Need to build out this database with script, oracle sql Due friday the 10th ADDING SQL script at bottom ###### Not all these are neccisarily
Need to build out this database with script, oracle sql
Due friday the 10th
ADDING SQL script at bottom ######
Not all these are neccisarily problems but
alter session set NLS_DATE_FORMAT='MM-DD-YYYY'; CREATE TABLE REP (REP_NUM CHAR(2) PRIMARY KEY, LAST_NAME CHAR(15), FIRST_NAME CHAR(15), STREET CHAR(15), CITY CHAR(15), STATE CHAR(2), POSTAL_CODE CHAR(5), COMMISSION DECIMAL(7,2), RATE DECIMAL(3,2) ); CREATE TABLE CUSTOMER (CUSTOMER_NUM CHAR(3) PRIMARY KEY, CUSTOMER_NAME CHAR(35) NOT NULL, STREET CHAR(20), CITY CHAR(15), STATE CHAR(2), POSTAL_CODE CHAR(5), BALANCE DECIMAL(8,2), CREDIT_LIMIT DECIMAL(8,2), REP_NUM CHAR(2) ); CREATE TABLE ORDERS (ORDER_NUM CHAR(5) PRIMARY KEY, ORDER_DATE DATE, CUSTOMER_NUM CHAR(3) ); CREATE TABLE ITEM (ITEM_NUM CHAR(4) PRIMARY KEY, DESCRIPTION CHAR(30), ON_HAND DECIMAL(4,0), CATEGORY CHAR(3), STOREHOUSE CHAR(1), PRICE DECIMAL(6,2) ); CREATE TABLE ORDER_LINE (ORDER_NUM CHAR(5), ITEM_NUM CHAR(4), NUM_ORDERED DECIMAL(3,0), QUOTED_PRICE DECIMAL(6,2), PRIMARY KEY (ORDER_NUM, ITEM_NUM) ); INSERT INTO REP VALUES ('15','Campos','Rafael','724 Vinca Dr.','Grove','CA','90092',23457.50,0.06); INSERT INTO REP VALUES ('30','Gradey','Megan','632 Liatris St.','Fullton','CA','90085',41317.00,0.08); INSERT INTO REP VALUES ('45','Tian','Hui','1785 Tyler Ave.','Northfield','CA','90098',27789.25,0.06); INSERT INTO REP VALUES ('60','Sefton','Janet','267 Oakley St.','Congaree','CA','90097',0.00,0.06); INSERT INTO CUSTOMER VALUES ('126','Toys Galore','28 Laketon St.','Fullton','CA','90085',1210.25,7500.00,'15'); INSERT INTO CUSTOMER VALUES ('260','Brookings Direct','452 Columbus Dr.','Grove','CA','90092',575.00,10000.00,'30'); INSERT INTO CUSTOMER VALUES ('334','The Everything Shop','342 Magee St.','Congaree','CA','90097',2345.75,7500.00,'45'); INSERT INTO CUSTOMER VALUES ('386','Johnson''s Department Store','124 Main St.','Northfield','CA','90098',879.25,7500.00,'30'); INSERT INTO CUSTOMER VALUES ('440','Grove Historical Museum Store','3456 Central Ave.','Fullton','CA','90085',345.00,5000.00,'45'); INSERT INTO CUSTOMER VALUES ('502','Cards and More','167 Hale St.','Mesa','CA','90104',5025.75,5000.00,'15'); INSERT INTO CUSTOMER VALUES ('586','Almondton General Store','3345 Devon Ave.','Almondton','CA','90125',3456.75,15000.00,'45'); INSERT INTO CUSTOMER VALUES ('665','Cricket Gift Shop','372 Oxford St.','Grove','CA','90092',678.90,7500.00,'30'); INSERT INTO CUSTOMER VALUES ('713','Cress Store','12 Rising Sun Ave.','Congaree','CA','90097',4234.60,10000.00,'15'); INSERT INTO CUSTOMER VALUES ('796','Unique Gifts','786 Passmore St.','Northfield','CA','90098',124.75,7500.00,'45'); INSERT INTO CUSTOMER VALUES ('824','Kline''s','945 Gilham St.','Mesa','CA','90104',2475.99,15000.00,'30'); INSERT INTO CUSTOMER VALUES ('893','All Season Gifts','382 Wildwood Ave.','Fullton','CA','90085',935.75,7500.00,'15'); INSERT INTO ORDERS VALUES ('51608','10-12-2015','126'); INSERT INTO ORDERS VALUES ('51610','10-12-2015','334'); INSERT INTO ORDERS VALUES ('51613','10-13-2015','386'); INSERT INTO ORDERS VALUES ('51614','10-13-2015','260'); INSERT INTO ORDERS VALUES ('51617','10-15-2015','586'); INSERT INTO ORDERS VALUES ('51619','10-15-2015','126'); INSERT INTO ORDERS VALUES ('51623','10-15-2015','586'); INSERT INTO ORDERS VALUES ('51625','10-16-2015','796'); INSERT INTO ITEM VALUES ('AH74','Patience',9.00,'GME','3',22.99); INSERT INTO ITEM VALUES ('BR23','Skittles',21.00,'GME','2',29.99); INSERT INTO ITEM VALUES ('CD33','Wood Block Set (48 