Need help with part B, country selected is Brunei. The selected duration is from 2008 ~ 2018. The brief report will not consider COVID-19, pretend it doesn't exist. Please ignore the word count limit and page requirement. Mainly I would prefer to have a general guidance to lead me to be able to answer the question effectively and correctly.
Part B [17 marks] : Policy Brief [17 marks] As an economist, you are task to present a brief report to the Ministry of Trade and Finance on your recommendations of FDI flow in your country. The report requires a discussion of A recommendation of ONE key policy for the selected economy to further boost its FDI inflow [7 marks] AND A brief discussion on the effects of greater net FDI flow on the selected economy. [ 10 marks] Note: This is not an essay but a policy brief explaining the recommended policy and possible effects. There is no need for any refencing and or citation. . You must make close reference to the data analysis in Part A. This discussion will not be considering the onset and/or effects of Covid19 situations. Do not insert any tables or charts in this report Page Limit : 2 pages. Any content presented beyond stipulated page limit will not be considered and graded Maximum word count : 1200 ; Please insert word count at the end of the page 7 L [Policy brief starts from here - Note there are 7 components ] 1) Report presented by : 2) Report presented to the Minister of Trade and Finance of
3) Report Heading : A recommendation on increasing Foreign Direct Investment into for the next 5 years 4) Introduction [Provide a brief introduction on the country , Make sure you make reference to the data analysis in Part A 5) Policy Recommendation on boosting FDI inflow [Discuss ONE policy_ This may be modification of current policy OR a newly recommended policy. Make sure you clearly explain how it can attract FDI into the country - give.consideration to the source of FDI inflow, the type of industry etc] 6) Key Considerations of the policy recommended [Your discussion should include both positive and negative effects. Discussion must be specific to the country and not general discussion of benefits and harms of FDI] 7) Conclusion [Just 1-2 sentences be sufficient]Part A : Data Analysis Indicator 1 : Economic Growth Rate for most recent 10 years Brunei GDP growth (annual %) 2010 2017 2018 Source: World Bank Key description [ 45 words] The overall trend for Brunei's GDP growth rate has been negative for past decade. However, there was still growth in certain years, the most notable being a 3-year span from 2010 - 2012. To conclude, the GDP during the past decade has been very inconsistent. Indicator 2 : Net FDI inflow for most recent 10 years Brunei Foreign direct investment, net inflows (% of GDP) Illi 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2017 2018 Source: World Bank Key description [ 48 words] While the FDI inflow has been trending down for Brunei in this past decade, it could be the result of an outlier year in 2016 being the only year that this indicator was in the negatives. From the year 2008 - 2012, a strong growth can be observedIndicator 3 .Growth of Manufacturing Sector for the past 10 years Brunei Manufacturing, value added (annual % growth) 10 2008 2015 2016 2017 2018 -5 -10 -15 Source: World Bank Key description / 49 words] For the past decade, the growth of Brunei's manufacturing sector has been trending upwards, recording its strongest growth in the year 2017. With a correlation score of 0.62 (2dp), it can be inferred that the growth of manufacturing sector has a moderate and positive effect on Brunei's GDP growth. Indicator 4 : Unemployment Rate for the recent 10 years Unemployment, total (% of total labor force) (modeled ILO estimate) 10 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Source: World Bank Key description / Limit to 45 words] Brunei's unemployment rate has grown consistently in the past decade, reaching its peak in 2017. With a correlation score of -0.25(2dp), an inference can be made that it is likely that as FDI inflow decreases, there is a small chance that unemployment rate may rise. Additional Data [Optional] Students can include up to 2 extra indicators but cannot exceed total of 3 pages for Part A. There must be referencing to these additional charts to avoid penalty