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Spending and Income Approach.
In the study of the behavior of a country's production, two approaches are used to determine who buys the production and who receives income from it.
Part A
a. Tabulate the data of the items of Gross Product, Consumption, Investment, Government Expenditures and Net Exports for the years 2011 and 2020 and calculate their exchange rate for the period. Use the values ??of the Gross Product of Puerto Rico at constant prices of 1954 (Table # 3).
b. Make a linear graph with the Private Consumption data for the entire data period 2011-2020 and comment on it.
Part b
The objective of this part of the assignment is to work with the official data of Puerto Rico to apply the Income and Expenditure approach.
Use the values ??that appear in table # 11, # 14 and # 15 to identify the items corresponding to the Gross Product of Puerto Rico 2020.
You should carefully review the tables to identify the values ??of the items.
For reference, the value of production at nominal or current prices was $ 70,189.6 million in 2020.
Expense Approach Amount ($) Income Approach (Book) Amount ($) Consumption Employee Compensation Investment Net Interest Public Purchases Rental Income Net Exports Corporate Profits Owner Login Income at factor cost Indirect Taxes Subsidies Entry at market prices Depreciation Expense Approach $70, 186.9 Income Approach $70, 186.9 + Income Approach Amount ($) Employee Compensation Owner Login Income at factor cost Indirect taxes Subsidies Entry at market prices Depreciation Business transfers Income Approach $70, 186.9\f2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018r 2019r 2020p Finanzas y Seguros 3,201.4 3,385.8 3,861.8 2,879.9 3,073.6 3,007.6 3,007.6 2,738.8 2,729.1 3,492.4 Finance and Insurance Compensacion a empleados 1,699.7 1,743.7 1,716.6 1,693.5 1,661.0 1,666.8 1,688. 1,679.9 1,7978 1,965.7 Employees' compensation Ingresos procedentes de la propiedad 1,501.6 1,642.1 2,145.2 1,186.4 1,412.6 1340.8 1,319.0 1,058.9 9313 1,526.7 Proprietors' income Bienes Raices y Renta 11,322.9 12,354.9 12,300.0 12,6793 12,250.5 12,359.7 12,342.6 12,774.4 13,144.0 13,313.2 Real Estate and Rental Compensacion a empleados 573.8 6313 642.8 638.0 658.4 624.0 6053 626.1 625.1 657.4 Employees' compensation Ingresos procedentes de la propiedad 10,749.0 11,723.5 11,6572 12,0413 11,592.0 11,735.7 11,7373 12,1483 12,518.9 12,655.8 Proprietors' income Servicios Profesionales, Cientificos y Tecnicos 1,436.5 1,514.4 1,646.8 1,732.7 1,818. 1,935.7 2,025.1 2,1274 23013 2,2425 Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services Compensacion a empleados 1,084.4 1,1653 12503 1,284.8 13482 4082 1,4605 1,544.5 1,663.5 1,716.0 Employees' compensation Ingresos procedentes de la propiedad 352.2 349.1 396.5 4479 +69.9 5275 564.6 582.9 637.8 526.6 Proprietors' income Administracion de Companias y Empresas 65.2 589 54.1 57.8 71.8 81.4 79.7 1195 126.8 117.4 Management of Companies and Enterprises Compensacion a empleados 30.7 31.7 32.5 34.2 37.6 46.2 403 48.4 51.7 573 Employees' compensation Ingresos procedentes de la propiedad 345 272 21.6 23.6 341 35.2 395 71.1 75.7 60.7 Proprietors' income Servicios Administrativos y de Apoyo 1,525. 