need help on the following questions......................
Exercise 3.3 Use the ERM below to answer the following questions. Note that all employees, regardless if they work at the Division or Department level, are recorded in the EMPLOYEE table. Some employees will run divisions, some will manage departments, and other will not ( they just work for a department or are a roamer.] DEPARTMENT EMPLOYEE PK DEPT CODE PK EMP NUM DIVISION FK1 DW_CODE FKI DEPT_CODE PR DIV CODE DEPT_NAME EMP_LNAME EMP FNAME FK1 EMP_NUM EMP INITIAL DIV_NAME IMPIEXTENSION EMP E-MAL recti de PROJECT ASSIGNMENT PK PROJ CODE DO PK ASSIGN HUM PROJ_NAME FKZ PROJ_CODE FH1 EMP_NUM ASSIGN_DATE ASSION HOURS 1. Which entity is the Bridge/Composite Entity? a. DEPARTMENT EMPLOYEE C. ASSIGNMENT d. PROJECT 2. The participation between DEPARTMENT employs EMPLOYEE is? a. Mandatory Optional G. Indeterminate d. Weak 3. The participation between DIVISION operates DEPARTMENT is? a. Mandatory Optional c. Indeterminate i. Weak4. The relationship strength between EMPLOYEE manages DEPARTMENT is a. Strong Weak c. Mandatory d. Optional 5. Regarding the relationship between EMPLOYEE manages DEPARTMENT (one employee manages each department), the maximum cardinality of an employee managing a department is? Enter a number. 6. The relationship between EMPLOYEE manages DEPARTMENT is a. 1:M b. M:M C. 7. Regarding the relationship between EMPLOYEE records ASSIGNMENT; a. ASSIGNMENT is a Weak Entity b. ASSIGNMENT is a Strong Entity C. EMPLOYEE is a Weak Entity d. EMPLOYEE is a Strong Entity Use the ERM below to answer the questions below. Note that FKs may exist but are not shown. MANUFACTURER MODEL PK Man_Code PK Model_Num BRAND Man_Name Man_Street makes Model_Jets PK Brand ID includes Model_Motors Man_City H Model_HP Man_State Brand_Name Model _MSRP Man_ZIPCode Brand_Level Model_HW\\Price Man_AreaCode Model_Weight Man_Phone Model_WCapacity Man_AccNum Model_Seats 8. What is the relationship between MANUFACTURER and BRAND? a. 1:1 1b. 1:M c. 29. The minimum cardinality of manufacture making brand is? Enter a number. I 10. The maximum cardinality of brand being made by manufacturer is? a. 0 b. c. Indeterminate, but many 1 1. What is the relationship between BRAND and MODEL? a. 1:1 b. I:M C. M.M 12. The maximum cardinality of brand including model is? 0 b. I c. Indeterminate, but many 13. Regardless of which ERM is correct, and ignoring the solid line between entities, what kind of entity is BRAND? Weak Entity b. Strong Entity C. Indeterminate 14. BRAND may be missing a FK. What would be appropriate FK be in the BRAND table? a. No FK needed . Man_Code C. Brand_ID d. Model_Num e. Man_Code and Model_Num 15. MODEL may be missing a FK. What would be appropriate FK be in the MODEL table? a. No FK needed b. Man_Code C. Brand_ID d. Model_Num e. Man_Code and Brand_IDUse the ERM below to answer the questions below. ATIGHT APHINIVINI PAT NUM APET HIM NOUR CORE APPT DATE PAT LEAVE APPT ION OOO LHAME PAT FRAME APPT SCHED DOC FHAME PAT AREACODE PAT GUM DOC INITIAL FAT PHONE FAT EIL DOC OFFICE PAT BALANCE IF PAT_PAYMENT PATPAT NUM Inchides BILL CODE YIHT NUM PATRAT DATE PATPAT AMOUNT FAT SUM YET CATE YET THE HEIT_OCTALL HISIT MUM TUNE SUM ILL BAIL WILL_CHO_AMOUNT WISLINE PROBLEM BILL PAY AMOUNT TISLINE DIAGNOS BILL PAT DATE WISLINE CHARGE BILL_BALANCE TRI VISIT HIM HIUR GORE HIUR HAM HOUR CONTACT HIUR AREACODE HOUR PHON ASWHE FATHER HIUR INAL HIURFRAT SUM INSUR CODE INSUMIPAT SAID INSURE AMOUNT INSURE PAY_TYPE 16. Which entity is a bridge composhe entity? DOCTOR VISIT G. PAT PAYMENT BILLING e. None are Bridge Entities