Need help with question 1a and 1b.
Basic information for this currency pair AUD I USD # units required of the foreign currency Direct pair {YIN} # contracts needed to complete the number of units Ask Transaction cost to trade one futures contract Indirect price {beginning} ' Nr'A Transaction cost to trade one options contract Indirect price {end} MIA Direct price {beginning} ' 0.687200 0.6870100 61'141'2019 DC'i date Direct price {end} 0.692'i'00 0.692900 64"21f2019 D32 date Pip converter {100 or 10000} #days 7 10000 ' Futures contract converter 1.0 Option price adjustment factor [1,100,10000} 100 ' ' 1a. If you had speculated the day of DC1 by purchasing currency forward contract(s) that specify delivery of 1 million units of the foreign currency, 21 and then settled up on your contract(s) the day of DC2, what would be your profit or loss? 22 Please report the profit/loss before and after commissions. 23 Spot (beg) 0.687200 24 Fwd points (beg) 1.46 Analysts' 25 Spot (end) 0.692900 Net profit/loss $692,685 ecommended 26 P/L per unit 0.692685280 trade 27 1b. If you had speculated the day of DC1 by selling currency forward contract(s) that specify receipt of 1 million units of the foreign currency, and 28 then settled up on your contract(s) the day of DC2, what would be your profit or loss? 29 Please report the profit/loss before and after commissions. 30 Spot (beg) 0.687400 31 Fwd points (beg) 1.57 32 Spot (end) 0.692700 Net profit/loss $ 692,474 33 P/L per unit 0.692474with the US dollar (as seen in OANDA, FXCM) AUD / USD ading) will be closed and all the calculations done Friday, June 21, 2019 n the spot market? (YIN) Y Currency as typically quoted in FX markets. n the site BIO ASK D.6872 0.6874 a direct quote (value of one unit of that currency 0. 6872000 0.6874000 Iture rate as of this date (use whatever period collection period) Report the settlment price bup website 0.6871 Expiration month of future contract JLY 19 Specify the size of the future (option) contracts 100000 ved on this date. Use the Investing. com website BID ASK ata for 1W (summer) or the period specified for Hoing USDJPY must use an appropriate factor to 1.46 1.57 Horizon for Fwd quotes 1week