1,595.0 1,647.4 1,653.8 1,6123 1,5593 1,630.5 1,829.6 1,752.2 1,773.9 Administrative Services and Support Compensacion a empleados 1,4295 1,5033 1,539.1 1,569.4 1,5183 1,499.7 1,503.8 1,615.5 1558.4 1,612.6 Employees' compensation Ingresos procedentes de 96.4 91.7 083 843 94.0 59.6 126.7 214.0 193.7 1613 Proprietors' income Servicios Educativos 514.8 5374 513.2 524.2 488.9 4793 4533 4293 455.4 479.4 Educational Services Compensacion a empleados 382.2 4045 422.5 425.2 4085 405. 386.4 366.6 389.4 419.0 Employees' compensation Ingresos procedentes de la propiedad 132.6 132.9 90.6 99.0 80.4 743 66.9 62.7 66.0 60.4 Proprietors' income Servicios de Salud y Servicios Sociales 2,8778 2,8653 3,0872 3,192.9 3,320. 3,3045 3,3523 3,224.9 3,379.9 3,4383 Health Care and Social Services Compensacion a empleados 2,0323 2,142. 2,2495 2,320.5 2,383.1 2375.2 2,3879 2,311.0 2376.0 2,503.1 Employees' compensation Ingresos procedentes de la propiedad 845.5 723.2 837.7 872.4 937.0 9293 964.4 913.8 1,003.9 935.2 Proprietors' income Arte, Entretenimiento y Recreation 58.7 663 78.8 119.1 105.1 123 124.0 91.5 105.8 111.5 Art, Entretainment and Recreation Compensacion a empleados 66.6 663 71.7 77.4 73.4 303 873 781 86.7 94.8 Employees' compensation Ingresos procedentes de la propiedad (79 0.0 7.1 41.6 31.7 32.0 36.6 133 192 16.7 Proprietors' income Alojamiento y Restaurantes 1,4779 1,552.0 1,645.7 1,702.0 1,743.1 1,773.5 1,738.4 1,659.0 1,726.0 1,752.4 Accommodation and Food Services Compensacion a empleados 1,080.8 1,115.6 1,154.7 1,183.6 12005 1,190. 1,193 1,133.2 1,182.5 1229.7 Employees' compensation Ingresos procedentes de la propiedad 3971 436.4 491.0 518.4 542.6 582.6 544.9 525.8 5435 522.8 Proprietors' income Otros Servicios 332.4 342.7 364.2 371.8 365.7 364.6 364.7 349.8 376.7 373.S Other Services Compensacion a empleados 2603 276.0 298.6 306.5 306.5 306.C 308.2 292.9 314.7 322.9 Employees' compensation Ingresos procedentes de la propiedad 72.1 66.8 65.6 65.2 592 58.6 559 56.8 62.0 51.0 Proprietors' income Gobierno (2) 8,215.9 8,277.7 82375 7,825.1 7,264.0 7236.1 7175.2 6,343.0 5,861.7 5,318.4 Government (2) Compensacion a empleados 8,215.9 8,277.7 8,2375 7825.1 7,264.0 7236.1 7,175.2 6343.0 5,861.1 5318.4 Employees' compensation Ingresos procedentes de la propiedad 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Proprietors' income - Cifras revisadas. r - Revised figures. p- Cifras preliminares. p- Preliminary figures. (1) Incluye la ganancia neta y el interes neto originado en todos los sectores industriales en Puerto Rico. ) Includes net profit and net interest originated in all industrial sectors in Puerto Rico. (2) Incluye gobierno central del E.LA. y municipios. 2) Includes Commonwealth central government and municiplos. Fuente: Junta de Planificacion, Programa de Planificacion Economica y Social, Source: Puerto Rico Planning Board, Program of Economic and Social Planning, Subprograma de Analisis Economico. Subprogram of Economic Analysis.2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018r 2019r 2020p PRODUCTO BRUTO 65,720.7 68,085.7 68,944.9 68,7975 69,602.0 69,985.2 69,0495 67,7395 70,765.0 70,186.9 GROSS PRODUCT Menos: Depreciacion 7,2313 7,103.6 6,906.4 7,1613 7,135.6 6,979.7 6,659.8 6,619.5 6,697.1 6,726.9 Less: Depreciation Igual a: Producto neto 58,489.4 60,982.1 62,0385 61,636.2 62,4665 63,005.4 62,389.7 61,120.0 64,067.9 63,460.0 Equals: Net product Mas: Subsidios 767.9 759.8 7113 738.6 801.9 825.1 650.0 620.8 7093 708.1 us: Subsid Menos: Contribuciones indirectas 5,093.0 5,059. 