New question You have an unposted question. Continue editing or slear draft? Computer Science Methods to clean the data: You need to have the following methods in your class which will be used to clean the data. In each of the following methods which help in cleaning data, if the input parameter is null or of length 0, then return null - public ArrayList
splitLine (String sentence) This method takes in a String as a parameter. The String will contain the entire contents of one review and this method should split it into words and return an ArrayList of words. - public ArrayList splitAtHyphensAndQuotes (ArrayList words) This methods takes in an ArrayList of words and splits the words in the ArrayList at the hyphens and single quotes and return a modified ArrayList of words. public ArrayList removePunctuation (ArrayList?@(^_ remove WhiteSpaces (ArrayList words) This method should remove all the leading and trailing white spaces from the ArrayList of words and return a modified ArrayList of words. public ArrayList removeEmptyWords (ArrayList words) This method should remove all empty words from the ArrayList of words and retum a modified ArrayList of words - public ArrayList removeSingleLetter Words (ArrayList words) This method should remove all single letter words from the ArrayList of words and return a modified ArrayList of words. public ArrayList to LowerCase(ArrayList words) This method should make all the words in the ArrayList to lower case and return a modified ArrayList of words - public ArrayList removeStop Words (ArrayList arrList) This method should remove all the stop words in the ArrayList and return a modified ArrayList of words. You neec to create a HashSet from the given file and then use the HashSet to filter out those stop words from the given ArrayList. Add photo