Note: A over the next 2-3 years (FY 2018-2020). She has asked you, the city manager, to 3. Jefferson City has several capital projects that the mayor wants to complete prioritize the eight projects and justify each placement based on some sort of rational methodology. Your rankings will determine where the project will be view, rank, and justify the list of projects on a scale of 1 to 8. The most im placed in the final CIP which will be completed by another group. Hence, re- portant project should be listed first (include the projected cost with the name of the project). In addition to considering the information in the text, pay special attention to the list of questions in Table 4.1. I have included some background information on the city that should be useful in your rankings and justifications Your justifications should be logically creative. See Appendix 4C. Library Renovation: Update the entry to the building, remodel the circulation department and install a new book checkout Downtown Garage: Construct a downtown parking garage for Projects and Costs: CBD Sewers: Add 3 miles of sewers in the central business district ($4.2 million). NRA: Add 2 miles of sewer lines in the northern residential ar- ea ($3 million). SRA: Build a new waste treatment lift station in the southern residential area ($1.8 million). Beltway Project: Complete the final stage of the beltway around the city (3 miles) ($4.3 million). Storm Water Project: Construct two storm water management ponds ($1 million). system ($700,000). . . . . Downtown Artery: Landscaping the main downtown artery 102 Chapter Four city employees and public use ($2.5 million). ($800,000). . Background Information: The population of the city has grown an average of 4% a year for the last 5 years. The number of public service employees has increased an av- erage of 2% a year for the last 10 years. Ten new corporations have moved into the city over the last three years employing 2770 new employees. Roughly half of them are located in the southern region and the other half in the northern region. However, those in the southern region tend to be more dependent upon water given the nature of the business. The city has 98,000 residents and lies in between two large cities exceeding 1 million residents. The land selected for the construction of the ponds is located near a school and a public park. The average household income in the city is $60,000 per year. Chapter Four Appendix 4C Jefferson City Project Justifications Cost Proiect Name Justification Rank 1 2 3 5 Preparing a Capital Budget and a Capital Improvement Plan Appendix 4D 6 7 8 Preparing a Capital Budget and a Capital Improvement Plan items using a capital improvement plan that began a few years earlier. In FY 2018 they estimate that they will spend $20,000.00 on computers and are re- questing $30,000.00 in FY 2019 to complete their system. According to the jus- tification, this purchase is the final stage of a multiyear plan to replace older follows the same logic. Unlike an operating and personnel budget, it is not nec- computers with new ones. The justification for purchasing the new trucks also essary to elaborate in detail when justifying items in a capital budget that is fol- lowing a CIP. However, thorough justification is needed if the plan is changed and Exhibit 4.1 Simple Line Item Capital Budget for the Post Office 15 marec 3. Copy Machine: This purchase is the second and last phase of 89 sollicitate in any way. to od can get by Item cing it. These uipment with the ciency and the new expertise Object Code 3003 3004 3005 3006 3007 Computers Security System Copy Machine Mail Sorter 4 Ton Trucks Office Desks Quantity FY 2018 FY 2019 Cost (Est.) Cost (proposed) 10 $20,000.00 $30,000.00 1 500.00 34,000.00 1 4,000.00 4,000.00 2 3,000.00 6,000.00 8 75,000.00 120,000.00 10 1.500.00 3,000.00 $104,000.00 $197,000.00 we even though nces marginda in the budget 3008 Total at marginal on Brief Description: on an annual units of seni the unit cost per should be spits The Post Office is going through a normal update of its computer systems and ests include the per vehicle fleet. The new security system will bring the Post Office into compli- struction libera ance with the last round of federal statutes. The new trucks will not only replace training Reun pandling populainen filety but walso provide for two new trucks to handle our ex- panding population in the southern Justifications: 1. Installing and Implementing the New Security System: The old system is outdated and does not offer the level of security that we need for our new equipment. Further, over time, this new equipment is cost effective and more efficient. The monthly up keep cost is 60% less than the old system. Last, the system will bring the office into federal compliance. 