4,983.4 5,204 . 5,332.6 6,462.2 6,839.8 6,609.2 7,104.9 6,160.8 Less: Indirect business taxes Transferencias de empresas 2,567.8 1,897.7 1,971.1 1,556.7 570.0 1,493.7 1387.7 13475 1316.1 1,293.2 Business transfers Discrepancies estadistica 5589 5773 405.0 2353 3712 (317.7) 528.7 305.8) 548.8 (6093) statistical discrepancy GUAL A: INGRESO NETO 51,037.6 54,207.0 55,390.4 55,378.6 55,994.6 56,192.4 54,283.5 54,089.9 55,807.4 57,323.3 EQUALS: NET INCOME Menos: Aportaciones a sistemas de Less: Contributions for social seguridad social 4,954.2 5,256.0 5,286.9 5,371.2 5,2485 5,412.2 5,5795 4,819.2 4,749.2 4,8373 insurance Empleados 1,951.7 2,1553 2,150.9 2,236.8 2,172.4 2,170.2 2, 189.8 2,095.0 2,041.7 2,048.6 Employees Patronos 3,002.4 3,100.6 3,136.0 3,134.4 3,076.7 3,241.9 3389.7 2, 724.2 2,707.4 2,788.6 Employers Ganancias sin distribuir Undistributed corporate de corporaciones 9,002.1 11,044.0 11,692.2 11,491.7 12,4683 12,914.6 10,057.2 9,2865 9186.5 12,633.8 profits Contribucion sobre ingresos Corporate income de corporaciones 1,6773 1,460.4 1,286.5 1,9143 1,843.5 1,663.6 1,602.9 1,775.7 2,491.8 2,072.2 tax Ganancias de empresas Profits of public publicas (962.4) (1,186.8 (1,200.2) 983.2) (1,217.0 (1,234.9) (1,076.9) (1,164.6) 250.5 (464.0) enterprises Interes recibido por el Interest received by gobierno (7) 270.2 +61.6 136.8 357.1 71.6 1303 403.9 4675 846.7 652.1 government (7) GUAL A: INGRESO NETO QUE EQUALS: NET INCOME THAT AFLUYE A LAS PERSONAS 36,096.2 37,172.0 38,188.2 37,2275 37,479.7 37306.6 37,716.8 38,905.7 38,282.9 37,592.1 FLOWS TO PERSONS Mas: Pagos de transferencia 23,584.1 23,4345 24,186.8 24,079.1 24,243.7 24,358.0 25,436.4 29,958.8 28,676.8 32341.8 Plus: Transf Gobierno 20,5665 21,123.6 21,797.8 22,095.9 22,230.4 22,403.3 23,573.4 28,053.2 26,850.7 30,512.6 Government Central y municipios 5,190.1 5,2813 5,4682 5,7415 5,798.0 5,905.1 5,783.9 6,194.9 5,613.0 6,374.7 Central and municipios Federal 15,3523 15,822.0 16,299.7 16,324.1 16,399.0 16,464.2 17,759. 21,8283 21,215.4 24,120.7 Federal Estatales de E.E.U.U. 24.1 20.2 29.9 303 33.5 33.9 30.4 30.0 223 172 U.S. state governments Empresas 2,567.8 1,897.7 ,971.1 556.7 1,570.0 1,493.7 1,387.7 13475 1,316.1 1,293.2 Business Remesas personales 379.1 390.8 402.4 411.5 427.6 4443 +55.9 467.7 488.4 516.C Private remittances Otros no residentes 70.8 22.4 15.6 15.0 157 16.7 195 90.4 21.5 20.7 Other nonresidents Interes pagado 1,498.4 1,620.6 1,784.7 1809.1 2,032.9 1,936. 1,709.8 1,283.8 1,203.7 1,1463 Interest paid Gobierno (1) 11.8 32.4 352. 512.6 5089 542.4 490.0 1623 50.4 485 Government (1) Personas 1,486.6 1,588 1,432.8 ,296. 