b Insert answer s in row 0 0 TOTALof EachExchange(Q4, 1-3a) Question #303) Question #304) Question #305) QUESTION #4 Part II Question #306) Question Question #307) #308) Original Goal (kcal/day)Question #309) Daily Calorie Goal from 0 0 0 0 0 Q4, 1a Question Question #316) #317) Grams of Fat from Q3, 2b Q3, 3b Original Calorie Goal Question #318)Question #319)Question #320) ??? ??? ??? Question Question #321) #322) Are your g/day from Q4 within parameter from Q3? (*HINT: For example, subtract Q3, 1b from Q4, 1a and follow next step). Question #323)Question #324)Question #325) ??? ??? ??? Question #326) Question #327) Question #328) Question #329) QUESTION #5 Question #330) Required Parameters: Once you have determined your \"actual\" exchanges from the EXCEL table above, you must make sure that ALL FOUR of the following parameters are met. The grams for CHO, PRO and FAT should be within the amounts specified below and the total calories should also be within the amount specified below. Question #331) Question #332) QUESTION #5 Part I Question #333) from Question 3) Total grams of CHO (should come within 15 grams of your goal Question #334) Question #335) Grams per day from CHO: Question #336) In sert Answer from Q4 1a ) ____g/day Question #337) Question #338) (A RE YOUR GRAMS Question #339) Question #340)Question Question #341) #342) _ OF CARBS X 4 kcal/g = _kcal/day CHO WITHIN 15 GRAMS FROM WHAT YOU CALCULATED IN QUESTION 3 PART I?) Question #343) Question #344) QUESTION #5 Part II Question #345) Question 3) Total grams of PRO (should come within 7 grams of your goal from Question #346) Question #347) Grams per day from PRO: Question #348) In sert Answer from Q4 2a) ____g/day Question #349) Question #350) (A Question #352)Question Question #353) #354) _ RE YOUR GRAMS Question #351) X 4 kcal/g = _kcal/day PRO OF PROTEIN WIHTIN 7 GRAMS FROM WHAT YOU CALCULATED IN QUESTION 3 PART II? Question #355) Question #356) QUESTION #5 Part III Question #357) Question 3) Total grams of FAT (should come within 5 grams of your goal from Question #358) Question #359) Grams per day from FAT: Question #360) In Question #362) Question #363)Question Question #364) #365) _ sert Answer from X 9 kcal/g = __ kcal/day FAT Q4 3a) ____ g/day Question #361) (A RE YOUR GRAMS OF FAT WITHIN 5 GRAMS OF WHAT YOU CALCULATED IN QUESTION 3 PART III? Question #366) Question #367) QUESTION #5 Part IV Question #368) Total Calories (should come within 40 calories of your goal from Question 2, Part III) Question #369) Question #370) Total Calories per day: Question #380) _____Total kcal/day Question #371) Question #374) Question #377) (ARE YOUR ____ from Q5 ____ from Q5 ____ from Q5 Question #373) Question #376) QuestionCALORIES #379) Part I Part II Part III + + = WITHIN 40 Question #372) Question #375) Question #378) CALORIES kcal/day CHO kcal/day PRO kcal/day FAT OF YOUR ORIGINAL GOAL?) Question #381) Question #382) Question #383) QUESTION #6 Question #384) Question #385) Designing Your Meal Plan! Question #386) Now for the fun part! Following the number of exchanges you have decided to get from each group from Question 4, design your meal plan! Indicate where the exchanges will go (breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks - and you don't have to eat at all of the meals or snacks, but you do have to use all of your exchanges). Be realistic using foods that you actually like & would eat! Please include your serving sizes (and units); the serving size is the amount of food you consume, not necessarily the amount given in the Food Exchange lists. Also, be sure to put the foods on the line corresponding to the appropriate exchange, and double check to see if your meal plan exchanges are the same number from when you calculated your actual exchanges. Question #387) Question #388) Directions and Helpful Hints for Your Meal Plan 1. Make sure you have at LEAST the minimum fruit, vegetable, and starch exchanges requirements. 2. Do not forget to indicate the \"type\" of Milk and Meat exchanges. 3. If you are substituting an \"other carb,\" this must be written after the menu item. If you have used a food item from the \"Combination\" menu, please write \"Combo Food\" after the menu item. If you have used a food item from the \"Fast Foods\" menu, please write \"Fast Food\" after the menu item. Not doing so will result in point deductions. 