piece)',36.00,'TOY','1',89.49); INSERT INTO ITEM VALUES ('DL51','Classic Railway Set',12.00,'TOY','3',107.95); INSERT INTO ITEM VALUES ('DR67','Giant Star Brain Teaser',24.00,'PZL','2',31.95); INSERT INTO ITEM VALUES ('DW23','Mancala',40.00,'GME','3',50.00); INSERT INTO ITEM VALUES ('FD11','Rocking Horse',8.00,'TOY','3',124.95); INSERT INTO ITEM VALUES ('FH24','Puzzle Gift Set',65.00,'PZL','1',38.95); INSERT INTO ITEM VALUES ('KA12','Cribbage Set',56.00,'GME','3',75.00); INSERT INTO ITEM VALUES ('KD34','Pentominoes Brain Teaser',60.00,'PZL','2',14.95); INSERT INTO ITEM VALUES ('KL78','Pick Up Sticks',110.00,'GME','1',10.95); INSERT INTO ITEM VALUES ('MT03','Zauberkasten Brain Teaser',45.00,'PZL','1',45.79); INSERT INTO ITEM VALUES ('NL89','Wood Block Set (62 piece)',32.00,'TOY','3',119.75); INSERT INTO ITEM VALUES ('TR40','Tic Tac Toe',75.00,'GME','2',13.99); INSERT INTO ITEM VALUES ('TW35','Fire Engine',30.00,'TOY','2',118.95); INSERT INTO ORDER_LINE VALUES ('51608','CD33',5.00,86.99); INSERT INTO ORDER_LINE VALUES ('51610','KL78',25.00,10.95); INSERT INTO ORDER_LINE VALUES ('51610','TR40',10.00,13.99); INSERT INTO ORDER_LINE VALUES ('51613','DL51',5.00,104.95); INSERT INTO ORDER_LINE VALUES ('51614','FD11',1.00,124.95); INSERT INTO ORDER_LINE VALUES ('51617','NL89',4.00,115.99); INSERT INTO ORDER_LINE VALUES ('51617','TW35',3.00,116.95); INSERT INTO ORDER_LINE VALUES ('51619','FD11',2.00,121.95); INSERT INTO ORDER_LINE VALUES ('51623','DR67',5.00,29.95); INSERT INTO ORDER_LINE VALUES ('51623','FH24',12.00,36.95); INSERT INTO ORDER_LINE VALUES ('51623','KD34',10.00,13.10); INSERT INTO ORDER_LINE VALUES ('51625','MT03',8.00,45.79);
Wou wil be using Oracle Uive to do the assienment Wou wil be cresting and i-serting wives into the 5 tables shown on pages 4 and 5 of the veutbook. After vou creste the tables and ireert the 1. Ukine the Custe Commind 2. Donsise mTak 3. Wisentilks 4. Iroert Commaxd 5. Yiuw Tdim Deta 6. Correcting Enors in a Tatie 7. Greate the Penaining Dutabues Tibles 8. Descrizang a. Jele Using the Create Command Overview: and insert vilues in a table. Findly, take a screenshot of table layout-which can be viewed on page 86 , Asure 338. Stepe: Dexcribe the lsyout of the REP table to the DEM5. The word table is folloned by: - Tie rarse af the satio tu le crised - Names and data types of the columns that the bale contans metructions: In this part of the lesson. studerts will create a REP table based on informstion listed belom 5 ee page 65 for further assistance. - cogate tasae res - IREP_NUPA CHARYZ PAIMAFY KEY, - LAST_NAME CHARIIS, - FIEST_NANE CHABI,157, - STFEET CHAR,15? - GTY CHAR15t. - 5TATE CHMFLZ., - postal code charist. - COmMISson deCImaldz2l - RATE CLCinnL bizJ Provide a sericen shot of yeur script and the resuls alter you ne the script. Dropping a Table Cverview: de Wble. See sust 69 loe furdet isbiblarse. OWOP TAELE REP. Provide a serem shat af yeu script ind be resuls after you ren the saript. Sxep 1. - Cran Tide Ansanabien. - aima mene charina. - aito uonrl chasara - auto coldecharas. - auto vean cruns - auto fice cecmalpze. Soin 2 reet the followire ingornsion - inserr nio autonceles - vales sin3 Oekte the mesanable table - degetarir u tomodir USING NULLS Ouenver h sal. rev un U - last mane - fiast mane - Matie thine he: - monrr - Lest Nane chavas not nuL. - Fist nese chenas not mane INSERT COMMAND Owarew. Indructions Ube the INSERT camand oo deta inla your table. 