1,524.0 1293.6 1,219.7 1,121.5 1,1533 1,097.7 Persons IGUAL A: INGRESO PERSONAL 61,178.7 62,227.1 64,159.7 63,115.7 63,7563 63,600.7 64,863.0 70,1483 68,163.2 71,080.0 EQUALS: PERSONAL INCOME r- Cifras revisadas. r- Revised figures. p- Cifras preliminares - Preliminary f () Cifras negativas. ) Negative figures. (1) Incluye el gobierno central y los municipios. (1) Includes central government and municipios. Fuente: Junta de Planificacion, Programa de Planificacion Economica Source: Puerto Rico Planning Board, Program of Economic and Social Planning, y Social, Subprograma de Analisis Economico. Subprogram of Economic Analysis.TABLA 15 - INGRESO PERSONAL: ANOS FISCALES IN DICE-INDEX TABLE 15 - PERSONAL INCOME: FISCAL YEARS (En millones de dolares - In millions of dollars) 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018r 2019r 2020p INGRESO PERSONAL 61,178.7 62,227.1 64,159.7 63,115.7 63,7563 63,600.7 64,863.0 70,1483 68,163.2 71,080.0 PERSONAL INCOME Compensacion a empleados 29,290.0 29,671.2 29,841.1 293493 28,873.9 28,571.9 28,483.5 27,859.2 27,523.7 27,947.8 Employees' compensation Empresas, Personas e instituciones sin fines de lucro 19,9223 20,193.1 20,401.7 20,378.1 20,410.0 20,114.7 20,028.6 20,103.4 20,627.0 21,551.6 Business, household and nonprofit institutions Gobierno 8,215.9 8,277.7 82375 7,825.1 7,264.0 7236.1 7,175.2 6343.0 5,861.1 5,318.4 Government Resto del mundo 1,151.7 1,2003 1,201.9 1,146.0 1,199.9 1,221.1 1,279.8 1,412.8 1,035.6 1,0778 Rest of the world Menos: Aportaciones a sistemas de Less: Contributions for social seguridad social 4,954.2 5,256.0 5,286.9 5,371.2 5,2485 5,412.2 5,5795 4,819.2 4,749.2 4,8373 insurance Empleados 1,951.7 2,1553 2,150.9 2,236.8 2,172.4 2,170.2 2,189.8 2,095.0 2,041.7 2,048.6 Employees Patronos 3,002.4 3,100.6 3,136.C 3,134.4 3,076.1 3,241.9 3,389.7 2,724.2 2,707.4 2,788.6 Employers Ingresos procedentes de la propiedad 13,258.8 14,377.4 15,418.7 15,058.5 15,8872 16,083.0 16,522.6 17,149.4 16, 711.9 15,627.6 Proprietors' income Ganancia de empresas no Profit of unincorporated incorporadas 2,4213 2,516.7 2,805.5 2,912.2 3,120.5 3,139.7 3,479.6 3,613.4 4,089.9 3,762.6 enterprises Dividendos de corporaciones Dividends of domestic locales 259.7 2495 2393 224.9 223.5 232.0 239.7 264.1 261.4 316.1 corporations Ingresos miscelaneos y dividendos Miscellaneous income and recibidos del exterior 73 5.7 5.7 70 6.9 74 93 78.8 137.8 123.1 dividends received from abroad Ganancia de personas por Rental income of arrendamiento 8,552.0 9,672.0 9,668.3 9,4903 9346.8 9,480.7 9386. 9570.7 9,815.6 9,979.6 persons Intereses recibidos por personas 2,018.4 1,933.5 2,699.9 2,424.0 3,1895 3,223.2 3,408.0 3,622.5 2,4072 1,4463 Personal interest income Pagos de transferencia 23,584.1 23, 434.5 24,186.8 24,079.1 24,243.7 24,358.0 25,436.4 29,958.8 28,676.8 32,341.8 Transfer payments Gobierno central y municipios 5,190.1 5,2813 5,468.2 5,7415 5,798.0 5,905.1 5,783.9 6,194.9 5,613.0 6,374.7 Central government and municipios Gobierno federal 15,3523 15,822.0 16,299.7 16,324.1 16,399.0 16,464.2 17,759.1 21,8283 21,215.4 24,120.7 Federal government Gobiernos estatales de E.E.U.U. 24.1 20.2 29.9 303 33.5 33.9 30.4 30.0 223 172 U.S. state governments Empresas 2,567.8 1,897.7 1.971.1 1556.7 1,570.0 1,493.7 1387.7 13475 1,316.1 1,293.2 Business Otros no residentes 449.9 413.2 4179 4265 4433 461.1 475.4 558.1 5099 536.0 Other nonresidents r - Cifras revisadas. - Revised figures. p- Cifras preliminares. o- Preliminary figures. Fuente: Junta de Planificacion, Programa de Planificacion Economica y Social, Source: Puerto Rico Planning Board, Program of Economic and Social Planning, Subprograma de Analisis Economico. Subprogram of Economic Analysis.2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019r 2020p