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Need a grant chart in excel based on this below project schedule also the steps to create a grant chart on how you did it

Need a grant chart in excel based on this below project schedule also the steps to create a grant chart on how you did it

Task Precedences Start Date Days to complete
1.1ProjectKick-offMeeting None 15/08/2023 1
1.1.1ProjectKick-offMeetingAgenda None 15/08/2023 1
1.2DefineProjectObjectivesandScope Project Kick-off Meeting 17/08/2023 2
1.2.1ProjectObjectivesDocument Project Kick-off Meeting 17/08/2023 2
1.3IdentifyKeyStakeholders DefineProjectObjectivesandScope 20/08/2023 3
1.4DevelopProjectCharter IdentifyKeyStakeholders 22/08/2023 2
1.5ObtainProjectSponsorApproval DevelopProjectCharter 25/08/2023 1
1.5.1ProjectSponsorApprovalDocument DevelopProjectCharter 25/08/2023 1
1.6DevelopCommunicationPlan ObtainProjectSponsorApproval 27/08/2023 3
1.7DevelopRiskRegister DevelopCommunicationPlan 30/08/2023 4
1.8DefineProjectTeamRolesandResponsibilities DevelopRiskRegister 01/09/2023 2
1.9DevelopTeamContract DefineProjectTeamRolesandResponsibilities 05/09/2023 3
1.10DevelopWorkBreakdownStructure(WBS) DevelopTeamContract 08/09/2023 5
1.10.1WorkBreakdownStructure(WBS)Draft DevelopTeamContract 08/09/2023 5
1.11CreateProjectScheduleandMilestones Develop Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) 12/09/2023 4
1.11.1ProjectScheduleandMilestonesReport Develop Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) 12/09/2023 4
1.12DevelopProjectBudgetandCostBaseline CreateProjectScheduleandMilestones 15/09/2023 3
1.13ObtainStakeholderApprovals DevelopProjectBudgetandCostBaseline 18/09/2023 2
1.13.1StakeholderApprovalDocumentation DevelopProjectBudgetandCostBaseline 18/09/2023 2
2.PlanningPhase: Obtain Stakeholder Approvals 20/09/2023 3
2.1ConductStakeholderAnalysis Obtain Stakeholder Approvals 20/09/2023 3
2.2GatherRequirementsfromUsersandStakeholders ConductStakeholderAnalysis 23/09/2023 5
2.2.1UserandStakeholderRequirementsDocument ConductStakeholderAnalysis 23/09/2023 5
2.3CreateBusinessCase GatherRequirementsfromUsersandStakeholders 28/09/2023 4
2.3.1BusinessCaseDocument Gather Requirements from Users and Stakeholders 28/09/2023 4
2.4DevelopRiskManagementPlan Create Business Case 02/10/2023 3
2.5DefineProjectTeamRolesandResponsibilities Develop Risk Management Plan 05/10/2023 2
2.6DevelopCommunicationPlan Define Project Team Roles and Responsibilities 08/10/2023 3
2.7DevelopRiskRegister Develop Communication Plan 12/10/2023 4
2.8DevelopWorkBreakdownStructure(WBS) Develop Risk Register 17/10/2023 5
2.8.1WorkBreakdownStructure(WBS)Final Develop Risk Register
2.9CreateProjectScheduleandMilestones Develop Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) 22/10/2023 4
2.9.1ProjectScheduleandMilestonesReport Develop Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) 22/10/2023 4
2.10DevelopProjectBudgetandCostBaseline Create Project Schedule and Milestones 27/10/2023 3
2.11ObtainStakeholderApprovals Develop Project Budget and Cost Baseline 31/10/2023 2
2.11.1StakeholderApprovalDocumentation Develop Project Budget and Cost Baseline 31/10/2023 2
3.AnalysisandDesignPhase: Obtain Stakeholder Approvals 05/11/2023 7
3.1ConductUserInterviewsandSurveys Obtain Stakeholder Approvals 05/11/2023 7
3.1.1UserInterviewandSurveyReports Obtain Stakeholder Approvals 05/11/2023 7
3.2AnalyzeCurrentHRDataManagementProcesses Conduct User Interviews and Surveys 13/11/2023 5
3.3DefineHRISSystemRequirements Analyze Current HR Data Management Processes 20/11/2023 6
3.3.1HRISSystemRequirementsDocument Analyze Current HR Data Management Processes 20/11/2023 6 Analyze Current HR Data Management Processes
3.4DevelopSystemDesignDocument Define HRIS System Requirements 27/11/2023 8
3.4.1SystemDesignDocument Define HRIS System Requirements 27/11/2023 8 SystemDesignDocument
3.5CreateWireframesandPrototypesforUserInterface Develop System Design Document 05/12/2023 7
3.6ReviewandApproveDesignwithStakeholders Create Wireframes and Prototypes for User Interface 13/12/2023 3
3.7DevelopProductDesignandArchitecture Review and Approve Design with Stakeholders 18/12/2023 9
3.7.1ProductDesignandArchitectureDocument Review and Approve Design with Stakeholders 18/12/2023 9
4.DevelopmentPhase: Obtain Stakeholder Approvals 28/12/2023 3
