One Sided Hypothesis Beyond Chocolate - Cocoa beans and Chocolate - Supply Chain Logistics 2. Ghana in West Africa has the best climatic conditions to
One Sided Hypothesis
Beyond Chocolate - Cocoa beans and Chocolate - Supply Chain Logistics
2. Ghana in West Africa has the best climatic conditions to grow Cocoa.High Quality and well dried beans are exported to Belgium to produce one of the finest Chocolates.It is estimated 400 dried beans are required to make one pound (454 grams) of chocolate.
Each pod contains an average of 40 beans in a pod.Last year, with high Humidity and good amount of rainfall, the yield was higher than expected and is 50 beans in a pod.Use the0.10, to test the Hypohesis has the yield higher than the average?
State the Null and alternate Hypothesis.
Use the Z statistical modeling.
Conclude the Hypothesis at 0.01 significance level and from the p value.
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