5tep 1: lneer dats disolyped in examoles below. See psaes 7274 for turther ass istance. - Eentae 2.bwot 72 - Lameia d.pass 73 - Eenmec 4. bxer 74 Previde a sesen ihet a vear acroc and the remitn a her pou nn the nolot. VIEW TABLE DATA Oweview: Ts viow the data in a table, whuderts will uis the Stubct carenand. - stect - fanu BrF; Preide a sesen shet at vear serpe and the rewits sher pou no the serbe. CORRECT ERRORS In A Table Cvervice: Staderts wil ute the UpDATT cotrand to change s value in a talio. Intructions: , Sure fogan 1. 1.24 ango 76 2. 1.27, are 77 8. 3.28 ase 77 Create the Remaining Database Tables Dreniment. Studers wil uee the CREATE ThELE and INGERT conrunds 1. Ravin pand II * 15 2. Ppurs 1-JL fouph Hpur J-37 Describing a Table Initructiane: Step 1: Loe Destiel cunrmand 1. Descaneat?: Provide a screen atwet of your ucriat and the realta after you run the ieript. Step 2: Saresmhot x Sudmhian of ausignment: - Sour soecediat sheele be idotidal to Ruve 3 ses on puge bel. Wou wil be using Oracle Uive to do the assienment Wou wil be cresting and i-serting wives into the 5 tables shown on pages 4 and 5 of the veutbook. After vou creste the tables and ireert the 1. Ukine the Custe Commind 2. Donsise mTak 3. Wisentilks 4. Iroert Commaxd 5. Yiuw Tdim Deta 6. Correcting Enors in a Tatie 7. Greate the Penaining Dutabues Tibles 8. Descrizang a. Jele Using the Create Command Overview: and insert vilues in a table. Findly, take a screenshot of table layout-which can be viewed on page 86 , Asure 338. Stepe: Dexcribe the lsyout of the REP table to the DEM5. The word table is folloned by: - Tie rarse af the satio tu le crised - Names and data types of the columns that the bale contans metructions: In this part of the lesson. studerts will create a REP table based on informstion listed belom 5 ee page 65 for further assistance. - cogate tasae res - IREP_NUPA CHARYZ PAIMAFY KEY, - LAST_NAME CHARIIS, - FIEST_NANE CHABI,157, - STFEET CHAR,15? - GTY CHAR15t. - 5TATE CHMFLZ., - postal code charist. - COmMISson deCImaldz2l - RATE CLCinnL bizJ Provide a sericen shot of yeur script and the resuls alter you ne the script. Dropping a Table Cverview: de Wble. See sust 69 loe furdet isbiblarse. OWOP TAELE REP. Provide a serem shat af yeu script ind be resuls after you ren the saript. Sxep 1. - Cran Tide Ansanabien. - aima mene charina. - aito uonrl chasara - auto coldecharas. - auto vean cruns - auto fice cecmalpze. Soin 2 reet the followire ingornsion - inserr nio autonceles - vales sin3 Oekte the mesanable table - degetarir u tomodir USING NULLS Ouenver h sal. rev un U - last mane - fiast mane - Matie thine he: - monrr - Lest Nane chavas not nuL. - Fist nese chenas not mane INSERT COMMAND Owarew. Indructions Ube the INSERT camand oo deta inla your table. 5tep 1: lneer dats disolyped in examoles below. See psaes 7274 for turther ass istance. - Eentae 2.bwot 72 - Lameia d.pass 73 - Eenmec 4. bxer 74 Previde a sesen ihet a vear acroc and the remitn a her pou nn the nolot. VIEW TABLE DATA Oweview: Ts viow the data in a table, whuderts will uis the Stubct carenand. - stect - fanu BrF; Preide a sesen shet at vear serpe and the rewits sher pou no the serbe. CORRECT ERRORS In A Table Cvervice: Staderts wil ute the UpDATT cotrand to change s value in a talio. Intructions: , Sure fogan 1. 1.24 ango 76 2. 1.27, are 77 8. 3.28 ase 77 Create the Remaining Database Tables Dreniment. Studers wil uee the CREATE ThELE and INGERT conrunds 1. Ravin pand II * 15 2. Ppurs 1-JL fouph Hpur J-37 Describing a Table Initructiane: Step 1: Loe Destiel cunrmand 1. Descaneat?: Provide a screen atwet of your ucriat and the realta after you run the ieript. Step 2: Saresmhot x Sudmhian of ausignment: - Sour soecediat sheele be idotidal to Ruve 3 ses on puge belStep by Step Solution
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