Objective: Part of the Code for a Reversi Game The goal of this lab is to write a program that will be used (in Lab 7) as part of a Reversi game, as well as a little bit of the thinking' code that will be used in that lab to have the computer play against a human opponent. Here is a brief description of the full Reversi game. Reversi is played on a board (like a chess board or a checkers board) that has dimensions n x n, where n is even. In the picture below n 4. The game uses tiles that are white on one side, and black on the other side (they can be "flipped" over to change their colour). One player plays white; the other player plays black. The picture below shows the initial board configuration, which has two white and two black tiles placed in advance at the centre. Observe that rows and columns are labelled with letters. Figure 1: Starting positions on the Reversi game board A "turn" consists of a player laying a tile of his/her own colour on a candidate empty board position, subject to the following two rules: 1. There must be a continuous straight line of tile(s) of the opponent's colour in at least one of the eight directions from the candidate empty position (North, South, East, West, and diagonals). 2. In the position immediately following the continuous straight line mentioned in #1 above, a tile of the player's colour must already be placed After playing a tile at a position that meets the above critera, all of the lines of the oppo- nent's tiles that meet the criteria above are flipped to the player's colour In the picture below, all of the candidate positions for White's next move are shown shaded. Figure 2: All of the candidate positions for White's next move If the White player decides to play at row c, column a, the Black tile at row c, column b is flipped and the board looks like this Figure 3 White plays at row c,columma The picture below shows the possible move positions for the Black player Figure 4: All of the candidate positions for Black's next move after White plays at (c, a). If the Black player lays a tile at (b, a), the board appears like this: Figure 5: Black plays at (b, a). Finally, if the White player lays a tile at (a,e) the board appears like this: Figure 6: White responds to Black by playing at (a,c) Note that in White's move, two lines of Black tiles were flipped: the line directly to the South, and the line to the South West. The turns alternate between the players, unless one player has no available move, in which case the only player with an available move is allowed to continue to make moves until a move becomes available for the opponent. At this point, the opponent is allowed to take a turn and the alternating turns between the players resumes. The game ends when either: 1) the entire board is full or 2) neither player has an available move. For this lab, you will implement part of the game-playing functionality. You will complete the game in Lab 7, using the functionality you have built in this lab, so please be mindful to build clean and re-usable code for this lab You will write a C program that will do the following: (Note that the specific details of input and output will be given in the example runs below this section.) 1. The first input to the program will be n, giving the size of the n x n board. You may assume that n will be an even number and will never be larger than 26, and There is no need to allocate memory dynamically or to declare variable-length arrays. Your program should initialize the should declare a static 2-dimensional array board as shown above and print it. 2. The next sequence of inputs will describe a board configuration, representing a sit- uation part-way through a game of Reversi. Each line of input will consist of three characters with no spaces in between. The first character will be a colour: 8 or the second character will be the row (a -z); the third character will be the column (a- z). The three characters represent a tile of the specified colour placed at the specified row and column. The three-character sequenceends the board configuration en- try phase. Character arithmetic can be used to translate the rows/columns into array your program should not check for move legality during this phase. This phase is simply to input an intermediate board eg. b -'a' equals 1. Note: sh configuration 3. Then, your program should print a list of the available moves for the White player followed by a list of the available moves for the Black player, given the board con- figuration input in the previous step. The available moves for each player should be printed in the order of increasing rows, then in the order of increasing columns (for available moves in the same row). 4. Next, your program should ask the user to input a move, represented in the same three-character format. Your program should check if the move is valid, and if so, make the move, flipping the tiles correspondingly. If the move is invalid, your pro- gram should indicate so. 5. Your program should print the final board configuration and terminate. Your program tion: must use the following characters to represent the state of each board posi- u- for unoccupied B occupied by black Woccupied by white For example, after the entire board above is entered, it would be printed as follows: a UUMU d uUuu To print the board, your program should contain a function with the following prototype: void printBoard(char boardL(26], int n); where board is the 2D array representing the current board state, and n is the board di- Here is an example execution of the program: Enter the board dimension: 4 b UNBU C UBNU Enter board configuration Bba ica abcd a UUBU c WBNU Available moves for W: bd Available moves for B: Enter a move: Wdb Valid move abcd a UUBU b BNBU d UNUU Here is another example execution of the program where the final move is invalid: Enter the board dimension: 6 Enter board configuration: Bad Wde b UUUBUU UUUDLU Available moves for W be ec Available moves for B: ba bo ca db df ed Enter a move: Bbe Invalid move abcdef a UUUBUU b UUUBUU d UUBWWU We strongly encourage you to break up your program into separate functions, and to care- fully test each function separately, before connecting it into the larger program. To help with this, you are required to create the following helper functions and use them in your implementation: bool positionInBounds (int n, char row, char col); which checks whether the specified (row, col) lies within the board dimensions. It is very error prone to write separate code to check each of the eight possible line direc- tions that begin at a given tile. To simplify this, you are required to write and use the following function: bool checkLegalInDirection(char board[]C26], int n, char row, char col, char colour, int deltaRow, int deltaCol) which checks whether (row, col) is a legal position for a tile of colour by "looking" in the direction specified by deltaRow and deltaCol. deltaRow and deltaCol take on values of -1 0, and 1, with the restriction that they cannot both be 0. For example, if deltaRow 1 and del tacol = 0, the function searches the South line. If deltaRow =-1 and del tacol = 1, the function searches the Northeast line. The idea is that, elsewhere in your program, you will call the helper function 8 times to search the lines in the 8 possible directions. The lab TAs will be checking for the presence and use of these helper functions in vour program