Needing some help with this homework
*Course Hero X Bb Pearson's MyLab & Mastering - X i Bookstore_sales.txt X Bb Take Test: ICA 5 - 202108-STA X C Apps YouTube > YouTube 2:: Learn about Walm... W My Courses Bla... OUT answers are sav- I au oma ICE y. D Reading List v Question Completion Status: QUESTION 1 Use the chapter 6 dataset Bookstore Sales in StatCrunch to complete this exercise Suppose we want to predict Sales (in $1000s) using Number of Sales People Working 1. Which variable is the response variable (y)? (Choose between sales and number of sales people working) Be Careful with your SPELLING!!! MIsspelllngs will be marked wrong! 2. Create a scatterplot of Number of Sales People Working vs. Sales in StatCrunch to help answer the following questions. a) The relationship is: (Choose between linear and not linear) Be careful with your spelling! b) The relationship is: (Choose between positive and negative) Be careful with your spelling! c) The relationship is: (Choose between weak, moderate, and strong) Be careful with your spelling! C!) There are: (Choose between outliers present and no outliers present) Be careful with your spelling! 3. What is the value of the correlation coefficient between Number of Sales People Working and Sales? Write your answer with three decimal places. 4. Write down the regression equation that predicts Sales from Number of Sales People Working. 9: + X- To clarify, the first blank is b_1 and the second is b_O. 5. Interpret the slope of the regression line int he context of the problem by completing the following statement (use Lesson 9, slide 16 for an example/reference): -As increases by , the average tends to (choose between increase and decrease) by 6. What is the predicted sales when 10 sales people are working? Click Save and Submit to save and submit. Click Save All Answers to save all answers. Save All Answers 10 points Save Answer Close Window Save and Submit