once you are ready, youll need to do two things to make a connection to a users file:
Time: Due R Calculator: OK Test 4 - Aggregation 30) Belore you can open a connection to a file stream, you must do three things A) declare a vector of objects to store the file contents. B) get from the user the name of their te. C) include the library fstream D) deciare either an ifstream or an ofstream variable to connect to the file with. E) declare a variable to count how many ines we've processed in the file. 31) Once you are ready, youn' need to do two things to make a connection to a users so: A) clear the stream variable to make sure it is ready to use. B) convert the string flename variable to a c.str as you pass it to the file connecting method C) pass your string filename to the file oonnecting method as is D) use the connect method with respect to your stream variable. E) use the open method with respect to your stream variablo. 32) When opening a Ne connection, make sure the stream connected successfully to the fhe by A) clear the filename string inside the checking loop. B) checking for fail or Igood or even just t C) use instead of getline for the filename the second [and later] time(s. D) clearing the stream variable after the checking loop is done. E) using close and clear inside the checking loop. 33) When calling code that might an exception, we should to execute it and then any possible exception(s). 34) TRUE/FALSE exceptions are meant to handle extreme situations. TRUE/FALSE For instance, many string class methods use them to report Invald capitalization of data. TRUE/ FALSE The methods of the vector class use them to report out.of.range positions 35) What functions/operations can you use to get data from an ifstream variable? What functions/operations can you use to put data into an ofstream variable? 36) What is the type of getline's first argument that it can be used to read from either cin or an ifstream vari- able? What type should you use to allow a function to display' to either cout or an ofstream variable