4.1SetUpDevelopmentEnvironmentandTools Obtain Stakeholder Approvals 28/12/2023 3
4.2CreateDatabaseStructureforHRIS Set Up Development Environment and Tools 02/01/2024 5
4.3DevelopFront-EndUserInterface Create Database Structure for HRIS 09/01/2024 10
4.4ImplementBack-EndDataProcessingLogic Develop Front-End User Interface 19/01/2024 12
4.5IntegrateUserInterfaceandDataProcessingModules Implement Back-End Data Processing Logic 01/02/2023 8
4.6ConductUnitTestingofApplicationComponents Integrate User Interface and Data Processing Modules 09/02/2024 10
4.6.1UnitTestingReport Integrate User Interface and Data Processing Modules 09/02/2024 10
4.7ResolveBugsandIssuesIdentifiedinTesting Conduct Unit Testing of Application Components 20/02/2024 6
4.7.1BugandIssueResolutionDocument Conduct Unit Testing of Application Components 20/02/2024 6
4.8ConductCodeReviewandDocumentation Resolve Bugs and Issues Identified in Testing 27/02/2024 5
4.9ObtainStakeholderReviewandApproval Conduct Code Review and Documentation 03/03/2024 3
4.10CreateResearchReports Obtain Stakeholder Review and Approval 07/03/2024 4
4.11DevelopDesignDocuments Create Research Reports 12/03/2024 5
4.12WriteSoftwareCode Develop Design Documents 18/03/2024 15
4.13AssembleHardwareComponents Write Software Code 02/04/2024 8
5.TestingPhase: Assemble Hardware Components 10/04/2024 5
5.1PrepareTestCasesandTestData Assemble Hardware Components 10/04/2024 5
5.2ConductSystemIntegrationTesting Prepare Test Cases and Test Data 16/04/2024 12
5.2.1SystemIntegrationTestingReport Prepare Test Cases and Test Data 16/04/2024 12
5.3PerformPerformanceTesting Conduct System Integration Testing 28/04/2024 7
5.4ConductFunctionalTesting Perform Performance Testing 06/05/2024 8
5.5PerformUsabilityTesting Conduct Functional Testing 15/05/2024 6
5.6ConductUserAcceptanceTesting(UAT) Perform Usability Testing 22/05/2024 12
5.6.1UserAcceptanceTesting(UAT)Report Perform Usability Testing 22/05/2024 12
5.7AddressandResolveDefectsandIssues Conduct User Acceptance Testing (UAT) 03/06/2024 8
5.7.1DefectsandIssuesLog Conduct User Acceptance Testing (UAT) 03/06/2024 8
5.8ObtainUATSign-OfffromStakeholders Address and Resolve Defects and Issues 12/06/2024 3
6.DeploymentPhase: Obtain UAT Sign-Off from Stakeholders 16/06/2024 5
6.1PrepareDeploymentPlan Obtain UAT Sign-Off from Stakeholders 16/06/2024 5
6.2MigrateDatafromLegacySystemtoHRIS Prepare Deployment Plan 22/06/2024 10
6.3SetUpHRISServersandInfrastructure Migrate Data from Legacy System to HRIS 03/07/2024 6
6.3.1HRISServersandInfrastructureSetupDocument Migrate Data from Legacy System to HRIS 03/07/2024 6
6.4InstallandConfigureHRISApplication Set Up HRIS Servers and Infrastructure 10/07/2024 7
6.5ConductUserTrainingSessions Install and Configure HRIS Application 18/07/2024 10
6.5.1UserTrainingSessionScheduleandMaterials Install and Configure HRIS Application 18/07/2024 10
6.6MonitorandAddressDeploymentIssues Conduct User Training Sessions 29/07/2024 14
6.6.1Post-DeploymentIssueLog Conduct User Training Sessions 29/07/2024 14
6.6.2EstablishSystemMaintenanceProcedures Monitor and Address Deployment Issues 12/08/2024 8
6.6.3ProvideOngoingUserSupportandTraining Establish System Maintenance Procedures 22/08/2024 Ongoing
6.6.4AddressBugFixesandSystemEnhancements Provide Ongoing User Support and Training 01/09/2024 Ongoing
6.6.5MonitorSystemPerformanceandSecurity Address Bug Fixes and System Enhancements Ongoing Continuous
6.6.6ConductRegularDataBackupsandUpdates Monitor System Performance and Security Ongoing Continuous
7.ProjectClosurePhase: Conduct Regular Data Backups and Updates 15/09/2024 5
7.1ConductProjectReviewandLessonsLearned Conduct Regular Data Backups and Updates 15/09/2024 5
7.1.1ProjectReviewandLessonsLearnedReport Conduct Regular Data Backups and Updates 15/09/2024 5
7.2PrepareFinalProjectReport Conduct Project Review and Lessons Learned 21/09/2024 7
7.3ArchiveProjectDocumentsandArtifacts Prepare Final Project Report 28/09/2024 5
7.4ObtainProjectSponsorandStakeholderApproval Archive Project Documents and Artifacts 03/10/2024 3
7.4.1SponsorandStakeholderApprovalDocumentation Archive Project Documents and Artifacts 03/10/2024 3
7.5CelebrateProjectSuccessandAcknowledgeTeamEfforts Obtain Project Sponsor and Stakeholder Approval 07/10/2024 1

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