On December 31, 2020. Phera Compury imeits $27.000 in Valery a variable interest eotity in contractual agreements zoniplesed on after Pelias inwestenent, Valery prosents the fotowing batarice sheet. Fach of the amounts repreventi an assessed tair value at Decenber 31, 2020, except for the marketing sathaare the December it busimess tair value of Valery is assessed at $108,000. 6. If the civiying arsount of the mariceting softwase was undervalued by $32,000 what armountw for Vakery mould appesar in Peiral Oecember 31, 2020. consolldated financial stateinents? ( heciviter 11,2020 comselidated financlal stafements? Complete this question by entering your answers in the tals below. If the camping amount of the marketing saltware was undervalued by 532,000, what amounts far valery would appear in Petrais Docernber 31,2020 , consolidated finandal statementa? (Iripot ail amounts as positive values) On December 31, 2020. Phera Compury imeits $27.000 in Valery a variable interest eotity in contractual agreements zoniplesed on after Pelias inwestenent, Valery prosents the fotowing batarice sheet. Fach of the amounts repreventi an assessed tair value at Decenber 31, 2020, except for the marketing sathaare the December it busimess tair value of Valery is assessed at $108,000. 6. If the civiying arsount of the mariceting softwase was undervalued by $32,000 what armountw for Vakery mould appesar in Peiral Oecember 31, 2020. consolldated financial stateinents? ( heciviter 11,2020 comselidated financlal stafements? Complete this question by entering your answers in the tals below. If the camping amount of the marketing saltware was undervalued by 532,000, what amounts far valery would appear in Petrais Docernber 31,2020 , consolidated finandal statementa? (Iripot ail amounts as positive values)