4. Be descriptive of menu items- indicate cooked/raw and/or sliced, whole, etc. Also, indicate fried, baked, etc. for meats. For example, simply writing, \"broccoli\" will result in point deductions. 5. Double check that you have the same number of exchanges in your meal plan as in your calculated actual exchanges from Q4; this is worth 5 points each and no partial credit will be given if incorrect! For example, if you have listed 5 exchanges of fruits in your exchange table; however, you have 4 or 6 in your meal plan, this will result in 0 points for the fruits. 6. Please, do not include all of your exchanges in one meal. For example, if you have 7 exchanges listed for starch in your exchange table, do not list all 7 exchanges of starch for lunch. Keep the meals realistic. 7. Do not have more than 4 exchanges of non-starchy vegetables in one meal. For example, it is unrealistic to eat more than 4 exchanges of cooked spinach in one sitting. 8. Keep healthy guidelines in mind, such as variety (if you have orange juice for all of your fruits, this will lower your points). 9. While nutrients like fiber and calcium are not calculated into the exchanges, be sure to include foods that are high in these nutrients. 10. Do not include foods/beverages that are not on the list. Any food/beverage item used, which is not on the Exchange List, will result in point deductions. 11. Include foods you like - like cookies, potato chips, etc. - just be sure to add them in a balanced way. 12. Please, do not hesitate to email us with any questions. Question #389) Question #390) Question #391) BREAKFAST Question Question #392) #393) Question #394) Question #395) Meal: Number of Excha nges Type of Exchange Serving Size Question #396) Menu Item(s): Question Question #397) #398) Question #399) Question #400) Fruit Question Question #401) #402) Vegetable Question Question #405) #406) Milk Question Question #409) #410) Starch Question Question #413) #414) Meat Question Question #417) #418) Fat Question #421) Free Foods/ Question #422) Free Beverages Question #403) Question #404) Question #407) Question #408) Question #411) Question #412) Question #415) Question #416) Question #419) Question #420) Question #423) Question #424) Question #425) Question #426) SNACK Question Question #427) #428) Question #429) Number of Excha nges Type of Exchange Serving Size Question #430) Meal: Question #431) Menu Item(s): Question Question #432) #433) Question #434) Question #435) Fruit Question Question #436) #437) Vegetable Question Question #440) #441) Milk Question Question #444) #445) Starch Question Question #448) #449) Meat Question Question #452) #453) Fat Question #456) Free Foods/ Question #457) Free Beverages Question #438) Question #439) Question #442) Question #443) Question #446) Question #447) Question #450) Question #451) Question #454) Question #455) Question #458) Question #459) Question #460) Question #461) LUNCH Question Question #462) #463) Question #464) Number of Excha nges Type of Exchange Serving Size Question #465) Meal: Question #466) Menu Item(s): Question Question #467) #468) Question #469) Question #470) Fruit Question Question #471) #472) Question #473) Question #474) Vegetable Question Question #475) #476) Question #477) Question #478) Milk Question Question #479) #480) Starch Question Question #483) #484) Meat Question Question #487) #488) Fat Question #491) Free Foods/ Question #492) Free Beverages Question #481) Question #482) Question #485) Question #486) Question #489) Question #490) Question #493) Question #494) Question #495) Question #496) SNACK Question Question #497) #498) Question #499) Number of Excha nges Type of Exchange Serving Size Question #500) Meal: Question #501) Menu Item(s): Question Question #502) #503) Question #504) Question #505) Fruit Question Question #506) #507) Vegetable Question Question #510) #511) Milk Question Question #514) #515) Starch Question Question #518) #519) Meat Question Question #522) #523) Fat Question #526) Free Foods/ Question #527) Free Beverages Question #508) Question #509) Question #512) Question #513) Question #516) Question #517) Question #520) Question #521) Question #524) Question #525) Question #528) Question #529) Question #530) Question #531) Question #532) DINNER Question Question #533) #534) Question #535) Number of Excha nges Type of Exchange Serving Size Question #536) Meal: Question #537) Menu Item(s): Question Question #538) #539) Question #540) Question #541) Fruit Question Question #542) #543) Vegetable Question Question #546) #547) Milk Question Question #550) #551) Starch Question Question #554) #555) Meat Question Question #558) #559) Question #544) Question #545) Question #548) Question #549) Question #552) Question #553) Question #556) Question #557) Question #560) Question #561) Fat Question #562) Free Foods/ Question #563) Free Beverages Question #564) Question #565) Question #566) Question #567) SNACK Question Question #568) #569) Question #570) Number of Excha nges Type of Exchange Serving Size Question #571) Meal: Question #572) Menu Item(s): Question Question #573) #574) Question #575) Question #576) Fruit Question Question #577) #578) Vegetable Question Question #581) #582) Milk Question Question #585) #586) Starch Question Question #589) #590) Meat Question Question #593) #594) Fat Question #597) Free Foods/ Question #598) Free Beverages Question #579) Question #580) Question #583) Question #584) Question #587) Question #588) Question #591) Question #592) Question #595) Question #596) Question #599) Question #600) Question #601) Question #602) Question #603) How to Save and Submit: Prepare your project using Microsoft Office Word 97 or higher. No other formats are compatible! Save your project using the following format: Lastname_Firstname_Middleinitial-DDP. Question #604) For Megan E. Tippett, this would be saved and viewed as Tippett_Megan_E-DDP.docx. Under the Assignment tab on Canvas, click the link, \"Diet Design Project\". Under \"Assignment Submission, click \"Browse My Computer\" to upload an attachment. Then submit! Please note that you can submit this assignment only ONCE; therefore, follow these instructions carefully! Question #605) GRADING SHEET Question #607) Question #606) Crit Possible Question #608) eria Point s Question #610) Que Question #611) Question #612) stion #1 8 Question #614) 1. Question #615) Question #616) BMR 2 Question #618) 2. Question #619) Question #620) PA 2 Question #622) 3. Question #623) Question #624) SDA 2 Question #626) 4. Question #627) Question #628) TER 2 Question #630) Que Question #632) Question #634) stion #2 6 Question #631) 1. Question #633) BMI 2 Question #636) 2.O Question #638) Question #639) ption Choice 2 Question #637) 3.Da Question #642) Question #643) ily Calorie Goal 2 Question #647) Question #645) Question #648) 35 Question #646) Que stion #3 Question #650) Question #651) Question #652) Calorie Distribution 5 Question #654) Question #655) Question #656) (a) Carbohydrate 1 Question #658) Question #659) Question #660) (b) Protein 1 Question #662) Question #663) Question #664) (c) Fat 1 Question #666) Question #669) Question #672) (d) Adds to 100% 2 Question #667) Question #670) Question #668) Que stion #4 Question #674) 1. Exchange Table Question #675) 2. Gram Difference Calculations Question #671) 20 Question #678) Question #680) 10 Question #679) 10 Question #676) Question #677) Que stion #5 Question #682) Required Parameters Question #686) Question #683) Question #684) 10 Question #687) Question #688) Point Deductions Question #609) Earned Poin ts Question #613) Question #635) Question #649) (a) Carbohydrate Question #690) (b) Protein Question #694) (c) Fat Question #698) (d) Total Calories Question #702) Que stion #6 Question #715) 1. Meal Plan Question #716) 2. Exchanges from table a) Fruit b) Vegetables c) Milk d) Starch e) Meat f) Fat Question #717) Question #728) ed Correctly Question #732) AL Sav TOT Question #736) Question #737) Question #738) 2 Question #691) Question 2 Question #695) Question 2 Question #699) Question 4 Question #703) Question 50 Question #718) Question 20 Question #719) 30 Question #720) 5 Question #721) 5 Question #722) 5 Question #723) 5 Question #724) 5 Question #725) 5 Question #729) Question 1 Question #733) Question 100 #692) #696) #700) #704) #726) Question #705) Question #706) Question #707) Question #708) Question #709) Question #710) Question #711) Question #712) Question #713) Question #714) #730) Question #731) #734) Question #735)

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