2. New Computers: These computers will allow us to complete our overhaul of the network. Our workload capacity will in- crease 20%. Thus, we will be more efficient and effective. al gal cus he golf cours they card ould never capita fuer our office equipment update. wita bager prelaze Note: A over the next 2-3 years (FY 2018-2020). She has asked you, the city manager, to 3. Jefferson City has several capital projects that the mayor wants to complete prioritize the eight projects and justify each placement based on some sort of rational methodology. Your rankings will determine where the project will be view, rank, and justify the list of projects on a scale of 1 to 8. The most im placed in the final CIP which will be completed by another group. Hence, re- portant project should be listed first (include the projected cost with the name of the project). In addition to considering the information in the text, pay special attention to the list of questions in Table 4.1. I have included some background information on the city that should be useful in your rankings and justifications Your justifications should be logically creative. See Appendix 4C. Library Renovation: Update the entry to the building, remodel the circulation department and install a new book checkout Downtown Garage: Construct a downtown parking garage for Projects and Costs: CBD Sewers: Add 3 miles of sewers in the central business district ($4.2 million). NRA: Add 2 miles of sewer lines in the northern residential ar- ea ($3 million). SRA: Build a new waste treatment lift station in the southern residential area ($1.8 million). Beltway Project: Complete the final stage of the beltway around the city (3 miles) ($4.3 million). Storm Water Project: Construct two storm water management ponds ($1 million). system ($700,000). . . . . Downtown Artery: Landscaping the main downtown artery 102 Chapter Four city employees and public use ($2.5 million). ($800,000). . Background Information: The population of the city has grown an average of 4% a year for the last 5 years. The number of public service employees has increased an av- erage of 2% a year for the last 10 years. Ten new corporations have moved into the city over the last three years employing 2770 new employees. Roughly half of them are located in the southern region and the other half in the northern region. However, those in the southern region tend to be more dependent upon water given the nature of the business. The city has 98,000 residents and lies in between two large cities exceeding 1 million residents. The land selected for the construction of the ponds is located near a school and a public park. The average household income in the city is $60,000 per year. Chapter Four Appendix 4C Jefferson City Project Justifications Cost Proiect Name Justification Rank 1 2 3 5 Preparing a Capital Budget and a Capital Improvement Plan Appendix 4D 6 7 8 Preparing a Capital Budget and a Capital Improvement Plan items using a capital improvement plan that began a few years earlier. In FY 2018 they estimate that they will spend $20,000.00 on computers and are re- questing $30,000.00 in FY 2019 to complete their system. According to the jus- tification, this purchase is the final stage of a multiyear plan to replace older follows the same logic. Unlike an operating and personnel budget, it is not nec- computers with new ones. The justification for purchasing the new trucks also essary to elaborate in detail when justifying items in a capital budget that is fol- lowing a CIP. However, thorough justification is needed if the plan is changed and Exhibit 4.1 Simple Line Item Capital Budget for the Post Office 15 marec 3. Copy Machine: This purchase is the second and last phase of 89 sollicitate in any way. to od can get by Item cing it. These uipment with the ciency and the new expertise Object Code 3003 3004 3005 3006 3007 Computers Security System Copy Machine Mail Sorter 4 Ton Trucks Office Desks Quantity FY 2018 FY 2019 Cost (Est.) Cost (proposed) 10 $20,000.00 $30,000.00 1 500.00 34,000.00 1 4,000.00 4,000.00 2 3,000.00 6,000.00 8 75,000.00 120,000.00 10 1.500.00 3,000.00 $104,000.00 $197,000.00 we even though nces marginda in the budget 3008 Total at marginal on Brief Description: on an annual units of seni the unit cost per should be spits The Post Office is going through a normal update of its computer systems and ests include the per vehicle fleet. The new security system will bring the Post Office into compli- struction libera ance with the last round of federal statutes. The new trucks will not only replace training Reun pandling populainen filety but walso provide for two new trucks to handle our ex- panding population in the southern Justifications: 1. Installing and Implementing the New Security System: The old system is outdated and does not offer the level of security that we need for our new equipment. Further, over time, this new equipment is cost effective and more efficient. The monthly up keep cost is 60% less than the old system. Last, the system will bring the office into federal compliance. 2. New Computers: These computers will allow us to complete our overhaul of the network. Our workload capacity will in- crease 20%. Thus, we will be more efficient and effective. al gal cus he golf cours they card ould never capita fuer our office equipment update. wita bager prelaze