PRODUCTO BRUTO 6,431.7 6,466.2 6,457.6 6,343.9 6,292.2 6,191.5 5,991.9 5,730.5 5,831.3 5,643.9 GROSS PRODUCT Gastos de consumo personal 9,570.5 9,801.5 9,967.0 9,656.3 9,403.3 9,136.3 9,061.5 9,018.7 9,362.7 8,484.4 Personal consumption expenditures Articulos duraderos 1,703.3 1,788.7 1,859.0 1,645.7 1,715.4 1,690.4 1,753.5 1,887.4 2,041.6 1,671.5 Durable goods Articulos no duraderos 3,795.3 3,897.7 3,968.4 3,696.6 3,538.4 3,292.3 3,241.2 3,190.8 3,272.8 3,179.2 Nondurable goods Servicios 4,071.9 4,115.1 4,139.5 4,314.0 4,149.6 4,153.6 4,066.9 3,940.5 4,048.2 3,693.8 Services Gastos de consumo del gobierno 1,764.8 1,787.0 1,748.8 1,877.4 1,680.7 1,616.3 1,667.1 1,634.7 1,721.5 1,717.0 Government consumption expenditure Central (1) 1,248.3 1,259.7 1,230.0 1,358.5 1,173.4 1,107.8 1,166.0 1,154.8 1,232.1 1,242.5 Central (1) Municipios 516.4 527.3 518.8 519.0 507.3 508.5 501.1 479.9 489.5 474.5 Municipios Inversion interna bruta, total 1,488.3 1,574.3 1,434.9 1,348.5 1,354.1 1,247.8 1,291.0 2,080.3 2,096.9 1,639.5 Gross domestic investment, total Cambio en inventarios 23.5 32.0 10.9 11.2 75.0 25.0 (20.0) 1.6 1.4 8.1 Change in inventories Inversion interna bruta de Gross domestic fixed capital fijo 1,464.8 1,542.3 1,424.0 1,337.3 1,279.1 1,222.8 1,371.0 2,078.7 2,095.5 1,631.5 investment Construccion 435.7 503.7 429.0 357.5 341.7 283.8 246.9 808.0 709.4 444.7 Construction -37.3 (264.7) Empresas privadas 203.4 227.2 207.2 194.2 192.1 186.2 166.6 239.3 310.2 250.5 Private enterprises -19.2 (59.7) Empresas publicas 132.1 161.9 137.4 98.7 88.9 52.3 42.1 541.5 364.8 156.3 Public enterprises 57.2 (208.5) Gobierno 100.3 114.6 84.4 64.6 60.6 45.4 38.3 27.1 34.5 37. Government 9.9 3.4 Central (1) 63.5 78.1 53.8 40.1 35.7 31.0 27.5 20.3 28.0 30.2 Central (1) 7.9 2.2 Municipios 36.8 36.5 30.6 24.5 24.9 14.4 10.8 6.8 6.5 7.6 Municipios 16.9 1.1 Maquinaria y equipo 1,029.0 1,038.6 995.0 979.9 937.4 939.0 1,064.1 1,270.7 1,386.1 1,186.8 Machinery and equipment -14.38 Empresas privadas 977.8 990.5 957.9 946.8 899.5 903.2 1,023.8 1,238.7 1,349.8 1,152.4 Private enterprises -14.62 -197.4 Empresas publicas 16.3 15.1 9.6 8.1 8.5 7.1 8.9 8.1 7.2 7.9 Public enterprises 9.72 0.7 Gobierno 35.0 33 .1 27.5 25.0 29.4 28.7 31.3 24.0 29.0 26.5 Government 8.62 -2.5 Central (1) 26.2 23.9 18.7 16.4 21.2 20.7 22.7 16.5 21.8 19.8 Central (1) -9.17 -2 Municipios 8.8 9.1 8.8 8.6 8.2 8.0 8.6 7.5 7.2 6.7 Municipios -6.94 -0.5 Ventas netas al resto del mundo 6,391.9) (6,696.6) (6,693.1) (6,538.4) (6,145.9) (5,808.9) (6,027.6) (7,003.2) (7,349.8) (6,197.0) Net sales to the rest of the world Ventas al resto del mundo 6,380.0 5,956.3 5,839.8 5,718.6 5,934.1 6,116.2 5,840.1 6,334.8 7,017.9 7,000.8 Sales to the rest of the world Gobierno federal 290.5 315.7 313.2 294.5 300.9 300.6 304.9 316.1 266.9 255.3 Federal government Otros no residentes 6,089.5 5,640.5 5,526.6 5,424.1 5,633.2 5,815.7 5,535.1 6,018.8 6,751.0 6,745.5 Other nonresidents Compras al resto del mundo 12,772.0 12,652.8 12,532.9 12,257.0 12,080.0 11,925.1 11,867.7 13,338.0 14,367.7 13,197.8 Purchases from the rest of the world Gobierno federal 58.8 43.0 42.4 40.3 40.9 36.2 38.3 38.6 41.0 38.9 Federal government Otros no residentes 12,713.2 12,609.9 12,490.5 12,216.6 12,039.1 11,888.9 11,829.4 13,299.5 14,326.7 13,158.9 Other nonresidents