Need help solving these exercises and understanding the process behind how to solve the exercises:
Practical Application : Consider the following corporate and muni bond info from Monday 1 / 28 / 2019 ( Settlement is T + 3 i.e . 1 / 31 / 2019 ) . All the bonds are semiannual Rating CUsip Issuer Coup Maturity Yield Price AZ / A 2442 2 ETC3 Deere John Cap Corp Mins Be 3.4 9 / 11 / 2025 3.279 100. 712 AZ / A - 747525 AUT Qualcomm Inc Make Whole Call 02 / 2027 3. 25 5 / 20 / 2027 4. 026 94.564 A3 / A- 20825 UAC8\ Conoco Fog CO Make Whole Call 10 / 2031 7.25 10 / 15 / 2031 4. 067 131. 332 A3 / BBB+ 38141 EW 70| Goldman Sachs Inc Conditional Puts* 5.5 6 / 15 / 2033 5. 043 104. 671 Baa3 / BBB - 55 616 XAMS| Macys Retail Hides Inc 4.5 12 / 15 / 2034 6. 7 78.688 Baal / BBB +| 92343 VCV4| Verizon Comm Make Whole Call Exp 01/ 2036 4. 272 1 / 15 / 2036 4. 639 95. 724 Baal / BBB + \500472 AC9\ Koninklijke Philips NV Make Whole Call 6.875 3 / 11 / 2038 4. 453 130. 94 Baaz / BBB 959802 AMI| Western Un Co Make Whole 6. 2 6 / 21 / 2040 6.659 94. 798 A3 / A - 20 03 ONBED Comcast Corp Make Whole Call 4. 65 7 / 15/ 2042 4.501 102. 14 Baaz / BBB 277432 APS Eastman Chem Co 4. 65 10 / 15 / 2044 5. 1 13 93.411 Baal / BBB +| 754730 AFG Raymond James Financial 4. 95 7 / 15 / 2046 5. 046 98.573 May's / S &P CUSIP Issue Coupon Maturity Price YTW YTM Call Date Aal / AAA 795 60 TCRI Salt Lake City UT SIS & Excise Tax 3 10 / 1 / 2029 101. 019\ 2.804 2.888 10 / 1 / 2024 Rev Callable 10 / 24@ 100 Aal / AA+ 917547ZE 4 Utah St Blog Ownership Auth Lease* 3 5 / 15/ 2033 95.416 3.408 3.408 5 / 15 / 2025 Rev Callable 05 / 25@ 100 AZ / AA 7895 5 PCZO St George Utah Elec Revcallable 06 / 26@ 100 3.125 6 / 1 / 2038 92. 235 3. 690 3. 690 6 / 1 / 2026 Sinking 05 / 35@ 100 - Agmc Insured A 2 / A+ 795 57 6 HKG Salt Lake City Utah Arprt 5 7 / 1 / 2043 110. 926 3.620 4 .275 7 / 1 / 2028 Rev Callable 07 / 28 @ 100 AMT - Sinking Fund 07 / 39 @ 100EXERCISE #10: If Western Union 2040 gets downgraded to 33+ and the yield changes by 1%, then for Western Union 2040: New ytm = .......................... %, New approx. Price = ..................................... [Assume exactly 21 112 years to maturity.] EXERCISE #11: Compute the taxable-equivalent yield to maturity on the SLC Airport 2043 bond for a Utah resident paying a 31% federal and a 7% state income tax (add). Tax-eq yield = ................................................ % EXERCISE #12: Compute the approx yield to call on the St George Electric 2043. Assume 7 1/2 years to call. YTC= ............................. %