Nitcash fows ham apersting act iof 4. Casti fectived from tale of inviners 52400000 Cash paid for purthate of land (259.200000) 1432000001 (41520000) (1) Cash recoive fient itiuing camenon stock 531200000 14. Cahenitents 131,00000 18000000 5240,00000 Required: 2. Aptater the queations in the Quebisns panel Use your angwers to hab you in locabing errors for the above atatemiert of cash flows decreases in cosh and a het cash oudfow far each section, if required baiance at the end of the yent: meteres (4) (1). (1) 14 in. 4 11 (1) 12 D Cavh bunce, Dectmber 11. 2009 Answer the following questions Ute your answers to heip you in localing errors for the stacement of cash fowz presented in the instructions Staterinit of Cashiflows Labeis and Amount Descriptions Labels Oecenbes 31, arr For the Year Ended December 39, 20Y0 Amount Descriptions Cash roceived hom sale at hyestiments Cash paid fle purthase of land Cash paid for purchase of equipment Cash recehed trom issung common siock Cam alinsends Degease in acoounti payable Deciease in acoounis recaivable Decrease in aconed expenses poratic Denene in caih Docrease in nverione: Degredation Gain on swh of imvestment. Vhiciesse in acoount payabie noriase in acoounts recelvole increase in cash incaleas in irventones Net cash fows trom opecaling activities Net cath flowa uted for ogerasmg activise: Nes cash floms hom invesimg activities Net cash fows used tor firesang activites Ner caun fiom from financmp octivilies Cash recelved from sale of investments Cash paid for purchase of land Gash paid tor purchase of equipment Cash recelved from bsuing common stock Cash oividends Decrease in acoounts payable Decrease in accounts receivabie Decrease in accrued expenses payabie Decrease in cash Docrease in imentories Depreciation Gain on sale of investments Increase in accounts payable increase in accounts recelvable increase in cash increase in inventories Net cash fows from operating activities Net cash fows used for operating activities Net cash fows from investing activees Net cash flows used for imesting activities Net cash fows from francing actwoes Net cash flows used for financing activeties Net income Net loss